Some people interrupt themselves to redirect their own thoughts.

WHY would someone do that?

Because their cognitive functions ARE fragmented, absent, broken or corrupted to the point that they are UNABLE to focus long enough to THINK ABOUT, and/or retrieve their personal information and history of traumas to answer a question, another asks or they ask themself.

HOW and WHY is their cognitive function, fragmented, absent or broken?

Fight, flight, freeze or sacrifice the self are the main responses to trauma.

Trauma is overwhelming to the mind and body, so logic, factchecking and processing do not happen.  The human moves into survival mode and repeats their survival reaction anytime they feel threatened with something they do not want to know about that happened to them.  The movement into survival reaction can be carried into this lifetime from previous incarnations when the person attracted and entrained with similar traumatic energies over and over again.

The same soul essence with its trauma responses imbedded and not rebalanced yet, in its interdimensional DNA would continue to cognitively interrupt their own awareness when they felt them might remember/re-experience an old trauma/wound. 

Mental and emotional FLIGHT would be cognitive interruption!

The automatic response or program of cognitive interruption is “on duty and active” INSTEAD of their conscious, rational, logical thinking. 

When one lacks CONSCIOUSNESS, nothing changes. 

Nothing can be factchecked and generally is not logical or rational.  

Giving themselves or anyone else an answer to a direct question that MIGHT make them feel uncomfortable, anxious or fearful, because it MIGHT touch a memory or sensation around their trauma they avoid re-experiencing as a survival copping  mechanism.  Their habitual avoiding a trauma response or feeling, is to interrupt their own thought by BOUNCING mentally to something unrelated and neutral enough to not RISK feeling a fearful negative sensation.

  Viewing them think and talk you can see and hear them interrupting themselves without any logic or external stimulus.  Especially when you ask a question or seek information about them and how they feel or what they think.

They do not what to risk being judged, blamed, rejected or punished.

They do not what to risk remembering or feeling anything painful.

The way they avoid feeling or thinking about the above is to interrupt their own thoughts and actions with “bouncers” or ANOTHER random program, habit, addiction or action that redirects them into a different space or program totally unrelated to where they were mentally and/or physically just a second ago.

BOUNCERS, DISRUPTORS and FLOODING are all “on duty programs” designed into their automatic unconscious, stimulus responses to disrupt and bounce their awareness so rapidly that they are unable to think, decide, feel or factcheck anything for the self.  Bouncers, disruptors or flooding maintain the core personality in states of confusion and fear of what COULD or might happen.

Fragments of memories and/or emotions floating into the person’s awareness, moves them into past time and they react as if it’s happening currently, and in the middle of their reaction a bouncer will move in “to protect them” from remembering!

For these people, there are no memories or stories that have a beginning, middle and end.  There are only fragments or bits of memories being played out without any continuity, logic, reason or resolution.

When there’s not enough space, consciousness on your disk or brain to store an entire file in one place, OR the file is too horrifying to remember, the file gets broken down into smaller pieces or fragments.  This is true for the human brain and the multidimensional mind or aura and soul.  When files are fragmented and storage algorithms are separated or cut and endless bouncers disrupt a story or event’s, rhythm and flow.  The human and/or soul is UNABLE to gather themself together enough to be CONSCIOUS, logical, rational or moral enough to fix their own programs, they need help to break programed responses and consciously retrieve entire trauma’s to gather the wisdom.  

Ask your higher self or an energy specialist in a higher frequency for help! 

Human consciousness, is the programmer experiencing the reality the human continuously creates and endlessly or obsessively or unconsciously recreates, ACTS  on, as a habit or their conscious or unconscious beliefs and intent.  Only by STAYING awake and conscious can you change your cognitive interruptions, habits, addictions, unconsciousness and/or intent.

Only when you STAY conscious can you change anything and factcheck it.

Stay CONSCIOUS and force yourself to pick ONE thing to focus on at a time.  Then think, feel and decide.  Then pick another piece to examine, own and do something about.  You need to have conscious awareness and clear thinking to defuse the bouncers, flooding and disruptors in your consciousness that you have used to protect yourself from feeling and sensing what you considered fearful and horrifying at the time of that PAST event(s).  

Ask your higher self for support and guidance and a slideshow for you to watch as an observer to understand the original incident.

After releasing dark thought patterns mentally and emotionally you may also release them physically, through the skin, a runny nose or eyes, or out the digestive tract.  Since we are all wired a bit differently, each one of us experiences and releases in their own way, at their own pace and time.

YOUR point of perception, its intent and the resonance it carries continuously creates your PERSONAL perception of you and your reality.  Viewing any event, person place or thing, CONSCIOUSLY will be altered to match what you want to percieve.

Humans who compartmentalizes into boxes of protocol for control limit their growth and development.  They limit their laughter and joy that pops open their heart chakra for their higher self to help rebalance their energy in the now moment. 

You are your creator and sustainer or changer!