BEING Conscious

Puts you in control of the direction your feelings, sensations, wisdom and creativity is traveling in.  A team from the Stanford University School of Medicine discovered that when we are…

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SIMPLIFY and Remove

Simplify and remove your lower frequency thoughts and actions to bring in higher frequency energy, relationships, connections and compassion for you.  Make room for the new!  Energy and blessings are…

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MORAL Judgements

CONTEMPT is a vibration and MORAL judgement in you. Low vibrating, blaming, judgmental with hate and vengeance. Contemptuous people and dark soul’s are angry, judgmental, deeply wounded, emotionally fragile and…

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Lies/deception/misdirected thought patterns, anger/upsets/resistance/woundings impact or imprint’s low resonating frequency remain in the soul’s grid system/DNA and aura as unbalanced energy carried with us into each incarnation.  Until, the soul…

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