Logging-out of the freewill frequency and reality, is loosing the freedom to be as nasty, insensitive and as unconscious as you wish for as long as you like.  And then, you will have chosen to remain in the company and frequency of other INFINITE soul essences having the resonance and intentions that you carry and operate with. 

For millions of years and incarnations our infinite soul essences have demanded and entrained with their right to keep re-experiencing, their feedback loops and reality of  playing at being victim, predator and confused innocent in denial, continuously changing roles to take turns wounding, killing, abusing, using, abandoning the self and each other to avoid being compassionate.  Living in linear time, space and quarantined low slow quantum spin.  

Many dark soul essences on earth have experienced this “Logging-out process” and logging back into another 3D/4D resonance of unconsciousness, denial and illusional reality on this and other planets and may do that once again, during this window of opportunity to choose compassion over freewill.  They choose to relocate to continue experiencing their freewill.  I know some that have done it continuously way over 900 times.

Ask your higher self how MANY times your infinite soul has logged into freewill?

The choice for the human infinite soul essence has always been to receive and give only compassion in higher frequencies of 5D and beyond, OR to drop their infinite soul essence INTO toxic quarantined 3D/4D resonance of unconsciousness, denial and illusions.  Upon the death of the infinite soul essence’s biology and for some, even before that the infinite soul essence is now being relocated to another 4D reality to continue its personal and group feedback loop and reality of avoiding being conscious, awake and compassionate with the self and others.

Gaia and some humans are logging out of freewill and logging into the upper4D/5D frequencies of only compassion during the this 36 year window of opportunity from 1994 to 2030 on earth to do that.

Quantum Principle of FREEWILL is found ONLY in the dark quarantined bandwidth and illusion of third and fourth dimension.  Each entity has the right to direct and pursue their life or reality, as long as they DO NOT VIOLATE the rights of others including the planet’s rights. 

Obviously, violating each other and the planet’s rights, is something we are highly skilled at, which is toxic and why 3D/4D frequencies and vibrations are quarantined.

Higher frequencies are aligned with quantum or universal laws.  They treat each other as equals and are responsible for the self without judgement, blame, anger or punishment.  

Dark gray souls carrying less than 60% compassion for themself started being taken off planet since the 1990s as their biology died, their infinite soul relocated in a frequency matching their’s at the time of death or separation from their physical vehicle.  The biology, like any sentient vehicle, can operate on its own, or receive a new owner(s) or renters and will remain on the physical planet’s plane until its physical death.

2030, is the end date for Dark soul essence’s still remaining in Gaia’s aura that carry less than 60% compassion for themself.  February 2030 an electromagnetic extraction and relocation of the remaining dark soul essence’s will happen.  A bit later there will be another extraction and relocation of those carrying less than 70% compassion. 

Energy lacking compassion that you gifted another(s) during any incarnation that has not been transmuted yet into compassion, will be returned to you for you to experience and understand how your gift of dark energy felt.  NOT to punish you.  There is no punishment or retribution in higher frequencies, there is gathering and honoring cause and effect and its wisdom.

Alice Miller says, when an infant’s environment is one of fear, anger, abuse and neglect they NEVER feel safe, trust, eat properly or are able to easily digest food and drink.  Trauma prevents the child and adult from integrating the linear information of cause and effect.  Trauma victims focus on details unrelated to the trauma to avoid awareness of abuse.  The child reads the dark thoughts of their predator more proficiently than adults would in the same situation, which can be more upsetting than the predator’s actions.  The biology becomes the child’s prison and vulnerability.  

Self love and acceptance for you, just as you are, is what dissipates fear, anxiety, anger and wounds.  War and force only begets more war, FEAR and force.  Dark Ones haven’t figured that out yet.  Honoring the law of allowing/freewill, releases YOUR frustration, anger, impatience, stress and the perception that people are stupid or mean goes away. 

All thoughts of a human or “any consciousness” are manifested by quantum particles.  With the intent, vibration and their signature frequency.  Change your focus and the quantum particle creation dissolves into your next change of focus and intention.

Of course, if you are “Buttered all over the universe” or “High on Nature” or “Mellow” or “Blissed Out” or floaty and you are typically oblivious of everything else and not so consciously having clear thoughts.  The quantum particles trying to manifest what you think, will be loosely formed and as incoherent, vague and spacey as you are.

As you change your focused attention, the filmy creations the quantum particles created on your behalf, dissipate back into the continuous flow of quanta moving around ready to create the next thought your consciousness thinks.  These thoughts are filmy creations but solid enough for a third party to move it around, add to or take away some or all or change various parts.  

When you have a nice clear thought, your higher self can add to it or take some away or drop in new information.  Another person you are compassionately interacting with, having synergy with could change or make slight adjustments and you have a collaboration.  All events and experiences are available with your MATCHING focus, resonance and intent.