New NEURON Pathways


Always we have the option to create new neuron pathways, by changing our thoughts, beliefs and intent.  To do this takes conscious constant self-monitoring of your thoughts and emotional responses to maintain compassion and kindness for you to transform and transmute you from within.

Honestly discern who and what you interact with.  Do they or it have integrity, strong moral principles, without those characteristics, your compassion for you can easily be limited or sabotaged.  Make an action plan to implement with all the steps you are able to complete.  Thoughts to think and intend that are kind and compassionate for you and others.

For example, in a social situation and when you know in advance you will be taken advantage of, bored to death or abused emotionally, mentally or physically.  Decline the invitation or avoid the situation.  If they get twisted about your refusal to “join in,” that is their issue to deal with, not your problem.  Even if it’s your dysfunctional family member, love yourself enough to walk away and avoid the slow low quantum spin of interaction you might have.  Allow you and them their path without either of you judging or blaming or punishing anyone, EVEN and especially in your thoughts.

The serpent or dragon eating its own tail, signifies an infinity cycle of birth and death in the quarantined 3D/4D density leading NOWHERE because its density, lacks the compassion, wisdom or desire to stop judgment, blame, vengeance, punishment, fear and war.  The illusion or delusion of winning and loss, being in control and very powerful is derived from judgment, punishment, blame, competition, fear and wounding each other and the self over and over again.  

Dark Ones cannot be trusted and NO ONE is safe with them, which is why they need to be quarantined together, electromagnetically UNTIL they gather the wisdom of cause and effect’s desire for compassion.

Observe the terrifying events happening each day because the dark knows their reign of terror and cruelty is moving off this planet into another lower 4D reality as they try to hang on to their ill-gotten gains and criminal behaviors.  The dark individuals, countries, tribes, political parties, religions, clans, planets, families, leaders and a dark lover, parent or friend.  Imagine suffering when basic necessities and the truth is withheld or used to control or force you. 

Dark Ones fearful CASCADING thought patterns may go like:

“Because I am afraid of being wounded or abandoned, I do not share the inside of me.”  The secrets I keep about me increases my isolation, loneliness, anger and fear, increasing my depression and my miserable reality.  In reality I have diminished me wounded and abandoned myself the same way I have wounded and abandoned others because of MY FEARS.  Secret keepers put themselves in the position of being a liar, withholder, denier or misdirector just to keep their secrets of shame, anger and isolation.  All of these thoughts carry a dark slow low quanta spin and toxicity.  

ADDICTIONS are heavy dependence on anything to avoid being consciously present and aware of what one’s thoughts and sensations are.  Addicted ones, and their enabler’s have agreed to avoid dealing with what is true for either of them.  Both maintain a feedback loop or game, drama and distraction of wounding and victimizing each other.  Ultimately creating more and different kinds of suffering and wounds for the self and others in their environment.  Keeping secrets, shame and humiliation from you and others, morphs into denial and confusion to avoid the despair and powerlessness of NOT owning your truths.  

In higher frequency’s people stay conscious.  

There are no secrets because each consciousness thought’s are sensed and read telepathically.  You are your creator and sustainer or changer! 


Stagnation and hoarding or controlling is using human force used to suck the life,  light out of a person, place, animal, any life form, country, political office or thing and demand it MAKE the “sucker” joyful or whole.  Giving them meaning or a sense of self-worth or self esteem out of what is hoarded, stagnant, forced or controlled.  

These are against the law of allowing, freewill and responsibility for the self.

  The hoarder or controller uses the energy of what they hoard as a security blanket and “pacifier” to maintain their equilibrium, to prove to themself that they have control over something, just NOT themselves.  The difference between a “hoarder” and a “collector” is how “their items” or people are organized.  A collection is usually well ordered, with items easily accessible and emotions under tight control.  Hoarding is disorganized chaos with dangerous clutter of items and are emotionally inaccessible, unstable and unmanageable.

Hoarders consider themselves victims because they refuse to accept WHAT IS true.  They “passive aggressively” DEMAND what they want to be true and stagnate their reality until they get the irrational thing they demand happen.  Those in their energy field get to experience their tantrums, stubbornness, and extreme irrational denials.  The hoarder’s perceived victimization is a result of the rights they want to have but can’t match the resonance of compassion for the self to have them.  Consider the leaders having wars to hoard land, people and resources.

Clutter and hoarding in your emotional body are festering wounds, pain and suffering the hoarder clings to, feeds from and keeps dragging the past wounds into present time to live in and keep re-experiencing over and over again.  These dark thought patterns of unresolved issues and anger become crystallized capsules of stuck energy in the biology and the interdimensional aura of DNA carried into each incarnation.  The soul using its freewill to stagnate or hoard and wound!

Waiting for another to create for you is a great way for your wisdom, skills and understanding of “cause and effect” to atrophy and for you to be used, abused and disempowered again by yourself.

Quantum Law of AWARENESS or CONSCIOUSNESS says YOU must consciously make your choices because you ARE held personally responsible for them.  What you create or ALLOW, that lacks compassion, you must release or transmute to remain in the higher vibration of the quantum field.