FEAR or Compassion

Emotion has an essence, odor, scent, frequency.  That is how animals and plants determine if another is safe or not.  Yes, plants “smell” and have chemical reactions.  The Illuminist cabal has successfully kept most humans in a continuous state of worry confusion and fear.  The way to confront embedded fear in the 3D Matrix is to overcome the fear energy embedded in your physical body first.  If you have not conquered the fear your biology holds first, your unconscious reaction of fear will overide any other conscious intention you may have and you will seek safety as all animals do when they are afraid.

The 3D matrix of Gaia is intertwined with your web of perceptions. 

Law of attraction says, as you resonate with fear, you attract more fear to you.

Fear-based emotions: sorrow, anger, guilt, revenge and doubt attract more of the same frequency of energy.  Law of ATTRACTION attractslike energy, intentions and resonances matching what emanates from you, not what you wish was being projected out from you.

To gain mastery over your fear-based emotional unconscious stimulus responses means staying conscious to override them and replace them with a compassionate or at the least a curiosity about what causes your fear responses.  Something in the now moment that is dangerous to you or is it just your unconscious habitual response to the fact that you live.  The more logic and truth you know and use, the more rational your response’s will be.

Is the wolf at my door to eat me?  Or has it come with cookies for us to have coffee together.  Or why is the wolf here and how can I assist it?  Or how can it can assist me.  Stay conscious and curious in present time by being objective and logical.  Know and understand the cause and effect as often as you can.

Universal or quantum Principle of CAUSE and EFFECT or RECIPROCAL ACTION, says nothing happens by chance or outside of the quantum field’s laws and principles.  The fact that you cannot identify a cause or effect is irrelevant.   For every thought, intent or action there is a resonance, consequence, reaction you created for you consciously or not so consciously.

Energy is structured in PAIRS of giving and receiving, cause and effect to maintain BALANCE and MOTION of our free renewal energy.  Being judgmental, blaming or negative uttering out-loud or only in your thoughts means you will ALSO RECEIVE that same or LIKE energy of judgement, blame, negative intent in kind.  What your soul sent out WILL return to your infinite soul in any and / or all incarnations that your soul maintains and feeds that feedback loop.

RECIPROCAL means given, felt, or done in return, creating a feedback loop or cycle.  Binding two parties / energies / intents equally to an agreement, mutual action, obligation or relationship.  Laws of attraction and entrainment can last a few moments or lifetime after lifetime, maybe thousands of incarnations for dark souls.

In compassionate frequency’s the reciprocation is immediate.  Higher frequency’s thoughts LACKING of compassion have a few moments to be changed or the soul essence’s vibration and consciousness is dropped into a quarantined 4D toxic reality. Feedback loops are to make you CONSCIOUS not punished!

TIME and SPACE move lockstep with compassion and slow WAY down when compassion for you is lacking.

Long before our known history began, our infinite soul engaged in the Galactic Wars using violence to create fear to preoccupy our consciousness with conquering, violence and destruction OR fighting back trying to survive.  When faced with a predator and / or war machine and you choose to lower your frequency to fear, vengeance and anger MATCHING the enemies frequency and have bought into the fear that your infinite soul can die, but it can’t!  Only the biology, your vehicle dies.

Anger and fear ONLY attracts, creates and maintains more anger and fear.  

Only the conscious choice and action of compassionate understanding and wisdom transmutes your personal fear and anger, which maybe serves as an example for others to follow.  Some reptilians recently have joined the forces of compassionate wisdom after interacting with that for a while.  Just as fear infiltrated many that started out as wise and compassionate.  More accurately we all started out compassionately.  Moved into lower frequencies, back into compassion, went dark and are moving back into compassion again maybe.

“What you FIGHT you become” by entraining with its low quantum spin and the fear-based emotions of sorrow, anger, guilt, revenge, worry and doubt.  Things that appear disastrous or distressing are quickly being transmuted in higher frequencies.  Time to wait, see and experience the unfolding allow and recalibrate with them.

Quantum Law of ENTRAINMENT requires two or more frequencies; resonances, realities or thoughts existing in the same space MUST combine to create a SINGLE resonance.  That applies to all sentient beings, energy, humans, planets, universes, your thoughts, perceptions, intentions and actions.

Quantum law of entrainment homogenizes customs, ideas, values, actions and consciousness together into a feedback loop or cycle of cause and effect interactions that remain the same frequency, UNTIL there is a CONSCIOUS choice to change your frequency, consciousness and intention.

Death is only of your vehicle, when you ruin a car, you get another.  From a higher dimensional perspective there is freedom from time and space so you can know what an enemy plans.  Once you consciously choose to engage in battle with the intention to kill another, your consciousness sinks back into 3D/4D and you loose your advantage of awareness.

We are Galactic Beings or consciousnesses that consciously chose to join Gaia’s  reality and experiences.  We needed a body to do that.  Our physical body remains safe in our bed and a grounding force to locate and relocate where you began your journey.  We raise our consciousness and astral body, into the mid 4D and our higher self lowers its frequency to match ours to merge consciousnesses with an aspect of our stream of consciousness on the Ship, our 5D/6D higher self.  We never run out of expressions of our Multidimensional SELF or different realities to visit and / or create.  We are in our bed, traveling in our astral body, visiting the Ship and being a crew member if we wish, within the fifth dimensional NOW.

The only limitations one actually has are our 3D thoughts.

We forget our past and future selves to focus on the present self. 

Multidimensional thinking is not ruled by time or space.

Thinking multidimensionally, you know all of your realities have equal importance.  All your expressions are connected even if you are not aware of it, your physical body exists in total unity with your entire Multidimensional SELF.  The physical body is not calibrated to read information available to higher dimensional bodies.

You can question your unconscious instincts and your astral body’s psychic nature, questions relating to the biology.  The mental body surrounding the biology has memories and knows them all.  When you merge with your Lightbody on the Ship you will have access to your higher expressions of self, as well as access to the area of your brain in which you have stored advanced galactic concepts.

Our aura is similar to a huge movie screen on which holographic thought forms can be projected.  Consider what is occurring in your other realities.  See what you are doing on the Ship by projecting that holographic image into your aura, screen.  You might watch yourself in a parallel reality.  Leave 3D thinking to accept superior thought of multidimensional reality.  The brain is a biological computer that you can download new files, update information, delete unwanted data, pull up information from archived files,  You are the force of your creations.

In higher frequencies you can project an image outwards so it appears that you have another separate body.  In reality, none of our holographic bodies are separate from each other and the reality we used them in.  Many childhood memories are not perceivable because your consciousness is not calibrated to your unconscious child’s mind.  There isn’t “either / or” in higher dimensional realities there is “everything and always.”