Consider the way you approach your daily experiences. 

The issues before you are neutral neither positive or negative, they are the daily chores any human needs to deal with, along with the other humans that they share the same space with.  What overall attitude and approach do you take?

Do you start the day, with the perception that YOU are a powerless whiny, crabby victim looking for someone to blame and torment, while living another day of the same old unpleasant tasks, people’s neediness force and control that you are powerless to change, alter or get away from? 

Have you considered what the other’s think and feel about you?  

“The same old whiny, crabby human to deal with that I share space with.”

Can you feel that feedback loop and how it is sustained and maintained?  You and the other(s) blame, judge and punish each other.  Taking turns being the powerless victims and/or predators and/or confused innocent, which keeps the cycles maintained and sustained incarnation after incarnation.  New biology or form with the same old infinite stuck fearful soul in denial and avoidance of the truth.  You all gave away your power to each other.  You are distracting the SELF from going within to hear and use what is compassionate for you.

Do you start the day, with the perception that you are a creator experimenting with and exploring new understandings and options to implement?  Going about your daily chores that all humans deal with, along with the other humans that they share the same space with, conscious and curious about how they can effect changes to make their day more interesting, fun or joyful for themselves.

Have you considered what the other’s think and feel about that? 

They look forward to seeing what the creator is creating and enjoying and others want to join them and/or follow their example.

Our beliefs and actions have been created nurtured and sustained in a great many previous incarnations of our infinite soul.  Universal, Cosmic and Quantum LAW of Entrainment homogenizes and holds LIKE vibrations, consciousness, intentions, customs, ideas and values dark or light together.  We attract to us what our thought and intention emanates out, so we can see, feel and get to EXPERIENCE the cause and effect of the belief’s and actions we feed, sustain and act upon.

Quantum Law of ENTRAINMENT requires two or more frequencies; resonances, realities or thoughts existing in the same space MUST combine to create a SINGLE resonance.  That applies to all sentient beings, energy, humans, planets, universes, your thoughts, perceptions and intentions.

All things in our universe are sentient and are made up of quantum particle’s that are always moving, creating, attracting and entraining with each other’s electromagnetic energy field.  Everything, our thought, intent and feeling of the individual, group or event has a resonance or vibrational energy field surrounding them.  Like attracts like and entrains with it momentarily, forever and ever or any amount of time in between and creates a homogenized harmony in that field until someone changes it.

Different thoughts and intentions will get blended and entrained or they separate out of the entrainment.  A blending of resonances into one maintains harmony and balance.  For Example, on a scale of 1-10 if you are resonating at 3 and the other is at 7 you will vibrate at 5 together.  Or if one vibration or resonance is stronger it can pull the other to their level and both would be at 3 or 7 or in between.  Change in your thinking, intentions and beliefs happen when you consciously own them.  That gives YOU the power to consciously change them.

There is agreement among science, medicine and metaphysics that reestablishing the prime resonance of an organ heals it.  The sound or resonance of the cells of your heart differs from the resonance of the cells of your lungs.  A stressed body part no longer produces the correct sound wave, prime (optimal) resonant frequency.   Slow DEEP breaths can entrain your conscious mind to your inner thoughts, intent and beliefs.  The brain’s biological rhythms and our DNA seek like thoughts and intent in our outer environment to entrain with.

In 3D/4D quarantined reality we have all entrained with the same misinformation, lies and toxicity.  Compassion and healing can be found within us, not as a gift given from outside of us as a reward for obedience, efficiency, hard work, self sacrifice, being or following tyrants or bully’s.  

Compassion and healing is a gift you give the self or you withhold it.

Two or more vastly different resonances in the same space can cause a sudden imbalance in the energy field that you will notice.  A sudden large infusion of light may make you dizzy or spacey.  Disequilibrium may happen while thinking or having contact with a darker entity or an odor, feeling physically ill or vomiting.  You may become very sleepy while the biology takes time to rebalance itself, a nap can speed up the process. 

3D/4D was quarantined because their cycles and feedback loops lacked compassion for the self and others.  Their “compulsion to repeat” dysfunctional patterns

of doubt, confusion, being controlled and victimized or helpless means the individual chose consciously at one point in its many incarnations to be UNCONSCIOUS and ALLOW another Dark One(s) do their thinking for them so they can deny responsibility for their choices and nasty actions.  

Those that stay consciously compassionate with themselves, own responsibility for their thought and actions, treat all as equals and carry the resonance of give and receive only compassion.  “Cause and effect” or karmic rebalancing of energy happens immediately in the quantum field of give and receive ONLY compassion or that consciousness is dropped into quarantined 4D reality with resonances matching their current vibration.  

Judgement, punishment, blame, competition, vengeance, shame and retribution are only found in the quarantined holographic illusion lesson plan or module of 3D/4D.  In higher brainwave states and resonances injuries and wounds you have sustained or caused ARE healed, released and transmuted from within you, AFTER you consciously own them and transmute them by owning a compassionate point of perception.  Then YOU  consider that cycle completed, understood and you consciously gathered the wisdom.