Noticing OTHER Resonances


All the states of resonant energy exist and have always existed all around us concurrently and simultaneously, there is only the now moment created by quantum particles as a consciousness focuses on a thought.  With the exception of those who chose fear, blame, judgment and vengeance dropping their consciousness OUT of the quantum field of compassion and into 3D/4D quarantine.

We were trained to call ALL of the resonances and what exists in them “third dimension” or the devil or evil or witchcraft, but that is not truth and was done to make you fearful.  Being fearful makes you worry, doubt and stop trusting your own wisdom AND you allow an angry bully or tyrant to tell you what to think and do.  GREATLY lowering your resonance into 3D/4D quarantine lacking compassion and acceptance of you just as you are.

Now many are conscious and CURIOUS about the other resonances especially the higher frequencies of compassion that increases our purposefulness and joy.  Thought patterns in higher frequencies avoid lower resonating thoughts of force, greed, control and ownership.  Their joy comes from creating cooperatively or alone and the intrinsic feelings of being a conscious creator, well satisfied with their kind constructive creations in the moment.

Hearing or sensing another’s thoughts and feelings or unusual sights and new friendly sensation, a quick glimpse of something from the corner of your eye.  A sudden insight or awareness or an aha moment of clarity or creativity.  Blinking out or in, for a second or longer may be you visiting, experiencing, smelling, feeling or sensing another resonance, reality and/or another soul essence trying to interact with you.

A part of you may be giving or hearing a lecture in 4D.  Visiting a friend or relative in some frequency other than 3D while asleep or awake.  Doing some remote viewing, sensing or interacting while your biology sleeps or is tuned out or off or strongly focused as your consciousness bi-locates.

When you suddenly experience a frequency change because a higher or lower resonating energy or entity enters your aura’s consciousness, you may feel confused, dizzy or disoriented momentarily.  Be very curious and explore who or what you may be experiencing.  Ask aloud, “Am I” in a higher or lower energy than mine?

Who are you?  What would you enjoy sharing with me or knowing from me?

When in a sleep state or conscious, you may hear a doorbell or phone ring, only once generally, banging or any noise NOT happening in 3D.  You are just conscious enough to realize it’s not really loud enough to be a 3D event.  Most likely it’s a 4D communication, maybe you can allow in your logic and consciousness that other frequencies or dimensions can and do interact with us frequently.  We are actually immersed in a variety of frequencies and various realities in the way an animal in the ocean is, depending on where it swims, feeds, breads and lives.  Notice your pet or any animal or even plant or rock (they have faces), seeing or sensing or reacting to the frequencies and entities it sees and feels that you might not.

When you are unsure of what you hear, sense or feel, increase your curiosity and move into asking “yes/no” questions, you can listen for a verbal response and/or muscle test using kinesiology for answers.  

You may be experiencing an alternate reality of the past, present or future or feel  the mass conscious thoughts and feelings of the planet or humanity or a group of souls with the same intent and resonance matching yours.  We perceive different dimensions differently, just as we perceive different people or different astral bodies differently as every infinite soul essence has a unique signature frequency and intention.  It is helpful and wise to discern the energy and entities you are interacting with or noticing.

GHOSTS are astral bodies of a soul essence in 4D and their “grayness” is the ratio or percentage of compassion/light and wisdom their consciousness currently carry’s.  Generally they are confused and lack compassion for themself.  The human gray soul essence is not any wiser than it was when it separated from the sentient biology or form.  You can question it and open a portal for it, if they would like that.

IMPRINTS or IMPLANTS are frozen dense 4D energy loops of information in time and NOT updated.  They run the same loop of information and activity over and over again and aren’t conscious so you can’t interact with them.  But they could be a belief you hold that needs your conscious reevaluating.  Loops of implanted, imprinted information have measurable scientific attributes like magnetism, gravity, anomalies of time, light and temperature changes to the cold side and can be from any incarnation.  Your consciousness is ALWAYS stronger than any imprint or implant.

POSTULATE is a truth you told yourself or another said, while you were unconscious, addicted, traumatized or dissociated.  Lacking your consciousness, means it is an imprint or implant you canNOT change or factcheck until you become conscious of what you told yourself or you heard another say that you accepted as a truth for you AND you keep unconsciously operating on and believing it is true for you.  FOR example; that you are blind or stupid or can’t think or are evil! HELL is not a place it is a low frequency or resonance of the lower 4D energy field of fear, anger, punishment, violence and vengeance.  The lower 4D frequency of Gaia has been relocated along with the dark gray soul essence’s still matching that 4D frequency, feedback loop and reality of being victim, predator and confused innocent in denial, taking turns wounding, abusing, torturing, using, abandoning and/or killing the form or biology used for that incarnation over and over and over again.  With the illusion delusion that you won or gained something of value.

TELEPATHY is an energetic transfer of a creation, feeling, picture, thought, idea, concept and complex information or diagram.  It is easy to receive the thought of others including: rocks, plants, insects, reptiles, water, mist, wind, land, buildings, cats, cows and even other people’s soul.  

Societies of apes, elephants, whales and dolphins are some of the animals that developed a vocal language that was not necessary for them to communicate.  In tribal societies such as the Aborigines of Australia telepathy is accepted as a normal human faculty just as abused children develop telepathy with their abusers as a way to survive and guard against at least some possible future planned abuses.  Having the ability to receive each other’s thoughts, doesn’t mean the other human is receptive or interested, BUT their higher stream of consciousness vibrations or resonances of their soul will know what was sent.

Being in a state of BLISS or having a Near Death Experience is your awareness or consciousness moving into a higher brainwave state for a short period.  NDEs and bliss are NOT enlightenment or alignment with quantum laws and have nothing to do with ascension.  Being brought up into a higher vibration by your higher self, may give you a flash of insight or awareness that you remember later.  OR you can also be given an unpleasant “2 x 4 upside your head,” in a lower state of consciousness in hopes of waking you up.  To let you know, you are moving into even LESS compassion.

Bliss can also be experienced when you feel close and intimate with another or you have a sexual orgasm in an environment of safety and trust and open your electromagnetic field to each other.  Weeping and tears maybe induced initially.  Releasing your own bundle of negativity, upset, confusion and loneliness that you have stored in your aura for so long and it needs expressing, before you can feel the joy of self acceptance.