Done perseverating YET?

Are you done perseverating about how everyone has DONE YOU WRONG?

Perseverating is to repeat or prolong an action, thought or utterance over and over ad nauseam, so often that it has become annoying or tiresome about how others have done you wrong.  BECAUSE you weren’t able to change or force another to please and nurture you.

People have never thanked you for all the times you told them what to do.

The universal or cosmic or quantum or electromagnetic energy LAWS and principles ARE:

Law of ALLOWING others their path without your demands and neediness.

Law of ATTRACTION attractslike energy, intent and resonance to your’s.

Law of ENTRAINMENT is when two or more resonances, realities or thoughts exist in the same space, they MUST and will combine to create a SINGLE resonance.

Law of CONSCIOUSNESS, YOU must consciously make your choices because you ARE personally responsible to create, maintain and change them.

We all have attracted and entrained with the dark reality of quarantined, very toxic 3D /4D reality.  We all have been done wrong.  We all have DONE wrong to our self and each other over and over again.  

Are you ready to stop licking your wounds and suffering?

Are you ready to allow the higher frequencies of quantum particles flow in and through you of compassion and acceptance for you just as you are?

Are you ready to discover and perseverate on what you have achieved and shared compassionately with you and others without help and nurturing from those close to you. 

NOT DONE to you!  

You are your creator.

Universal or Quantum principle of: GRACE would indicate there was judgment and punishment in the light bandwidth and there IS NOT!  Quanta ARE neutral, while mocking up a consciousness’ thoughts.  You create your own grace with your compassionate point of perception and thought for you.  You are your creator and the giver of grace TO you!  

Quantum particles are not and never have been “your keeper, judge, god or parent” they ONLY manifest your thought and intent dark or light, mean or kind, sloppy or well formed with clear thought and intention.  Lies and misdirections you followed, mistakes you made, hardships, disappointments and sadness you endured and created, are FOR YOU to gather the wisdom from.  

YOU need to forgive and nurture you.  

YOU need to transmute your own perceptions and actions.

Dark eventually — and light thoughts and intent’s immediately, DO boomerang back to their sender and creator.  Repeated FORGIVENESS by a victim for the same crime is giving a predator consent to continue their mistreatment of you.  

Predators create and predict the victim’s future because the victim allows the predator to manage the victim’s present. 

All the factors from all our incarnations and realities are in play NOW as one continuous interlocking unit of emotion growth and development or stagnation, ALWAYS your choice.  Emotion arises in us to make us conscious of our TRUE feeling and intentions so we can consciously decide how we want to react to each particular sensation we are experiencing.  Future energy patterns and structures are built on our present patterns, expectations, action and consciousness.  Forward momentum for compassionate action is guided and supported now.  ANGER has been used to deny a person’s guilt, shame and fears.  These low frequency feelings nurture no one electromagnetically and allow the Dark Ones to manipulate those in denial into accepting dark agendas and creations of use and abuse. 

Will you continue to let your dark perseverating thoughts — lead you and feed off your energy?

Can you gracefully accept that YOU created as many wounds and as much suffering FOR others as you are currently experiencing now?

When you are curious about WHY or what the heck is going on, it is always good to consult with your higher self about the other factors happening in the universe that you are unaware of or are trying to ignore, that might be helping or hindering you to create the project, connections and reality you seek.

Your higher self DOES alert you as to the most auspicious, favorable time to act and push forward.  Your higher self can give you the percentage of light / compassion your project and the people connected with it carry.  Just ask.  Open up your consciousness to new directions, knowledge and options.  Ask and listen, without your “ifs” “ands” and “buts” about your feedback loops.

Quantum Principle of AUTHORITY and RESPONSIBILITY, says the one aware, worthy and capable of carrying out an action has the authority and responsibility to respond.

You are the only one having the authority to change YOUR perception, intent and consciousness.  You need to be your own SuperHero!  No one can or should even try to do it for you.  BLESSINGS are potential synchronicities waiting for you to percieve these compassionate options being offered to you.

The fetus’s infinite gray soul essence and their caretakers are all “mature soul essences” that have attracted and entrained together carrying matching resonances and intents.  You create (attract electromagnetically) and sustain (entrain) with your own chosen perceptions of reality.