FANTASY Programming

LYMAN FRANK BAUM, 1856 -1919 was an American author best known for his books about child fantasy.  Baum himself when asked whether his stories had hidden meanings?  He replied that…

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OurInfinite souls have continuously created hundreds of thousands of genetic blends throughout the Galaxy with the physical bodies found on each planet. Astral body’s are fourth dimensional so they can…

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Or generally refer to the 13 multigenerational bloodline families on/in earth that follow orders from “The Ciakar God,” from Draco that rule the Reptilian Illuminists here on earth through the…

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Anunnaki to ANNANUKI

The Anunnaki changed their name to ANNANUKI when they transmuted their thoughts and actions into compassionate ones and became members in good standing of the Galactic Federation.   Many planets…

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