To interact with the invisible realm, your soul and higher self, one generally uses the human’s enhanced senses.  By going within you commune more closely with your intuition and what’s going on in the invisible realm daily.  Compassionate thinking makes it is easier to commune with your galactic higher self, whose job it is to assist you in transmuting your density and fears.  Thoughts of blame and judgement hold YOU powerless and in a lower resonance.  Interaction’s are subtle and come in softly most of the time through the large network of your internal senses.  

Listen up and translate your messages, always ask for clarification when confused or in doubt.  You can even communicate with a soul that has exited their biology, many commune with deceased pets, close relatives and loves.  Even when the soul essence has entered a new form, you can still commune with it.

Currently MANY higher selves are entering or sharing teen-aged body’s, with the souls agreement, to help increase the individuals work, consciousness and humanities mass consciousness.  The original soul in a biology can observe, take turns, work with a walk-in or braid-in or any infinite variety of ways to commune and interact with another or many souls.

SENSATION receptors run throughout the body: in the skin, muscles, internal organs, bones, joints, intuition, imagination and other multidimensional systems and our “gut feelings” or hunches or Aha’s that propel us into action not always knowing why or how.  The five senses, as always, are used to keep the biology safe and functioning in physicality.  

As Julius’ and Patapoutian’s work has shown, somatosensory receptors are ion channels.  When ion channels are stimulated by temperature or physical force or a chemical compound the channels open and allow charged particles to flow into a nerve cell, which in turn allows the cell to pass along somatosensory information in the form of electrical signals.  Currently the electrical grid around earth is being upgraded and so is our biology and emotional state, which at times can be uncomfortable and unbalancing the human electrical systems and functioning.

Our somatosensory information system includes our multidimensional DNA/RNA through and around the biology, the 206 meridians, 7 main chakra, points and many smaller ones ending in various organs connecting external and internal vortices to our human and multidimensional DNA.  These are very tiny electrical energy flows coming on line, in our biology, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies.

Different streams of information are relayed along peripheral nerves, through the spinal cord and brainstem, into the thalamus and ultimately into the somatosensory cortex, where they are integrated into the complex perceptions we can experience or ignore.  A somatosensory sensation; is a collective term for the many different perceptions we sense and respond to.

SYMPATHETIC nervous system SNS, hardwires body and muscles into HABITS. Done without your consciousness.  This is short neuron activity to the adrenal glands to release hormones into the bloodstreams.  Chronic feelings of despair, hopelessness, fear or anger decreases insulin production.  

The pancreas is the main organ PROCESSING fears you own and perceive.  The PITUITARY GLAND regulates the adrenals, liver, bone, thyroid, gonads and metabolism when you are in a low state of consciousness, fearful, angry or stressed.  SNS response is for survival of the biology.  Four hardwired reactions to trauma and/or overwhelm are FIGHT, FLIGHT, freeze, or self sacrifice.

PARASYMPATHETIC nervous system, PNS responds to your conscious choices made when you feel safe and tune into your sensory messages while RESTING and DIGESTING.  PNS decreases respiration, heart rate, lowers blood pressure, promotes digestion, sexual arousal, salivation, tears, urination defecation healing and recovery.  PNS is a slower system moving along longer pathways.  When you forgive and accept you releases bitterness and stress.

AUTONOMOUS SENSORY MERIDIAN RESPONSE ASMR sensations run throughout the body along the skin or any of the twelve meridian channels of very tiny electromagnetic network of energy flows running throughout the SNS and PNS terminating in particular organs.  When blocked these flows cause pain and illness and have been doing that as these energy flows are being cleared and coming back on line.

ASMR and higher-level consciousness, are intertwined and entangled with your positive feelings and static-like tingling sensation.  Tingling sensation spreading over your head, typically moving down your spine and body, inducing euphoria and is referred to as brain orgasm.  Some triggers of ASMR are listening to softly spoken or whispering voice, repetitive sounds like turning pages or preparing food.  Hands on one’s face.  Dr. Richard says these feeling and sensations of calm and relaxation are due to the release of endorphins, oxytocin, serotonin, and other neurotransmitters in the brain and body. 

The PINEAL GLAND is part of the PNS that sits on the brain’s midline, a pea sized cone shaped mass of tissue.  963Hz is the resonance which has the potential to enhance your meditation.  The “third eye” or pineal gland’s primary function is “letting in light” awareness and compassion, a melatonin-secreting neuroendocrine organ, regulating circadian rhythms.  Signs your 3rd eye is opening is increasing pressure between the eyebrows.  New skills and abilities, creativity, heightened awareness of your self and what you think and feel.

The mental body in your aura floats over your head, above the pineal gland.  Move into fear and beta brainwaves and the pineal gland shuts down.  Adrenals kick in to ensure survival of the biology. 

Different entity’s consciousness, visit and interact with you when you need specialized information or have shared interests, need an expert, a healer or want to visit with family or friends incarnated in biology or not.

Skillfully listening to what another conveys means staying conscious when you interact together.  Respond with integrity and kindness.  Ask for what you need with clarity.  Listen to increase your understanding rather than listening to solve someone else’s problems or blame and judge them.  Even poor wording can be beautifully received when said from a place of compassion and caring.

Learn to ask for and allow answers to come from your feelings, sensations, body parts or organs.  Listen to and monitor your self talk to avoid judging, blaming and cruel thinking about you.  Self love and compassion is self care.  Trust and believe your communication has already happened on an individual level and globally has become part of the mass consciousness and been amplified.  Aloud say you are open to be connected to the many different ways you can experience that visually, verbally, with various signs and/or synchronistically.