MORAL Judgements

CONTEMPT is a vibration and MORAL judgement in you.

Low vibrating, blaming, judgmental with hate and vengeance.

Contemptuous people and dark soul’s are angry, judgmental, deeply wounded, emotionally fragile and insecurely attached to themself and others.  They are furious that no one rescued them from being abused or abandoned, including themself, incarnation after incarnation.  

Contempt is actually a defense mechanism to hold the individual together and able to function while experiencing their own TERROR and ANGER simultaneously.  They are furious and panicky about never being rescued or saved from the ongoing abuses and wounds they suffered over a great many lifetimes and they fail to notice or take into account those they have abused and neglected.

Their total focus on only the EFFECT of the feedback loop they put into play, leading them into the logic of entitlement, the belief and action of:

“If nobody cares about me, it doesn’t matter what I do to them, they deserve it.” Contemptuous people are in denial about the abusive reciprocal feedback cycle THEY put into play and have maintained through multiple incarnation’s on earth.  If abuse is your reality in this lifetime you can KNOW you emanated the same frequency and abuse/abandonment in this and previous realities.

Universal or quantum Principle of CAUSE and EFFECT or RECIPROCAL ACTION, nothing happens by chance or outside of the quantum field’s laws and principles.  The fact that you cannot identify a cause or effect is IRRELEVANT.   For every thought, intent or action there is a resonance, consequence, reaction you created for you consciously or not so consciously.

Sometimes one’s confusion, anger and blame can become so consuming your  higher self can entangle its quanta with the human’s entrained gray soul, to speed up the soul and human’s quanta enough to break up the density and release the remaining STUCK energy of contempt the human had chose to release.  Currently the entire planet is bathed in higher frequencies, which increases our clarity to see, sense and understand cause and effect throughout OUR thousands of incarnation’s.

The grid system here on Earth is being upgraded causing electrical instability, disruptions and diversions from what you have always done, your personal patterns of thought and behaviors.  Making it easier for you to experiment with more awareness, creativity and compassion for you.

ENVY and JEALOUSY are vibrations and MORAL judgement in you.

Low vibrating, blaming, judgmental with some hate and punishment.

Envy and jealousy are painful feelings of wanting what someone else has or has created for themself.  Question your logic, HAVE you been denied or are you denying you something you need or must have?  Is someone or something else getting what YOU think you should be getting?  IF that is your thinking, consider how to create that for yourself as being the most viable compassionate option for you to explore and create for you.  It may take a great many steps and frustrations to create what you decide you need or want and possibly it may even mean a shift in your personality, to achieve your goal.

Universal or Quantum principle of COMPENSATION and the law of attraction both say that we receive “like energy” to the energy we emanate and share.  We attract and are attracted to realities, people, diseases, challenge’s, animals, planets and activities that vibrate to our current signature frequency.

What you create for the self is the only thing that satisfies and carries a high enough resonance to be compassionate for you.  Your joy and happiness is found and created within you and NOT created by another, as a GIFT or punishment to you.  

Victims and/or confused innocents in denial feel justified and entitled to BE the predator and rewarded, by using force, trickery or demanding what they want instead of creating for the self and being responsible for the self.  Victims and/or confused innocents in denial consider the self worthless and try to deceive, sacrifice for, or trick another into valuing, accepting or creating FOR them because of their “neediness,” helplessness, worthlessness or self pity.  BUT the ONLY one attracted to that vibration will be a predator to victimize them again.

Spouses, children, friends and followers of abusers and predators frequently protect and enable their abuser because they are entrained with each other and depend on other’s dysfunction to maintain their own dysfunction of codependency, self-hate and self-abuse.  The victimizer believes that no one could care about or love them unless they were forced and controlled to have contact with them.  The victim believes they don’t deserve anything better or more compassionate because they think they are worthless and need punishment and/or feel entitled.  

REGRET is a vibration and MORAL judgement.

Low vibrating, blaming, judgmental with punishment for you.

Regret is a lost or missed opportunity not taken.  Factcheck YOUR regret narratives.  Talk to your fears or doubts to clarify your perceptions, possibly what you did or didn’t do, was the best option at that time.  Relationships are challenging, financial setbacks and misdirections happen.  Seek and own the blessings, give yourself compassionate credit for the things you did and do, that you approve of and were done with kindness.  

Ask your higher self to present a slideshow of any incident you regret.  Ask for the thought’s of the key players in your narrative.  Run the same regretful incident multiple times to gather important details you may have missed that would alter your point of perception.  Consciously own and accept YOUR JOB of forgiving you and be compassionate with you FIRST!  Without guilt, regret, neediness, judgement, blame, punishment, shame, retribution or anyother dark agenda of force or control.

Universal or Quantum Principle of PROJECTION or EMANATION is your INTERNAL point of perception, YOUR personal STORY, thought, emotion and reality that you hold to be true for you is what you project out.  Your DNA scans your environment for resonances matching your beliefs.  Then your DNA changes its structure, to match what you chose to perceive.

Quantum particles are not and NEVER have been “your keeper, judge, god or parent” they only manifest your thought and intent dark or light, mean spirited or kind, clear cut or sloppy and chaotic.  Lies and misdirections you have followed, mistakes you have made, hardships and disappointments you have endured and created for you, are FOR YOU to own and transmute into higher frequencies of grace and compassion for YOU.  When you do not plan on assigning blame, punishment or penalties what does it matter if it is fair as long as it is/was compassionate and your intent was compassionate.

Universal or Quantum principle of: GRACE would indicate there was judgment and punishment in the light bandwidth and there IS NOT!  Quanta ARE neutral, while mocking up a consciousness’ thoughts.  You create your own grace with your compassionate point of perception and thought for you.  You are your creator and the giver of grace TOO you!