Do You NEED A Bully?

A bully habitually seeks to intimidate and control those they percieve as vulnerable seeking direction and protection.

A great leader operates with integrity, compassion and speaks FOR their followers instead of using and abusing them to create chaos and violence.

Christ exemplified peace and patience in all circumstances, modeling kindness and equality to all, goodness to the wayward, gentleness and self control in even the worst of situations.

Victims think they need a bully or tyrant to protect and amplify their anger, to create FOR THEM.  So they give THEIR OWN creator abilities over to the bully, tyrant, nasty parent or leader, religion or Illuminist.  Victims and Dark Ones have always ALLOWED themself to be directed and monitored because they refuse to own and be responsible for what they think do and wish on others.  Those choosing to percieve the self as victimized feel entitled to be as nasty and cruel as they like to themself and each other and will claim:

“It’s not their fault.” 

Blame anyone! To avoid responsibility for their vengeful, criminal, irrational thoughts and actions!  Victims, Dark Ones and those refusing to be responsible for their creations, continuously reinforce the belief that they are powerless against the use and many abuses they endure from a bully leader, because they think that protects them from other bullies and being responsible for their criminality.  The possibility of acting with integrity and being compassionate and culpable for the self, doesn’t seem to be an option for them.  They are wounded or greedy and feel they are entitled to wound others to the level and more than they percieve they have been wounded.  The same belief’s all those currently and historically at war hold.

Do they consider and realize that when one fail’s to obey or please or give the bully what it wants, when they want it!  Their “protector” and amplifier that does their thinking for them, I guarantee will TURN ON THEM.  Dark Ones lie about WANTING to care for you.  “It’s a set up” to allow them to continue controlling the vulnerable or is that what they want?

Stay conscious and logical to know the truth and then choose.

SOME of our ANCIENT HISTORY of Dark Ones Agenda’s

The GALACTIC or ORION WARSlasted 20 million years.  The wars were waged in the quarantined dark bandwidth of third and lower fourth dimensions in the Milky Way Galaxy.  The galactic wars, have been over for ages in the galaxy, BUT have continued to be waged on Earth when many of the Draconian troops returned to earth around the time of Atlantis, close to the end of the third civilization on Earth, of our soul essence’s trying to transmute their thinking and actions into compassion for the self, responsibility and integrity for the self and treating each other as equals.

  The Dinosaurs on Earth that had Draconian souls and ancestry, were the stewards of the earth before humans were and they believed earth was their home.  Their leaders and their followers as is true now, were aggressive, judgmental, liars and vengeful ones that blamed and forced each other, which maintain a climate of fear and irrational control as all bully’s feedback loops or cycles turn.

Draconian’s also believed they had a right and were entitled to dominate the Milky Way Galaxy.  During Lemuria and then Atlantis their souls resided in VARIOUS earth biology’s, called the “Sons of Biel” that became the “Dark Robes of Atlantis” and were responsible for the fall of Lemuria and then Atlantis.  The mass consciousness of the people entrained with the Draco’s thinking and behaviors just as the “entitled one’s” and their followers are currently behaving. 

The PEOPLE wanted, and now some still want, tyrants and bullies to protect, rescue and support them in venting their anger, blame and vengeance on everyone and anyone.  INSTEAD of owning responsibility for their lack of compassion for the self and each other.

Quantum Principle of FREEWILL is found ONLY in the dark quarantined bandwidth and illusion of third and fourth dimension.  Each entity has the right to direct and pursue their life or reality, as long as they DO NOT VIOLATE the rights of others including the planet’s rights. 

Need I say, they violate everyone’s rights including each others.

Currently we refer to some of the Dark Ones and their philosophy as the Draco’s, the Dark Elite or Illuminists, which are the current primary carries of Draconian DNA and beliefs on planet earth, dressed in humanoid suits to complete their illusions and lies of being entitled saviors or Christian right bullies.  Fear and force to follow their beliefs is their creative force and what they FEED on that allows their continued existance among other Dark Ones.  The ruling elite, consider humans stupid, their labor force, slaves, lab rats along with something to eat and terrorize for amusement.  

Draconian Reptilians use psychological warfare, advanced technology, lies and disinformation to PSYCHOLOGICALLY manage humanity and before that, using the same techniques with the life on Venus, Saturn, Jupiter and Mars.  Only 2% of Dracos have souls.  The Reptilians made genetic hybrids with their DNA and Lyran refugees from Mars.  The reptilians were visible as reptiles in Lemuria and Atlantis while working with humans even though they fought a lot.

Dracos created soulless Grey Aliens or AI as WORKERS for whatever group has purchased or owns them, like Zeta Reticuli I and II, and Sirius A.

The reptilian souls from Draco, Lemuria and Atlantis had always had, advanced technology, experimented with DNA, cloning and creating new life forms long before they settled on earth to continue doing the same.  They wanted to use reptilian DNA as the foundation for a new humanoid creation.  To perfect “Transhumans,” a human in most respects that has powers and abilities beyond those of standard humans.  

The Reptilians manipulate humans through the various religions, leaders and governments they created for humans to keep them fearful and obedient thinking they needed to let other’s, like gods or serpents think and create for them to “caretake them” as long as humans worship and follow their dogma. 

LEAVING QUARANTINED frequencies individually or as a mass consciousness and/or as a planet quarantined in 3D/4D was/is not by going to war or being RIGHT or the savior or the good/right one.  Dark One’s were and are unable to influence or even percieve higher frequency thinking and sensations.

Only, you are personally responsible for raising and maintaining your frequency to give and receive only compassion makes you unreachable and unaffected by Dark One’s agendas of TRYING to control and force of your thought and consciousness.  But yes, as long as your consciousness resides in any earth biology, the biology and/or soul can be abused.  Even after the loss of the biology or form the gray soul can continue to bully and force or control a child, significant other, relative or friend from lower 4D energy fields when the human allows that.