Their goal is to keep adversity, anger, confusion and distraction strong in the human mind because that makes it very easy to control and redirect them with illusions, lies and false contradictory information.

Why consciously join this Family Business?  Because you ARE special and it is secretive and fun.  Love bombing lies are a tactic that showers someone with affection and attention to gain their trust and dependence to set you up for their abuse.  How you got or can get JUMPED INTO this gang!  In any reality or lifetime the human needs to make the conscious choice to get “jumped into” the Illuminist family business.  They generally join because of the Bait and Switch PERKS one is enticed with.  The perks are generally dark sexual perversions, angry vengeful retribution, theft, crime, violence and destruction, I mean dissociation.  All sorts of immoral twisted behavior is offered without moral culpability, is the illusion they sell. 

Do as you are told, when you are told and no one will blame you.  You’ll be so well TRAINED, fearful, confused and dissociated that you will accomplish obediently and efficiently all you are trained and triggered to do without thought or CONSCIOUS memory of what you did.  Basically you perform as human artificial intelligence on behalf of and for the very top, less than on percent of the hierarchy. 

Triggering, focus changers and resets don’t need a handler or trainer’s physical presence.  A phone call or doorbell in 3D or 4D, an email, text, a particular date or time, any form of media image, product logos, flowers, candy seen or sent or mentioned, words, phrases psychically or psychically have been used and received, just as psych thoughts have been transferred to trigger slaves into dissociation and a program or particular task completed without the slaves conscious choice or memory. 

ALWAYS, there is a few seconds of consciousness between the trigger and action, that the slave COULD choose to stay conscious and in control of themselves.  That would be what you need to do, to STOP being Illuminati property, AI, puppet or marionette.  You consciously “jumped yourself in” and you need to consciously “jump yourself out.”  NO one can do it for you!

Memory fragments and programming do break down some, as the human biology ages. Snippets of memories break through to the slave’s consciousness now and again, especially during childbirth or an unplanned accident or trauma and with the higher frequency on Gaia now.

The local Illuminati family, and the worldwide network of these families are ALL raised with trauma based programming teaching slaves to IGNORE massages from their own body, mind and senses.  Slaves believe that they are worthless and don’t deserve compassion, which the trainers and family reinforce at every opportunity.  Bonding and trusting others is “trained out” of the slave.  Bonding and trusting others means they might be strong enough to LEAVE the family.

Slaves choose lies and disinformation and a pretty fantasy over the truth, for the self and each other.  When they can destroy something, someone else might enjoy they do, even when it’s their own body.  They are frequently conflicted, guilty, and lonely while also feeling entitled and justified in doing to others what was done to them, they are angry and very wounded.  They are trained to vent on the self and distract the self abusively and sexually.

The “new world order” and Project 2025 is to get rid of more of the weak and those not contributing to the Illuminist coffer’s, a coffer is a large, strong box used to store valuables, funds or money that an organization has available for spending. 

Media people, dentists and doctors, police, politicians and military, are triggered over and over again to support and reinforce “the current AGENDA” disinformation and lies installed in them as children.  When triggered they carry out their programs at the appropriate time, not reflecting on what they say and do or the cause and effect. 

One-by-one especially the younger Illuminists are leaving “the Family business” and exposing secrets.  They are going within and falling in sync with their higher self that is aligned with the quantum laws of giving and receiving only compassion.

Physical, emotional, mental, psychological trauma, a great many lies, drugs, hypnosis, electroshock, biochips implanted or other implants, brainwave entrainment systems, and virtual reality headgear, to simulate horrific traumas are all used to split the “slave’s” mind even faster than before.

One example: The brain is mapped into two cylindrical towers maybe 21 levels high and several sub basements holding a variety of secrets, codes and keys.  The towers are cut into “pie slices” with different triggers, alters and / or programs in them. There are triggers or identifiers to bring forward whatever slice you want to access and put into play.  Mapping is done with repetitive patterns of behavior, drugs, electroshock, hypnosis, physical and psychological traumas. 

Slaves are fearful and angry and do not want to consciously remember all the nasty things they have been a part of giving and receiving.  Always fearful and hyper-vigilant waiting for the next abuse, drugging and “training” makes it almost impossible to think clearly and rationally, even when they try too. 

Those born into Illuminati families, around 2005 and after, are NOT dissociating and carrying out orders with blind obedience that their parents gifted them with. They see and feel the compassionate energy fields BEYOND their handlers, keepers and / or parents old negative, cold, distant, angry, and generally drunk, energy fields.

Children of the Illuminati, born before the 1980s, had their programming installed with radio and television waves.  All humans born before the 1980s would have only 40% compassion or light throughout their interdimensional DNA at birth.  The biology the infinite soul works with, has the frequency of the mass consciousness of that planet at the time of that particular biology’s birth.  For the past 13 thousand years, until very recently, that mass consciousness integrated into the biology’s DNA was ONLY 40% compassion or light.  Meaning you are easily made fearful and angry and are frequently unconscious.  Anger is used to deny fear, 40%ers generally feel mistreated, victimized and they are owed something, which justifies their low moral standards and inability to control impulses.  40%er’s guilt and shame makes it hard for them to be honest and have integrity with the self and others.

Those born in the 1980s to 2004 had Illuminist programming located in both the human brain and in their mental body or mind surrounding the biology.  Programming the mental body surrounding the human biology takes being in a higher brainwave state to accomplish.  You need a programmer to function at a higher frequency, which most reptilians are not doing.

The old guard Illuminati cannot believe that there is any chance for redemption or would they accept it.  They will not believe that compassion has always been offered to all, even them.

The following is only a partial list of jobs available and executed by slaves.

BREEDERS are chosen for their DNA / bloodlines and particular skill sets in that families genetics.  Family members keep their very young child breeders as prisoners at home or in institutions or underground facilities.  They do not want the pregnancy known to the public or the birth recorded.  The child is generally too young to be pregnant and isn’t happy about it.  Illuminists can and do chemically induce puberty and the ability to reproduce.

SEX SLAVE programming, “beta training” is started with the parent, anally raping the infant as early as a week after birth to traumatize it, heighten the infant’s ability to dissociate rapidly and the low frequency of trauma disconnects it from its higher self.  For children at two years of age the training expands and intensifies.  Male and female children are all trained to pretend they want sex with any person that wants to be serviced in anyway and all the twisted ways you can possibly imagine people are willing to pay for, to sexually abuse, use or kill a child, one whose birth has not been recorded. 

Illuminists own and operate the world’s child pornography, snuff film industry, sex with animals and human trafficking.  They fly the children all around the world for their parties to be used as party favors and black mail.  To own, control and force the other pedophiles to comply with and protect their criminal enterprises and / or behaviors.

CHILD COURIERS start work around four years of age as prostitutes, sex slaves, they run guns, money, drugs and illegal artifacts across state or national boundaries.  The older children, six to eight year olds with strong math skills and ability to commune in 4D supervise, handle the money and protect the younger ones. 

ADULT COURIERS run the CIA’s illegal drug trade around the world to fund Illuminist covert projects.  American authorities allow US Oil companies to ship drugs, chemicals and human trafficking by sea to oil rigs drilling off the US coast.  Then the drugs and humans are brought ashore under the cover of an “oil operation.”  As in the Iran-Contra Affair and gulf oil in the late 1950s and is still going strong.

WELLNESS, the medical establishment largely ignores preventative medicine. Sickness earns money for the medical and drug and industries.  During hearings of the Church Committee in 1969 the Department of Defense had asked for ten million dollars to create new viruses to destroy the human immune system and got it, HIV and covid in its many forms.  The cover story was, if they could make a virus to cause cancers, covid and leukemia it would help them to find a cure for those diseases.  The opioid crisis is not addressed along with many other health issues, incase you hadn’t noticed. 

MEDIA PERSONNEL, performers, actors, and musicians are tested and trained in particular directions as children.  Writer’s and news people are bright, verbal people sent to journalism school and will work for local or regional media upon graduation.  They write books and articles sympathetic to the Illuminati viewpoints.  Frequently not knowing how they acquired the ideas they have that were INSTALLED in childhood.  The creation of “False Memory Syndrome” is to discredit those that do sometimes remember the truth or understand the cause and effect.

TRACKERS track down and follow Illuminist members who attempt to leave their local group or forget to pay their dues financially.  They are taught to use dogs, guns, tasers, stun guns and a variety of psychic weapons. 

TEACHERS and CLERGY indoctrinate the Illuminist philosophy and languages to groups of children.  Childcare workers, care for the child less than 2 years of age when adults are at local group meetings.  Children are taken to the rituals for more programming, trauma and possibly being the entertainment and / or sacrifice.

INFORMERS attend top-level meetings in government and financial circles.  They are trained to observe conversations with photographic recall of what EACH individual said in the group, and how they said it.  Afterword they are debriefed downloading large amounts of information including documents read under hypnotic trance.  The Monarch slave will consciously remember none of what they have told their handlers.  Before, during and after, the Monarch slave will be food and liquid deprived and electrically shocked to change their focus.  They may remember the reset coke or fries they ate afterwards, but that would be all they are consciously aware of.

BEHAVIORAL SCIENTISTS serve the Illuminist, observing and enhancing their agendas by overseeing the trauma based training in local and regional groups and are intensely involved in data collection and human experiments to improve their slaves.

PERSONALITY ASSESSMENT SYSTEM / PAS is one more test, given to the generational Illuminist child by 4 years of age.  Many times in many ways, physically, mentally and emotionally the child is tested and closely tracked.  Including Gittinger’s Personality Assessment System or PAS designed to evaluate current and future personality traits and skills.  Gittinger’s original formulation defines three primitive dimensions, considering general ability level, gender and age.

The first dimension is Internalizer-Externalizer or intellectual dimension meaning the child has an ability to manipulate internal stimuli or symbols without being distracted by the external world.

The Regulated-Flexible or procedural dimension is a child that can see details within a whole, but not the whole.  They are more stimuli bound.

The Adaptable-Role Uniform dimension is a child skilled in meeting demands others make on them, without awareness of all that is involved.

Based on the PAS results the 4-year-old falls into programming charts that are labeled with a suitable occupation like Environmental Activist or Pentecostal church reformer or Consumer Advocate or Activist.  Programming follows, with 6-month goals to support and develop strengths for the appropriate alternate personality to be created.

  REMOTE VIEWING (RV) a secret CIA-initiated program started in the late 1940s in America, Soviet Union and China is a 4D psychic skill.  Illuminists always spy on each other and everyone else.  Remote viewing is a mental skill using your consciousness or awareness or 4D soul essence to visit, see and experience another person, place, time and / or written documents.  USA government uses RV for military intelligence.

The Ritchie Boys used RV to uncover more than half the combat intelligence on the Western Front during WWII.  Since 1972, the USA intelligence has spent millions of dollars training psychic spies.  Admiral Stansfield Turner, head of the CIA from 1977 to 1981 has admitted as much on camera.  Psychic spies claim to have directed the Libyan bombing given targets for SCUD missiles in the Gulf War. 

PREPARERS set up tables, cloths, candles, and paraphernalia quickly and efficiently.  CHANTERS sing, sway or lead choruses of sacred songs on high holy occasions.  READERS read from books of “Illumination” or local group archives of their clan, keeping copies of sacred literature in a safe.  They know and read multiple ancient languages. 

CUTTERS are taught to dissect animal or HUMAN sacrifices and are known as the SLICERS and DICERS.  They kill quickly, emotionlessly and efficiently when requested too.  Frequently they own or work in funeral homes.

HIGH PRIEST or PRIESTESS is a job held for a few years as it is changed in most groups.  They lead their local group as well as coordinate the jobs within the group.  TRAINERS teach local group members their assigned jobs and monitor their trauma based programming.  The first trainers are parents.

PUNISHERS brutally punish / discipline or kill members caught breaking rules or acting outside their authority and are universally despised by other Illuminati members. 


The voice in your head and/or a committee in your head having discussion’s about you and what you should or should not do.  For example one woman had two dark internal handlers that happened to be the cults concept of her mother and grandmother that taught and enforced “family loyalty” FIRST, that is loyalty to the cult family.  The same woman had an internal handler hiding out waiting to help and assist her if she wanted to break out and leave the cult family.  And another that would tell the family if she did try to leave and / or she might narc on herself.

Along with the three internal handlers the woman had seven external human handlers and trainers to control her in her triggered dissociated states to carry out her assigned tasks.  Human handlers in the mind-controlled slave will change frequently, depending on what particular illegal or criminal or secret work that needs doing.  They canNOT be a sex slave AND memorize messages at the same time.  One act needs to be shut down to open and follow the other as two distinct acts.

Other internal handlers could be your gut pain, an addiction, beliefs you hold and dogma you follow, a demon or monster you listen to and do what they say.  Then there are a wide variety of external handlers, like another human, family member(s), leaders, your boss, bullies, person or a program in media or your own personal fears.

The dissociated or unconscious or fearful ones are easiest to handle, use and abuse. They generally do as they are told without much or any resistance, thought or feeling because they are unconscious.  They operate with blind faith loyalties and behaviors to leaders, countries, religion, their tribe, family, a parent, friend, a child, pet or their fears of abandonment or not being loved.

The Illuminists put alternate personalities in their “mind controlled slave system” to act as internal handlers, there will always be a combination of more dark and some light handlers for some balance.  To much dark or light you might lose your slave because they do have freewill when they CHOOSE consciously to exercise it.

Our various 3D/4D religions and their dogma were ALL created and managed by the Illuminati to handle and train humanity how to please, honor and serve the particular deity of their choice while remain unconscious or dissociated and powerless, letting your deity, “a wolf in sheep’s clothing,” decide how to offer up your energy and service to it.  

Higher frequencies align with quantum laws of receive and give only compassion.

Quantum Principle of FREEWILL says each entity or consciousness has the right to direct and pursue their life and reality, as long as they do not VIOLATE the rights of others including the planet’s rights.

Quantum or Universal Law of ALLOWING, says you have the RIGHT and RESPONSIBILITY to BE and DO whatever YOU choose, with the resonance your creation, thought, intent and action carry with them.

Law of ALLOWING others their path without your demands and neediness.

Law of ATTRACTION attractslike energy, intent and resonance matching yours.

Law of ENTRAINMENT is when two or more resonances, realities or thoughts exist in the same space, they MUST and will combine to create a SINGLE resonance.

Law of CONSCIOUSNESS, YOU must consciously make your choices because you ARE personally responsible to create, maintain and/or change them.

Our stream of consciousness, our infinite soul and higher selves were present and consciously chose their reaction to the reptilians invasion of the planets in our solar system.  The reptilian’s consciousness at that time was quarantined to the lower fourth and third dimension.  When our consciousness reacted in kind to their violence, force and control we ENTRAINED with their frequency of low, so slow spinning quanta that it only vibrates and has solidified in physicality to slow way down the painfully wounding toxic reactions to what Dark Ones think, intend and do.

To maintain or rejoin the higher frequency we came from, one needs to NOT engage and entrain with their violence, fear making, forcing the self or others and control by maintaining very strong boundaries.  Walking away or leaving as many did. 

A portal of greater light and awareness has been opened for all the world’s internal and external handlers, enablers and their counter parts that want to be comforted and learn more about giving and receiving compassion and gathering greater clarity about the reality they attracted and entrained with.

What you electromagnetically emanate, dwell on, you attract to you.

That way you know what is going on inside you, as it is displayed outside of you in the current reality you are experiencing.

Quantum Law of ATTRACTION electromagnetically pulls together quanta with “like resonances” similar thoughts, vibrations and intentions.  The sender gets back what they emanate, dwell on and project out.  What comes back to you CLEARLY reflects your perceptions, intent, frequency and reality.  No matter how many incarnations ago your infinite soul put them into play.

Our human brain and interdimensional aura, grid system, DNA are wired and move in concert with the resonance of our thoughts and intentions.  When distraction and denial or confusion is what you seek and reside in, that is what you will find, focus on and get to experience.

To clear your feelings of fear, guilt and shame you need to be conscious of them. Owning and exploring your fears decreases their influence on you.  Obsessive negative thought keeps you separated, isolated marinating in and creating even more fears.  You may feel the need to control anything and everything in your life to feel somewhat safe and grounded, that is “a house of cards” a weak and fragile structure or organization and an illusional delusion.

As planet earth carries increasingly more light it becomes easier and easier to be consciously aware of any informal and formal programming that you are attracted to or entrained with.  Conscious awareness, thinking and being responsible for the self, facilitates, breaking or ignoring any programming from society, religions, your family, the media, trying to mimic the rich and famous and Illuminists.  Generational Illuminati children are being born as telepathic and higher resonating as other children are on earth now.  They see through the lies and disinformation all around them.  They work with their higher self’s support and guidance daily.

Ask your higher self if you are currently stuck in a program.

How can you exit that program, what does the higher self suggest.

Are you committed to staying conscious?