FEEDING Which Reality?

Your thoughts and feelings of shame, being unworthy, incapable, less than or entitled, special and better than, are feelings developed over your multiple incarnations in the toxic quarantined 3D/4D reality. …

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Entangling QUANTA

Quantum entanglement, is when one set of quantum particles, interact with, are connected to and respond to each other regardless of how close or far away they are from each…

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LOGGING out and In

For millions of years and incarnations our infinite soul essence has demanded and entrained with their right to keep re-experiencing, their dark dense feedback loops and reality of being victim,…

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BREAK The Silence

Realization, especially of truth, is compassionate ACTION.  Alice Miller defines being an “enlightened witness” as the one having knowledge and understanding of the consequence of violence and injustice and is…

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​Portals convert energy to matter or matter to energy.  The frequency the matter and/or energy holds creates the reality one perceives and experiences.  Human consciousness, corridors, wormholes and vortexes are…

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A complex answer is a detailed response that may have many parts that need more explanation, thought or time to unfold and/or are always in a continuous flow of transition. …

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