Maldek or Mulduke was a planet, the 4th planet in our solar system between Mars and Jupiter that became a casualty of the Galactic Wars about 12,000 years ago, when its explosion and the graveyard the explosion created is what we now call an asteroid belt which includes the dwarf planet Ceres.

Earth’s present Moon was one of two moons that orbited Maldek.  Earth’s moon is a Draco planetoid placed in orbit eons ago.  The Draco’s used it as a spacecraft to go from Draco to Maldek and then was put in earth’s orbit after Maldek’s destruction.  Reptilians from Draco refurbish moons and planetoids.  They create and install internal ecosystems and fit them with propulsion using a gel like fuel. 

After Maldek’s destruction the Orion Group’s soul’s stream of consciousness moved into life forms existing on earth during the time of Lemuria and Atlantis becoming the “Sons of Biel” that became the “Dark Robes of Atlantis” and responsible for the fall of Lemuria and then Atlantis.

The Orion’s escalated attacks on Pleiadian planets until the Galactic Federation sent a “battle planet” with an atomic bomb that destroyed Maldek, colonies on Earth, Mars and Venus.  The chain reaction destroyed billions of lives and reduced the planet Maldek to rubble of various sizes.

The original leaders of Maldek were of Sirian descent that started out as having compassion for the self eventually growing increasingly darker wanting to force and control others with fear.  

When a soul and/or individual is forced and controlled with fear they percieve themself as a victim.  Perception of being “the victim” attracts and entrains other souls that enjoy the role of predator.  Switching roles or taking turns being the victim, the submissive, the abused and forced one with being the angry abusive dominant, crazy, irrational, controling one is only “aeons” of the infinite dark soul playing games of distractions.  These games including the role of “confused innocent in denial” confirm to all players that YOU ARE the role you are playing currently.  All three roles of victim predator and “confused innocent” deny accountability and culpability for their cruel nastiness and insensitivity.

Energy is structured in never ending pairs of a weak and a strong force, to create FREE renewable energy in our universe.  Dark low slow quantum spin is frequently unpleasant unconscious and painful to experience.  Higher frequency quantum spin is consciously receive and gives only compassionate energy.

Maldekians were seven feet tall, very slim, pale white tinged blue skinned humanoids.  “The enemy” or in this case, Aggressive Orion males were attracted to the resonance of the Maldekians frequency at that time.  The Orion’s are a reptilian species having gray skin and yellow eyes, and males having an impressive stature and spoke with a guttural hissing sounds.  Orion males that brought their tried and true methods of force and control used on many planets and civilizations before Maldek during the 20 million year Galactic or Orion Wars or the “Orion and Mars war” and NOW for the past 13 thousand years, being used on earth’s humanity by Dark Ones until 2012 when Gaia’s operating system went neutral on it’s way to going lighter. 

“Misery loves company” a proverb, meaning people who are suffering, are comforted by the knowledge that others are also unhappy and unable to stop being or creating anger, violence and fear.  The cycle of vengeance, violence on smaller and defenseless one’s sustain the cycle of fear, misery or dissociation and victim mentality.

Maldek was the Orion Group’s, base of operation until the Galactic Federation sent a “battle planet” with an atomic bomb to destroy Maldek,

On a much smaller scale, August 1945 the United State dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, cities of industrial and military significance, during World War II.  The two bombings killed at least 129,000 people and remain the only use of nuclear weapons for warfare in our resent history.  The invisible realm has not allowed atomic weapons to be activated because of all the destruction destroying Maldek and the collateral damage created.

  After the attack on Maldek some of those souls inhabited new biology’s as the Scarlet Council of Babylon, made up of the black magicians from Atlantis.  Egyptian mystery schools, which were the major Illuminati centers that created the blueprint for the global conquest of earth.  That included reenforcing the Dracos created religions currently on earth to create unhesitating acquiescence to the dogma of the PRIESTS or Elders of earth’s religions.  

The Pharaoh’s of Egypt were trauma based programmed puppets, just like our current priests, popes, presidents, royalty in Europe, the powerful, rich and famous.  The scarlet council members in Europe, the Knights Templar and the Freemasons to name a few.  These Illuminist leaders are the primary carries of Draconian DNA, and continue to reincarnate on earth, with their memory of all their previous incarnations in their conscious awareness.  

Maldekian soul essences became our global banking families on earth, like the Rothschild’s extended family and the Russian elite.  Possibly 85% of the souls alive at the end of Maldek were the souls alive at the end of Atlantis and are alive now on Gaia trying to replay the same nuclear scenario on earth, but the Light Ones will disrupt and redirect that agenda and/or move it off into another lower 4D holographic reality to let it play out AGAIN. 

Earth’s moon is hollow, like the earth is, with entrances at the poles.  Other openings are at the Taurus Mountains, Jules Verne crater and Archimedes. Moon’s soil is 6.2 billion years old and has some compounds and chemicals not found on earth.  Lunar soil did not come from the rock that makes up its mountains and craters.  The moon is older than the earth and has been inhabited off and on for the past 1.8 million years.

Russians and Apollo astronauts saw many of the original structures in ruins on the surface of the moon destroyed during the 20 million year Orion wars.  It has monuments, bridges and many craters used as spacecraft hangars and large craters that housed 200 or more craft.  Some craters are 170 miles wide.  There are pyramids that act as balancing weights like the ones we put on fans to keep them spinning smoothly.

The hidden dark side of the moon has many large living spaces, irrigation underground and an atmosphere similar to earth.  The moon is currently colonized with Americans, Russians, British and French personnel working along with many hybrids and clones.  Some of the greatest scientific minds, engineers and architects that were on earth and vanished without a trace, were taken to the moon or Mars.  There is a full time working population of 35,000 people. 

“Black Monks” from the National Security Agency have been on the moon since the 50s. The military complex is underground.  53 UFO type spacecraft were built there. The New World Order, or the “secret government” is currently expanding private scientific and military underground complexes. 

Directed-energy weapon (DEW) are on the moon and used on the earth.  Directed-energy weapons damage there targets with highly focused energy from lasers, microwaves and/or particle beams.  There are nuclear bomb satellites, and anti-matter systems.  From the moon storms can be generated artificially at sea, or over large lakes, and then guided to a specific target or location on earth, by modifying earth’s upper atmosphere electrical charges.  Aha so many ways to cause destruction and maintain fear.

Apollo 15 discovered portions of the moons crust that are radioactive near the Apennine Mountains.  Some nuclear waste was brought up there to be reused as a fuel supply for spacecraft that were built to be used by the New World Order, but are obsolete now.

The BLUE MOON UNIT in the National Security Agency has bases and alien technology information.  Blue Moon on earth is underneath Kirkland Air Force base in New Mexico.  The entrance to this base is in Manzano Mountain and the private Department of Energy (DOE) technological base.  The building of free energy devices for use in space is ongoing.  Under the Blue Moon Unit there is a group called Alpha One that gather materials and make sure humanity remains ignorant.  Alpha Two controls and manipulates their forces or personnel.

The Illuminists have created hundreds of thousands of genetic blends continuously throughout the Galaxy and here on earth since they arrived during Atlantis to present day.  The experimenting never ends, with total disregard for how these creatures feel or suffer.  Dulce US Military Base is one of the secret underground facilities under Dulce Mountain in Dulce, New Mexico.  April 11, 2012 the Galactic Federation destroyed the Illuminati’s underground escape areas and released the captives they experimented on.