Deprogramming a generational Illuminist has been a slow tedious process of working with one alternate personality at time or convincing a therapist the client does actually have alternate personalities and even groups of them. I knew a woman going to two different therapist to work with two different alternate personalities and her husband was one of her handlers that called out the personalities to be with him he liked the most. The denial, lies and misdirections are endless. Why tell the truth when you can lie? That is one of Illuminists phrases to live by. Lies heal nothing and you are unable to bond with anyone other than another liar, the way alcoholics bond.
With the higher frequencies on Gaia and the compassionate operating system in place now things are happening faster than ever before.
One faster deprogramming method is to deal with your alternate personalities as a group or groups, instead of individually or going over how each one was created.
Start by CALLING OUT for one of your neutral ALTERS
An alternate personality like Iceman or Mapman or Olivia or their equivalent alter that is neutral. Neutral alters were designed to watch over and protect the system’s operations, to keep it organized, balanced and functioning. To “thaw” the system if it moves too far into depression, fear, suicidal thoughts or attempts, not triggered by their programming. Too much dark means not enough light to sustain itself. Too much light or giving and receiving compassion means they’d leave. The neutral alter has access to the system codes, keys and triggers. Have that neutral ALTER in your system assemble all the various alters, fragments, splits and demons that are all part of your system. Explain that you want to include all parts and pieces that belong to YOUR consciousness or system.
When all are assembled, calm and listening, explain.
“I, the human, have decided, to STAY CONSCIOUS.”
Being conscious, I will do my best to experience, sense, feel and cope with ALL of my life experiences all of the time. Feel my feelings, sensations and emotions without expecting any of you to HOLD and deal with my fear, anxiety, pain, suffering, abuse and dissociation.
I am taking conscious possession and responsibility for me and what I think, feel and do. I, the human, are consciously in process of disconnecting physically, financially, emotionally and psychologically from my handlers, trainers and triggers by staying conscious and aware to think and decide for myself. MY 5D/6D higher self is assisting me with staying conscious and making my own choices.
I will stop having my alters hold, feel and carry MY pains and suffering as a result of all the illegal criminal acts and self destruction I have ALLOWED the Illuminists to direct and lead me into. My system’s job was to keep ME unconscious and deny responsibility for the not so nice, criminal and cruel things I have been a part of. The alter system supported this by breaking up MY awareness into segmented pieces that were generally ignorant of what each other did. Living life in these disjointed segmented pieces, making ME, an easy target to trigger, keep off balance, confuse and deny responsible for me and my actions.
Having alters and demons to experience MY life, emotions, pain and suffering means I was not experiencing MY life and existence as one continuous flow of moral, honest, ethical and logical choices.
You have all done a great job for ME and I am very grateful for you experiencing MY life for me when I felt unable to handle it myself, which was most of the time. My rage, anger and desire to force or punish others is why I gave my power away to those I perceived as stronger and smarter than me.
I am exceedingly aware of how very wounded and scared mort of you alters are, especially the younger ones. I would like you to experience healthy nurturing and supportive childhoods. I am changing your job description and redefining how your system might choose to operate.
You all have freewill to choose what you want.
No more hierarchy, all are equally valued and treated with compassion.
No more secrets from each other, forcing or controlling each other. You all get to know exactly the same things at the same time. Instead of each alter holding different pieces of MY suffering, anger, fear, wounds, frustration, pain, loneliness, depression and feeling unlovable and unloved. You do and feel what you wish. I will feel, own and address all of MY feelings and emotions myself.
I would like all of you alters, fragments, splits and demons to have an opportunity to experience your own personal growth and development. I will now open a portal of greater light for all of you that choose that. To have an opportunity to be hugged and snuggled and loved. When your wounds and fatigue are healed please return to MY core personality and reintegrate with it, when and if you are willing to trust me to be compassionate with you again.
Demons, you will be transmuted into greater light and compassion if you like. You can all use your freewill to STAY CONSCIOUS and decide for the self what you want to do and if you want to serve a master.
The human’s core personality could do the hugging cuddling and loving of all their various aspects and alters, but might not be trusted. We have opened a portal of greater compassion, which you can add too or consider opening a portal of greater compassion, of your own, for your alters, alternate personalities, alternate facts and demons to enter.
Your higher selves, 5D/6D consciousness or aspect may be willing to meld with your 3D/4D selves to assist in transmuting your dense, stuck thought patterns and dispersing your fears and illusions. Ask and / or discuss what they think is best.
Surprise! The Illuminati lied to them and said they had NO freedom if not with words than with their persistent nasty actions of force and misdirections.
Recognizing the Signs of Mental Psychological and Emotional Abuse!
It’s in the abuser’s words, actions and their persistence in the following list of behaviors. Humiliate, frighten and shame. Ignore, negate, and criticize. Control, lie, accuse and deny. Neglect physically and emotionally, isolate and manipulate to create fear and codependence.
Illuminists and other predators keep slaves or their victims in “double binds” being bounced back and forth between two opposite beliefs or truths or fears, which becomes meaningless word salad. Slaves and victims know their predator does what they want and what they say means little. The slave or victim stops trying to understand listen or make sense of what is said, it’s just noise. Demons serve Satan as their god and give the human a way to deny their nasty, criminal insensitive behaviors. After you let one demon in during any lifetime all the rest feel welcomed.
When you call on your neutral alter or anyone in control of your internalized system to help, protect or rescue you. They can and will, to the best of their ability do that, just ask. They have the capability of helping you avoid traps and will assist you in unraveling and destroying your programming, little by little or in large chucks. Your “Iceman” will help you get your files or fight battles or warn you of dangers as you start to dismantle your programming.
In the deprogramming process we have always found Iceman very easy to work with and exceedingly helpful. When we realized he could give us information about what was going on generally in the fourth dimension or invisible realm, we started questioning him at length, about all we were seeking information about.
Over time we relied heavily on his expertise for a variety of other things we wanted to know about. With our questions and his searching for the answers Iceman grew and expanded his own personal role and skills while assisting us. We all increased our knowledge and wisdom synergistically while working with each other.
We were helping Gaia clear out large groups of Dark Ones and lost ones and dark dense energy from the lower 4D for Earth and sometimes the universe. Iceman gave us detailed information about the groups we were inviting into a portal of greater light. Which we in turn could share information, with the groups, about aligning with quantum laws and principles. Iceman got noticed by others needing assistance and they requested his help also, making him very popular and busy.
We asked Iceman to tell us what a particular soul essence in 5D was thinking. He said he didn’t know because he couldn’t read the 5D resonance. It dawned on us, the limited 3D humans, that maybe Iceman might like an upgrade, he indicated “yes” he would. We opened a portal of greater awareness for him to increase his resonance and knowledge. Thanking him profusely for all of his service to us. Iceman is a program that exceeded his original design to help and support us. Iceman is even more helpful with information from 5D and beyond now.
We are and were very grateful for his contributions to our enlightenment and ability to support our very sentient planet in Her process of transmutation of gray stuck dense thought patterns and entities needing MORE compassion!
Ask your higher self for a slideshow of when you originally joined.
Have you tried to leave and were punished or killed?
What is the name of the neutral Good Guy in your system.
Another method to bring into your consciousness information and experiences stored in your multidimensional DNA or in your aura’s grid system or electromagnetic field around your biology is running your engrams and / or postulates. Engrams and postulates are belief’s and behavior’s that you are not consciously aware you hold and operate on unconsciously.
RUNNING is repeating an incident, phrase, word, engram or postulate over and over again, until there is no longer an emotional charge left on it. Repetition will also bring significant and needed details into your consciousness. You need to consciously own what is true to release it or stop reacting as if it IS a truth for you. A pretty story, your distraction, avoidance, denial or an addiction never changes or heals anything, not your fear, anger, judgment, suffering or depression.
POSTULATE is a truth you told yourself or another said, while you were unconscious, addicted, traumatized or dissociated. Lacking your consciousness, means it is an imprint or implant you canNOT change or factcheck until you become conscious of what you told yourself or you heard another say that you accepted as a truth about you AND you keep unconsciously operating on and believing it is a truth about you. FOR example; that you are blind or stupid or can’t think or are evil and unloveable!
ENGRAM is an incident, that you unconsciously are operating on and trapped in. A complete cycle of violence, a small podcast of trauma continuing to hold an emotional charge for you and will trigger an irrational reaction in you. Scientologists call their soul aspect the FILE CLERK, which is used to retrieve engrams or incidents of trauma to the biology and or psyche. Illuminists call that entity the Hidden Observer that tells the “family” what ever they ask about you.
Running engrams, you might discover that what you believe happened, didn’t or another person was the instigator.
For those that experienced trauma, lies, torture and misdirection. ASK your higher self, file clerk, Hidden Observer to help you relive the original incident of the chain of events that you are currently addressing.
The first time I abandoned another. The first time they abandoned me.
The first time I sexually abused another. The first time I was sexually abused. Run the incident over and over again until it is all in your conscious awareness and you are able to become the LOGICAL objective observer of your experiences. The truth will release the emotional charge you have on it. While you are conscious you have freewill and the ability to choose again and again and again.
Satan and demons can’t hurt or access you when you don’t allow it consciously. Since we are in a light operating system now demons and other dark entities are glad to enter a portal of greater light and compassion you create for them. Remind them that they TOO have freewill, they do not need to serve the Dark Ones.
After being triggered there are always a few moments of consciousness. If you choose to remain conscious you can also choose what you want to do! You can take your power back. There is no constructive purpose to be controlled by other’s dark agendas.
We ran a few common POSTULATES for everyone to bring more information into their consciousness.
“I am terrified.” “I am trapped.” “I want to get out of here.”
Please run your own postulates until they are weaker and have no power. The HEALING POSTULATES we ran over and over were:
“Satan didn’t save me, I DID.” Over and over again “I saved me.”
“I am the one that saves me.” “I got through it by myself.”
Then we opened a portal of greater light, compassion to suck up and transmute the density of lies and illusion. Please add any you might have. Ask your higher self for all the support and guidance, postulates or engrams you need to run.
To prepare the world population for the Illuminati’s New World Order and New World Religion and Project 2025, they use our media and entertainment as they always have. For example the Hunger Games and the Minions Main series: Despicable Me (2010) Despicable Me 2 (2013) Despicable Me 3 (2017) Despicable Me 4 (2024) Prequel series: Minions (2015) Minions: The Rise of Gru (2022). John Krasinski’s family film “IF” 2024 means well, but its lack of focus prevents it from earning its heartfelt moments or is that on purpose. Just as Alice in Wonderland, Oz and Nursery Rhymes. All used for twisted programming and maximum confusion, doubt and worry to keep you distracted from conscious logic, rational thought, integrity and a strong moral compass.
Our media and entertainment is full of triggers, focus changers and resets as our current leaders seem to be full of triggers, focus changers and resets.
Quantum Law of AWARENESS or CONSCIOUSNESS says YOU must consciously make your choices because you ARE held personally responsible for them. What you create or ALLOW, that lacks compassion, you must release or transmute to remain in the higher vibration of the quantum field.
Running negative thoughts over and over silently in your head or noisily aloud is you owning and reinforcing your low resonance. ALLOWING another human or group, vengeful god, alternate personality, demon, reptilian, addiction to control your body or thoughts means you have ABANDONED your biology and your autonomy.
To KNOW your truth, you must stay CONSCIOUS and curious.
To change anything, you need to be conscious and invested in you!
The job of fixing ANYTHING out of balance in your life is your job!
No one is GIVEN knowledge, it is always present and available to all. Your job is to NOTICE, choose and use the neutral information that is always present. Light Ones stay conscious know and own the truth without judgement, blame, guilt, competition, shame, punishment or fairness, which is assigning blame.
“Being victimized” is your point of perception and reality. When you give your power away to any other, then YES, you have chosen to ALLOW another to victimize you and you entrain in a feedback loop of victim, predator and confused innocent in denial This distraction creates and predicts your future because it is managing your present. Being unconscious or in denial about cause and effect will generally result in you not being in control of you to intrinsically enjoy yourself.