Openning up to a higher frequency is communing with your higher resonating compassionate aspects of your soul conglomerate or channelling them.  That would be your infinite soul aspect interacting with a few of your maybe 15 to 33 separate soul aspects, operating in a higher frequency, residing in the quantum field that we generally call aliens or extraterrestrials. 

It is very important for you to discern if information and Ideas you “pick up on” from any source is compassionate.  Being told the truth is compassionate and may be the only way to move forward, up and out of density.  If you get negativity and/or self deprecating judgement, blame, guilt or anger you are communing with LOWER dense frequencies that need to be ignored and not engaged with.  Engaging is entraining and lowering your frequency to match their devolving frequency.  Allowing another to think for you.  Owning or adopting another’s thoughts about you.  Is not taking care of yourself or being compassionately responsible for you.

Communing with one’s higher states of consciousness happens differently for each of us.  Some just know or meditate or zone out and listen while gardening or being creative in one way or another, which raises your frequency to match your higher self’s frequency.  Vicariously picking up on a new thought dropped into your awareness by watching the actions of another person, we can see, experience, perceive or sense a feeling or action we have.

Sometimes after having a dream or experience the higher self will drop in the main awareness of the information being conveyed in that dream or experience.  It may take hours or a day for you to go,” Aha!” that’s what that meant.

A dream example would be, sitting in a waiting room quietly with others, all a few feet apart from each other.  In hours or a day later, your higher self may drop into your awareness that you were mourning or grieving a loss.  Then you might realize you were mourning or grieving your history of sad dark thought patterns and suffering.  With ones that had the same experience.  Some could be the people you wounded and wounded you.  You consciously, compassionately owning the truth releases that dense energy in you to be transmuted.

An experience example would be smelling food that was cooking for some hours or days in 4D, not 3D while you were awake.  In hours or a day later, your higher self may drop into your awareness that you were in a past life with one you loved cooking for you.  Then you may remember who that was.  Then it will come to you, what sex and age you both or all were.

Quantum LAW of RESONANCE or VIBRATION says each resonance has different event sites with particular themes or purposes with unique sensations, colors, sounds, tastes and smells.  Vibrations are predictable, measurable and can be calculated and understood.  You interact in real time with any resonance your thought patterns electromagnetically match, attract and entrain with.

Repeated motions are called “oscillations” or “cycles” or feedback loops.  “What goes around comes around” or “as you sow, so shall you reap” is how the unbalanced energy of karma or the law of cause and effect, works.  YOUR thoughts, intent and actions lacking compassion will eventually be consciously experienced by you, even though it may be a great many incarnations later.

Each dimension, parallel universe and alternate reality involves exploring and aligning with its key principles, beliefs, behavior and wisdom.  Currently on Gaia there is an ever increasing oscillation of energy for the individual and planet to transmute their dense, slow, low darker vibrating beliefs into higher consciousness of compassion.  Low and higher states of energy exist and have always existed simultaneously, concurrently all around us.  

We were trained to call all of it third dimension, but that is not truth. 

Humans have created and dwelled in some exceedingly low frequency’s that we have come to accept as normal, but they are abusive and counter productive.

Listen closely to your words to find out if you are conscious and thinking or just “parroting static” or noise and ignorance from others that lack compassion.  Most parrots simply mimic and amplify their owners, trainers and/or oppressors.  They don’t really know what their noise means.  Young children parrot words they might not know the meaning of but generally do understand the INTENT and sensation the words are delivered with.

The largest toxic pollution we engage in, is all forms of media and unconscious people in our life that parrot what they hear without fact checking, understanding or listening to what comes out of their mouth which is generally fear based energy and frequency.  Many are paid well to lie, to sell things or products that are useless and frequently harmful.  The food industry is destroying our bodies to keep them and the drug and medical community well financed.

People awake and aware discern and decide instead of react and get triggered to run a program or habit that serves to maintain their unconsciousness and distraction.  Withdrawing from low quality noise, information and processed foods means staying in touch with how you feel, what you sense and discerning what is really healthy and compassionate for you.  Only the conscious can factcheck and discern what they need and want.

Quantum Principle of PERPETUAL TRANSMUTATION is all sentient beings can change their resonance, intent or state of consciousness continuously.

Transmutation is conscious movement into higher frequencies of compassion.  

The first law of thermodynamics, also known as Law of Conservation of Energy, states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed; energy can only be transferred or changed from one form to another.

Higher frequencies have no secrets, time or space in the quantum field, sharing knowledge, thoughts, ideas, or feelings without language is easy and can be done telepathically by going within to explore concepts, pictures or words.  You connect with another soul essence by focusing on them or calling them by name or title, out loud, that gives them permission to interact with you.  Their consciousness will immediately be present with you, maybe NOT the human, but the higher self will be there.  Higher Selves recognize each other by their signature frequency, aura, or energy field.