QUANTUM Particles

Quantum particles are not and never have been "your keeper, leader, predator, judge, god or parent" what they do is manifest your thought and intent dark or light, mean or…

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Compassionless is lacking sympathy or tender feelings. Stored habitual, robotic patterns of thought and responses lacking compassion are unfeeling, ruthless, merciless, heartless or oppressive.  One’s habitual responses lack authenticity compassion…


WHO To Blame?

Who has the power to change anything for you? Who to blame is moot, having little or no practical relevance. Where the power lies to change or alter anything for…

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Intrinsic, is the very essence of the thing, individual and/or consciousness. Intrinsic pleasure and rewards with the self are created and found within us.    Never externally bestowed on us…

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For every thought, intent or action there is a reciprocal reaction YOU create. When wounded you can wound back - that is matching frequencies.  Overt and covert matching resonances are…

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Figure Out WHY

You sense a low frequency energy hurled at you. Do you match that frequency or do you choose to be curious and want to explore the cause and effect, which…

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LIKE Attracts LIKE

LAW of ATTRACTION, like attracts like energy.  Everything, our thought, intention, customs, ideas, values, consciousness and the feelings of the individual, group or event has a resonance or vibrational energy…

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