FEELING Your Feelings

Our infinite soul essence has had hundreds and thousands of form’s it has taken and interacted with to experience different resonances, frequencies and realities. 

Universal, Cosmic, Quantum Principle of PERPETUAL TRANSMUTATION is all sentient beings can change their resonance, intent or state of consciousness continuously.

Regardless of the origin of a thought, feeling, emotion, dysfunction, knowledge, intention or healing.  Your conscious quantum energy can entangle, entrain or meld with anyother conscious quanta, to “hang together” move it in another direction, reinforce or redirect it.  Elevated frequencies always do this with agreements of consent and compassion.

Transmutation is conscious movement into higher frequencies of compassion.  You ALONE hold the power to change your low resonating thought patterns, intention and HABITS of negativity, sadness, anger, blame, depression, righteous indignation, competition, shame and/or judgment into thought patterns of compassion for you.

Law of Conservation of Energy.  The first law of thermodynamics, also known as Law of Conservation of Energy, states that energy cannot be created or destroyed; energy can only be transferred or changed from one form into another. 

Currently on the planet there are considerable amounts of shedding of dense stuck energy individually and as groups.  In the biology, stomach and base chakras,  fearful thoughts and trauma are being broken up and transmuted for us.  We amplify the shedding by SENSING our heart and GUT reactions, validating and supporting our intuition.  Heart and intuitive knowing is also emanating from within Gaia.  

When feeling stressed by technology or overwhelmed by living, moving into nature or water may assist in breaking up and resetting your balance and focus into compassion for you and using your intuition more.  Full-bodied laughter or tears are wonderful ways to refocus yourself and your senses, JOY is even better.

SUICIDE is frequently an inability to see other viable solutions for what is a spiritual dilemma of the INFINITE soul essence.  Spiritual and moral dilemmas remain in the aura’s multidimensional DNA waiting to be addressed and the wisdom gathered. 

  Spiritual reasons for leaving one’s biology may be that your soul has completed the mission it entered a body to accomplish.  Some souls commit suicide to honor their truths.  Sometimes infants and children die in an effort to create compassion in another.  Some die to end a dark cycle of codependency or trauma.  Some children and adult bodies are soulless, leaving the biology in greater vulnerability to disease or accidents or mental illness and hopelessness or manipulation by Dark One(s).  Light Ones may refurbish the body and enter it for a constructive purpose. 

Loss of a form or biology is a 3D physical issue only.  The infinite soul and its lack of wisdom about cause and effect remain.

COMMUNING Soul to Soul: If you want to commune with the soul essence that left its current container, COMPASSIONATELY go within YOU, and call their name, when you feel their presence ask your questions and/or explain to them, what you want to share or tell them what they want to know.  You can communicate with each other forever if you like. 

Those who survive a loved one’s suicide often grapple with their confusing feelings of shame, anger, guilt, despair or relief that all can be discussed with the one exiting their biology/form.  You can still communicate with a soul exiting their biology, many commune with deceased pets, close relatives and loves.  Even if the soul essence has entered a new form, you can still commune with it.

Human(s) left behind, after a death or suicide can make it all about THEM being abandoned, betrayed that they didn’t get what they wanted or thought they needed or what was promised to them.  And have trouble honoring the law of allowing.  Unable to honor the choice, the path of the one committing suicide or leaving their biology chose.  Explain all your feelings to their infinite soul and hear their response.