Operating on Your PAST-LIFE TRUTHS

Our gray soul essence has not been so good at letting the human know what it did and experienced in its past incarnations, which has handicapped the current human in getting updates and integrating new information into our new biology, now moments and current functioning.

What our gray soul has done and experienced is stored in our multidimensional grid system.  Humans are a lower frequency than our grid system is, which means the human needs to talk about and ask questions ALOUD, because that grants higher frequencies permission to interact with those that have freewill, to share what they know and for the human to sense, hear, imagine or dream about the soul’s history.

Also higher frequencies operate on the belief that if you can’t form the question you are not ready to accept the answer.  Or when the human asks a broad meaningless question that is not specific enough to be answered, except vaguely, you get.

“Why, Am I unhappy?”

“You don’t love yourself.”  Most humans don’t know what to do with that answer.

When the human’s “gray soul” STILL has reactions to things, people, events or emotions that trigger it to move into a past time fear or painful event the human needs to know the truth about WHY.  In order to stop going unconscious or dissociate and robotically respond with one or more of the fear reactions: fight, flight, freeze or sacrifice the self.  The human and its gray soul need to relive or re-experience the original incident that traumatized them.  The conscious TRUTH, around the original event allows the human and soul to consciously transmute their perceptions and discharge the “emotional charge” that made them go unconscious or dissociate and robotically respond with one or more of their fear reactions.  And then the current soul incarnation will update its multi dimensional DNA.

Some ways to get at the original traumas the gray soul experienced.

Working with an enlightened witness, friend or therapist to ask questions and keep you focused on getting answers about the particular issue that puts you into a past time fear, confusion or chaos that triggers a robotic reaction in you.  Understanding the truth gives clarity, the ability to transmute and be peaceful.

ENGRAM or EVENT is a complete cycle of violence, a small podcast of trauma, plus things you told yourself that you may still believe UNCONSCIOUSLY are true, but are not so rational or healthy.

POSTULATE is a truth you told yourself or another said, while you were addicted, traumatized, unconscious or dissociated during ANY incarnation of your gray soul.  Lacking consciousness, means nothing can change or be factchecked and rational.  ANY belief you hold remains as your truth UNTIL you bring it into your consciousness to factcheck and consider its logic.

STATEMENTS LIKE: I am not good enough to be loved and cared for by me.

I do NOT put things in my body that nurture and support health.

No one loves me.  I am blind.  You are stupid.

RUNNING is repeating an incident, phrase, engram or postulate over and over again, until there is no longer an emotional charge left on it and it will no longer trigger you into past time robotic actions or responses.  Repetition brings significant and needed details into your consciousness.  What you own, you have control of!

You can ask for a slideshow or dream from your higher self about anything you want to know more about.  Generally there is a theme, a quantum law you are having trouble aligning with.  For example an inability to allow others to be on their own path without your interference, neediness or force and control to please you.

VALENCE or ALTERNATE PERSONALITY is unconsciously assuming somebody else’s identity that can be a true, false, created or even an animal or object, along with carrying your own identity.  A person can move back and forth in and out of their core personality into any other adopted identity.  Adopted identities are used when one has lost confidence in themself, for example when victimized, you choose to take on the identity of your predator to feel safer and create the illusion of being in control.

The abused child becomes an abusive adult or parent to create the illusion of safety from being the victim.  They disassociate and move into the valence of the abuser, mimicking their action and behaviors, becoming the bully and tyrant to ward off their unconscious fear, suffering and not being compassionate..

When you are a generational Illuminist, as an older child and adult you are forced to traumatize and “train” the smaller younger children and relatives in your group, just as you were trained.  There is no way to avoid that role and stay alive.

ALTERS are a split off and separated pieces of the core personality to deal with what the core personality refuses to allow into its awareness.  SPLITS are a slice of a piece.

Words, phrases, songs, nursery rhymes, children’s books and movies or images are used as triggers to shift the consciousness into another personality or to run another program.  using a phrase like “Walk a mile in my shoes”  “You’re just like your mother” or father or sister or the devil.  Generally valence shifting is unconscious, but now our higher selves are making them conscious for us, if and when we ASK!  Staying conscious when being triggered allows you to control and choose what you want to think and do!  

BOUNCERS, DISRUPTORS and/or FLOODING operate like a cattle-prod to REDIRECT the cattle’s attention, create anxiety, confusion and fear that they are doing the wrong thing and will get punished.  Thoughts or images are put into your awareness so rapidly, it’s impossible to focus, think clearly or feel safe.  Bouncers, disrupters and flooding disrupt one from putting cause and effect together, from factchecking and being rational.  You rely on habit, conditioned responses and robotic reaction stored in the SNS, sympathetic nervous systems and our inter-dimensional DNA or aura that is “on duty” INSTEAD of rational logical thought.  

Some bouncers are phrases like; “Get out!”  “I Can’t stay here!” 

Flooding is a rapid flow of thoughts, images or sensations of the times you were in extreme pain, trauma or overwhelm. 

Lacking CONSCIOUSNESS, means you have no control.

Irrational beliefs, postulates or engrams from any incarnation of your gray soul are easily triggered, moving your consciousness into PAST time: a sound, smell, word, picture, feeling or taste that is similar to what was experienced in the past trauma or violence to your self concept.  When your inter dimensional sympathetic nervous system gets triggered or re-stimulated you RESPOND by returning to that event’s time period and your emotional reaction.

INTEGRATING the parts and pieces of your consciousness and bringing them ALL UP to PRESENT time, is easier now with the elevated frequencies on Gaia the human and its higher selves can choose to gather all the alternate personalities and splits to let them know the from now on the human is going to consciously experience all of its feelings and cope with all that needs handling in life by staying conscious and choose compassion for the self.

The human can express gratitude for all its alternate personalities and splits in consciousness that have helped and supported them in their fears and dissociation.

Allow the alternate personalities and splits to decide if they trust the human enough now to reintegrate back with the core personality.  If and when they say yes, invite them to do that now.  If some of the alters or splits refuse ask if they would like a portal of greater light opened for them.  If they say yes, do that.

A sidebar: “The Family’s” tried and true methods for getting slaves “jumped solidly BACK into the fold” is to make them AFRAID, very afraid that they are just too pathetic, unskilled, uneducated and all around failures and too scared to survive on their own.  They are STRONGLY reminded that they need “The Family’s” backup financially and telling them what to do and how to do it, while always giving the slave the illusion of having freewill to do as they wish.  Which is never true once they consciously chose to join the family!

“The Family” knows what scares a particular slave the most and send them, those very painful memories of them unable to cope, help or protect themselves, over and over again, especially as a small child.  The slave, like most victims of violence and abuse, go back to their predator for protection, guidance and comfort, sacrificing themself once again.

The 8 year old split from one man went to the man’s enlightened witnesses consciousness for help because it trusted her and had been unable to trust the man to keep the 8 year old split protected and safe.  She questioned the 8 year old and found out the man had 27 different splits from before the time he joined the Illuminists. 

The enlightened witness took the eight year old and the 27 splits into her 4D safe space, to prevent anyone accessing them.  Treating them as one group that could help heal each other.  She explained, WE are only going to be nice, compassionate and comforting with each other.  We will be listening to everyone’s stories and their feelings.  If anyone didn’t want to do that, they are welcome to leave.  Everyone needs to get cozy and comfortable with each other.  As we work on consciously to understanding what has happened to us and why.  We need to own what you did to other children and what was done to you and why.  Let us know about any issues, problems or confusion you have and we will help you explore them with the knowledge of cause and effect, the wisdom and compassion for all.

Eventually the splits trusted the man enough to reintegrate back into the core personality’s grid system and inter-dimensional aura.  The man and his integrated splits are conscious and he, his infinite gray soul, is working owning its choices now and the direction he wants to move in. 

Stay CONSCIOUS and force yourself to pick ONE thing to focus on at a time.  Then think, feel and decide.  Then pick another piece to examine, own and do something about.  You need to BE conscious and think clearly, with help if you need it, to not follow bouncers and stop flooding.  Ask your higher self for help.

Illuminist children, all cult children and children of dysfunctional adults are NOT allowed to go through NORMAL childhood developmental stages of learning to be independent, self sufficient and use healthy coping mechanisms when stressed.  They are trained to always blame the self and distract the self with their own body, frequently abusively.  Any cult is very difficult and challenging to leave without a lot of compassion nurturing, support and understanding from the self and other Light Ones.

Multivalences can be in several people’s valances and moving back and forth in them.  Psychologist call these states of consciousness by other names; PTSD, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, DID Dissociative Identity Disorder or Multiple Personality Disorder, BPD Borderline Personality Disorder and Free Floating Anxiety.  Those with DID when given traditional psychological tests frequently show up as schizophrenic or schizoid.