One INCARNATION After Another


Have you maintained and fed simplistic beliefs, distortions, lies, secrets or misdirections, ONE incarnation after another?  Denying your culpability or responsibility in creations you put into motion lacking compassion for you?

When you want warm fuzzies you need to match the resonance of warm fuzzies and stop using cold prickles to drive people away, wound them, create a drama, conflict or war with them.  Cold prickles beget more cold prickles.  That is universal law! 

Are you angry or disappointed in what you think and intend and what that has attracted to you to experience.  Are you ready and willing to update the beliefs you operate with?

Can you release the joy you feel when sharing your ANGER COVERTLY or “Just joking” being snarky or sarcastic, impatient, blaming and judgmental to express and DENY simultaneously your deep anger, upset and wounding?  

Can you entertain the possibility that you are receiving what you have inflicted on others historically and possibly currently?  Can you accept and forgive you and move on.  Or will you KEEP ON consciously withhold your affection, knowledge, reassurance, nurturing, feelings, and the TRUTH in an effort to punish, blame, sabotage or guilt others and yourself, choosing to weaponize your anger, judgement and punishment.

Fundamental to Hinduism, Buddhism, Karma and balanced energy is getting back whatever energy and intent you give or emanate in thought and action.  

You attract and entrain with LIKE consciousness and intent, your soul does. 

That means the same kind of experiences in a variety of situations with various people in your life.  Seek to know and understand the patterns you keep repeating that result in the same experiences YOU are creating consciously or unconsciously.  Your soul is infinite, the death of the biology doesn’t change what the soul attracts and entrains with lifetime after incarnation after lifetime UNTIL you personally consciously gather the wisdom of being and sharing compassion.

Our soul’s feedback loops started many incarnations ago lacking compassion are the cold prickle’s we are FEELING now.  Your soul’s lies, secrets and self deception are calling for your conscious attention to be addressed NOW.  Your soul’s avoidance and denial keeps it frozen, stagnated unable to increase its compassion for itself.  Does the soul need another incarnation of disinformation, confusion, worshipping others to rescue it and maintain barriers giving it the illusion of protection against the nastiness originating FROM itself in a previous incarnation.

Universal or Quantum Principle of PROJECTION or EMANATION is your INTERNAL point of perception, YOUR personal STORY, thought, emotion and reality that you hold to be true for you is what you project out.  Your DNA scans your environment for resonances matching your beliefs.  Then your DNA changes its structure, to match what you chose to perceive.

Your unconscious and conscious thoughts, intent and actions, get manifested for you by quantum particles electromagnetically for you to CLEARLY see, sense and experience your intent.  When you have violated other’s freewill and the law of allowing, you electromagnetically have attracted and entrained with the type of resonance and experiences you intended to deliver to others.  

Knowing the result of one’s intent and actions are designed to increase your knowledge and wisdom.  This is NEVER a punishment or retribution from our very compassionate quantum field.

The soul is infinite, the death of the biology doesn’t change what the soul attracts and entrains with lifetime after lifetime.  The biology was used as a teaching tool to experience physically and what your thoughts create for you to experience moving your energy into form and action.  Fairness or the “right way” is NOT a CONCEPT in higher frequencies, higher brainwave states and compassionate thinking.  When you do not plan on assigning blame, punishment or penalties what does it matter if it is fair as long as it is compassionate?