Conscious introspection is used to increase your awareness and understanding of the cause and effects that you have created to experience, but aren’t applying the wisdom you may have gathered.  knowing the cause and effect is generally a strong nudge for you to increase your use of compassion, acceptance and forgiveness for you first and for others.

Continuously feeling wounded or angered by insensitivity and cruelty from others, because you, take it in, as a personal insult or you choose to own what another says as truth, then you need to understand the way Dark Ones operate and interact with each other.  They live and operate in feedback loops of drama, upset, nastiness to the self and each other as distraction and game playing to avoid being awake and aware, responsible for their thoughts and actions, not compassionate, accepting or forgiving of the self and others.

Dark Ones main response to themself, their self absorption and personal misery doesn’t really percieve that anyone could be different than they are.  Dark believes that compassion, acceptance and forgiveness is a lie and a trick to set them up for more use and abuse.

Law of ATTRACTION which attractslike energy, intent and resonance to you.

That is just the way that frequency operates and interacts with each other, cruel, insensitive, very self absorbed and miserable.  It is wise, to allow them their path and choice without YOU taking it personally and getting wounded, angry, vengeful or trying to fix them.  Unless they request information or guidance or help and you have the skill to respond without entraining YOUR frequency to their resonance.

An example of this low frequency, is a woman in the process of dying.  All her life she has used and abused family, relatives and strangers.  She has some money which the relatives THINK, wished, because they still don’t accept “the way” Dark Ones think, act and percieve their reality, that she will share her money to make amends for her nastiness all her life.  They still don’t understand and accept her low frequency choice of, “It’s MINE and no one else can have any.”

She does not want anyone to inherit anything of value that is her’s.  She is and has always been a wounded, self absorbed rather unpleasant individual all of her life and has no desire to change.  She feels entitled to her nastiness and enjoys wounding others the way she perceives she was wounded.

Consciously, she uses, and has always used “her money” and position in life to FORCE people to interact with her.  THEIR resistance and upset to her angry, abusive, irrational interactions with her, OPENS up the other person’s electromagnetic field at a very low MATCHING vibration to her vibration.  This allows her to siphon their energy/light which sustains her and validates her perception of reality when others respond to her with angry, upset, frustration and disbelief.

DARK ONES MEAN you no good, they only respond to their suffering.

You CHOOSE to entrain with them when you upset yourself about it and/or you choose to join their frequency by suffering too and/or starting a “tit for tat” game.

Quantum or Universal Law of ALLOWING and Freewill, says you have the RIGHT and RESPONSIBILITY to BE and DO whatever YOU choose, with the intent and resonance your creations carry with them.

Our higher self or intuition wants to assist us in being the objective observer of the patterns we keep creating, deny or ignore over and over again of suffering, by having truthful, detailed memories and realizing how we have DEMANDED that other’s please and satisfy what we wanted or needed.  When they failed to deliver it, we chose to suffer.

One method commonly used by those in the invisible realm to help us own what is true, is to drop a bit of information or awareness about us that we might normally have rejected or disputed.  Generally this bit of information or fact may be “dropped in” as you are doing something you enjoy like playing games, reading, having fun or sleeping.

Demanding another to percieve reality the way YOU see things or you want things to be, is against the law of allowing and makes YOU UPSET yourself by feeling frustrated and angry.  Like the woman in the story above, she ONLY perceives her reality, you TRYING to get her to see something different upsets YOU and allows her to feed from YOUR anger and frustration.  That is a win-win for her and a lose-lose for you.  You helped her feel alive and powerful as she siphons your life force unbalancing you.

SOMEONE ELSE cannot make you be compassionate with you.

It is your JOB to rescue you, fix things for you, stay balanced and be your own compassionate caretaker of you.  Victims get triggered over and over again BY THEIR demands that OTHERS need to change to please them.

Consider aligning with universal laws and principles.

Law of ALLOWING others their path without your demands.

Law of ATTRACTION which attractslike energy, intent and resonance to you.

Law of ENTRAINMENT is when two or more resonances, realities or thoughts existing in the same space, MUST combine to create a SINGLE resonance.

Law of CONSCIOUSNESS, YOU must consciously make your choices because you ARE personally responsible for them.