ATLANTIANS and Atlantis

Atlantis was located in four different areas: off the coast of Spain, the Atlantic Ocean near the Strait of Gibraltar, the Mediterranean Sea (including islands of Santorini, Crete, and Malta) and in the region of northwest Africa.  Atlantis was believed to exist for around 9,000 years sinking into the ocean around 9,600 BC.

Lemuria lasted more than 20,000 years and Atlantis lasted the 9,000 years at the end of Lemuria.  Atlantis was powered with harnessed sea energy and crystals that controlled the electrical power, air quality and light on the planet.  

FIRMAMENT or MANTLE or DOME, in Biblical cosmology, is the structure above the atmosphere, conceived of as a vast solid dome.

  Genesis 1:6-8 “Then God said, “Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters.”  The “Mantel” existed surrounding the planet like a huge “fish bowl” while the mantel remained intact, Earth was very safe to live on, because the temperature was controlled to fit the needs of the inhabitants.  Different inhabitants chose different areas to live in and were able to create a weather system consistent with their Home World or their Mother Ship.  The firmament sank with Altantis.

Atlantis was settled with the low frequency souls essences of Lemurians, lacking compassion for the self.  Other soul essences attracting and entrain with that frequency were the Draconian troops, from the Galactic wars, some dark souls exiled from the Pleiadians an Alpha Centauri, some were Lyrans relocating on earth along with other refugees.  Some Pleiadians tried to guide and help Atlantians maintain their compassion.

  Blavatsky’s writings mention that the Atlantians were in fact olive-skinned peoples with Mongoloid traits who were the ancestors of modern Native Americans, Mongolians, and Malayans.

Dark Atlantians continued to increase their power, force and control over each other.  They used the same psychic and physical weapons they have used on many other planets previously, like Venus, Saturn, Jupiter, Mars and many other planets.  

SLAVE BANDS were nailed into the skulls of 50% of the population during the time of Atlantis to create an efficient obedient slave race.  They wanted a slave population to work in the mines and fields and personally serve those at the top of the hierarchy.  They told the slave it was their crown, “They were special” but certainly NOT equal or of much value, similar to the way we still view women, children and ethnic groups today.  Slave bands are still very active in some human souls today, but they are no longer visible.

Mind control and psychological toxicity of consciousness, chemical warfare, slavery, implants and the pollution of the planet’s air, water and food supply creating illnesses to support the medical complex and the food industry that are NOT interested fixing anything were common then and now.  Some scientists knew how to make themselves invisible to those in the third dimension by moving into the 4th dimension then and now. 

50% of the world population’s soul essences incarnated in biology today are the same infinite souls active during Atlantis.  The controlling elite of Atlantis and Earth now, ignored and increased the population’s suffering.  Atlantians took what they wanted with the help of their renegade allies from Pleiades and Alpha Centauri.

Scientists worked in the temples of Tien (present day Cuba) doing energy healing, cloning and DNA experimentation and NOT compassionately.  At the end of Atlantis all humans had at least 10-20% reptilian DNA from humans reproducing with reptilians or at least their DNA doing that.  The human fetus starts out reptilian and turns into a mammalian mostly.  For example humans have two brains, a reptilian and mammalian brain, a reptilian lymphatic system and on and on.  Lyran blood is reddish because of the high iron content in it.  Reptilian blood is blue-green because of the high copper content it has.  Most of the rulers and leaders on earth NOW are 50% or more reptilian and that is why they are called blue bloods or HYBRIDS.

Reptilian infinite souls created and took their religions beliefs, indoctrination and dogma used on Draco and GIFTED the Atlantians with the same manipulations of fear and force.  The “Sons of Biel” that became the “Dark Robes of Atlantis” creating fears that only they (their god) could fix as long as humans worshipped obediently and followed their dogma.  

Sound familiar?

Strongly stated words similar to the old testament and the Torah during the time of Christ.  The phrase “daughters of men” is a general term in the Bible that refers to human women as the offspring of their parents.  Appears in Genesis 6:2, along with the phrase “sons of God”:  “Now it came about, when men began to multiply on the face of the land, and daughters were born to them, that the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were fair, and they took to wife such of them as they chose”. 

Draconian Reptilians invented or created soulless Grey Aliens or AI’s as their workers and sold them to whatever group willing to purchase them, like Zeta Reticuli I and II, and Sirius A and The Grey’s have been working tirelessly on earth to do their owner’s bidding.

To keep from moving into higher frequencies where Dark Ones loose control Atlantian Dark Ones carried on psychological 4D and physical 3Dwars that have never really stopped for our infinite souls taking various different biologies through the ages.  Germany’s “master race” was one more phase of the illuminists improving their “slave population” or fine tuning their Trans-humans.

Currently what we call the ENERGY WARS have continued on since Atlantis in the lower 4D/3D energy field and in 3D human daydreams and night dreaming consciousness and lower 4D frequency astral bodies and consciousness have only recently ended as lower 4D has been relocated off Gaia.  

Wars are distractions to avoid being compassionate to yourself and each other.  Just as any addiction or abuses are used to avoid compassion with the self and others.  The cruelty and pointlessness of wars are being amplified and seen currently in hopes of waking up more of humanity into consciousness, compassion and wisdom.

Draconian Reptilians have continuously used the same psychological warfare and advanced technology to psychologically manage the souls on Venus, Saturn, Jupiter, Mars and Earth to name only a few.  Experimenting with DNA, cloning and creating new life forms long before they settled on earth.

Currently we refer to this group as the Draco’s, Dark Ruling Elite or Illuminists, which primarily carry Draconian DNA and can shape shift back and forth in 3D/4D.  We have gone to war to protect our STUFF and force our beliefs on each other.  Similar to the Galactic war dark consciousness.  Fear is the Dark One’s creative force which they feed from to sustain themselves, siphoning each other’s DARK energy, cruelty thought and intent.  The ruling elite, consider humans stupid, their labor force, slaves and lab rats along with something to eat or terrorize for amusement.  

They are/were the global government dictatorship that manipulated countries, governments, world events, bankers, the media, politicians and secret organizations like the CIA, NSA, IMF, WHO, UN and their doubles or clones working with their “enforcers” the programmed military and police. 

The Galactic Federation is an alliance made up of many thousands of “Star Nations” usually consisting of a planet, or group of planets of extraterrestrial civilizations within the Milky Way governing or supervising body of a vast galactic network working together, 40% of the members are humanoid, 60% are varied forms of sentient beings.  The Galactic Federation headquarters for our Milky Way galaxy is located in the Sirius star system. The Galactic Federation’s choice and consequently their duty is to assist earth to survive. 

April 11, 2012 the members of the Galactic Federation destroyed the Illuminati’s underground escape areas.  These areas were huge and it is where the Dark Ones were preparing to wait out WWIII once Gaia’s surface was destroyed by the war they had planned to create.  The dark underlings or Illuminists on earth, the moon and Mars continue pushing their agendas of domination.   

The Sirians and Antarians have contributed greatly to our genetics and DNA on earth.  They straddle the line of being dark or light and aren’t necessarily here to help us raise our consciousness in the same way the Peiadians and Arcturians are.   Discern the individual’s frequency and intention.  Know you can’t trust a Dark One regardless of the group they came from.