The Anunnaki changed their name to ANNANUKI when they transmuted their thoughts and actions into compassionate ones and became members in good standing of the Galactic Federation.
Many planets in this solar system and other solar systems have been over powered and controlled by the same group of dark entities residing at the top of the pyramid changing their name frequently, but not their agenda. These domineering Draconian reptilians arrived in the Milky Way Galaxy, six million years ago from another universe. Of these reptilians only 2% had infinite souls and streams of consciousness. The rest were “worker bees” soulless AI’s artificial intelligence aliens. An animal, human or reptilian animal soul essence can be one individual soul or one soul essence can enter a group of animal forms to be a herd or flock or army that have a shared, unified soul in multiple containers with each form’s own intellegence operating in sync with the oversoul.
For millions of years the Draconian reptilians have used the same MO, modus operandi to create fear, force, control and manage civilizations including on Venus, Saturn, Jupiter, Earth, Mars and Tau Ceti to name a few.
The same psychological games, chemical warfare, slavery, decadence, implants, mind control, nanoparticles, advanced technology, experimentation with DNA genetics along with cruelty way beyond what you imagine has been used to create and maintain fear to traumatize and control a great many planets and civilizations. The same infinite souls incarnating into whatever form needed to achieve their goal, currently the Dark cabal, the secret political clique or faction currently called Illuminists, that have conscious memory, of all their incarnations that work hard to keep and maintain humans and their other conquests in a state of fear.
The Draco Empire, former Anchara Alliance or the League of Orion. Tyrannical overlords put the Anunnaki in charge of earth and humanity during the time of Lemuria and Atlantis that started out as fourth dimensional and devolved into third dimensional, physicality and physical death being responsible for the fall of those and many other civilizations.
Those that forget that they are not their body, believe they die and can be killed. Biology on any planet is the “vehicle” or form the infinite soul needs or uses to have access to a space, energy field or planet. The “vehicle” the soul uses is created with the elements of that particular planet and when the vehicle dies its elements will return to that planet.
Your INFINITE consciousness of quantum particles always remains.
It can’t be killed or die, but it can forget that, YOU created an alternate reality.
MEMORY LOSS about the fact that your soul remains is usually your “argument” between the part of you that wants to remember and the part of you that does not want to believe what actually happened. Instead, you focus your consciousness on your limits that you created for you. You choose to LIVE in wounds and traumas your biology experienced in the early stages of its existence on any given planet or in any given reality.
Choosing a biology born on earth meant, means the biology the infinite soul works with, has the frequency of the mass consciousness of that planet at the time of that particular biology’s birth. For the past 13 thousand years, until very recently, that mass consciousness integrated into the biology’s DNA was ONLY 40% compassion or light. Meaning you are easily made fearful and angry and are frequently unconscious. Anger is used to deny fear, 40%ers generally feel victimized and mistreated, which justifies their low moral standards and inability to control impulses. 40%er’s guilt and shame makes it hard to be honest with the self and others.
The human biology’s main concern is survival of their biology. The fear and anger of the biology creates the mirror reaction of “giving as good as you got” when your belief is that you were victimized. Then maybe there is guilt and regret or doubt and confusion and the pretense of being the “innocent in denial.” Creating a feedback loop or game Dark Ones play all the time with each other, continuously alternating in one of three roles or doing all three in different situations. Being the predator, victim and/or confused innocent in denial, to and for each other.
Orbit, frequency, feedback loop or cycle.
Each planet, celestial body or entity has their own “orbit,” space and frequency to prevent traffic jams and collisions. Their philosophy, belief system, thought patterns, behavior, intention, customs, ideas, values and/or consciousness, dark or light are entrained together.
Quantum Law of ENTRAINMENT requires two or more frequencies; resonances, realities or thoughts existing in the same space MUST combine to create a SINGLE resonance. That applies to all sentient beings, energy, humans, planets, universes, your thoughts, perceptions and intentions.
Quantum Principle of HARMONY and AGREEMENT, says efforts to manipulate, trick, coerce, compromise or force harmony and agreement is having an agenda that DISRUPTS areas of harmony already established.
Established harmony and collaboration is the entrainment of synchronized oscillating quantum particle’s resonance to create uniform, brainwaves, thought patterns, consciousness, intent and values. Compassionate thoughts create symmetrical patterns that easily flow into each other increasing one’s frequency that raises and expands consciousness. “Tit for tat” thought aligns the quantum particles into chaotic patterns that confuse and separate from other patterns making the biology and consciousness denser and your posture hunched over into a protective posture.
Gaia, in attracting and entraining with her humans created many difficult low frequency years of fear, force, wars and atrocities, that made Gaia unable to maintain her “necessary orbit.” She called for help to bring back a degree of compassion to rebalance her. Arcturians, Pleiadians, Andromedans and Sirians came from their Home Planets to assist Gaia. After some rebalancing assistance and years in the photon belt, frequencies lacking compassion slowly started to return. Millennia after Millennia passed, ten thousand years OUT of the photon belt, and the “helpers” lost much of their compassion while existing in and entraining WITH the toxic energy that Gaia’s planetary self was in again. Entrained with Dark Ones consciousness and their “tit for tat” games of distraction, unconsciousness, dissociation and denials.
The higher selves of the humans gone dark, around the time of Atlantis decided to quarantine, put a “safety net” an invisible 4D Matrix surrounding 3D/4Ds toxicity to prevent more Dark Ones from entering earth’s consciousness and to prevent earth’s toxicity from polluting others. This allowed Gaia to stay in Her orbit. Gaia’s infinite soul’s choice was to remain in Her “orbit” and frequency without the Dark Ones, and transmute into 5D with the human souls able to embrace compassion.
Quantum or Universal Law of ALLOWING, says you have the RIGHT and RESPONSIBILITY to BE and DO whatever YOU choose, with the resonance your creation, thought, intent and action carry with them.
Your current thought, intent and action is your reality and shapes your future.
Violating the rights and choices of others, expecting them to create for you and play games of distraction with you or DESTROYING any part of the environment, drops you out of the quantum field’s compassion into 3D/4D quarantined reality of freewill.
Humanities unpleasant events, interactions and feedback loops will always have a combination of positive and negative outcomes without resolution because they lack balance. Dark Ones will be taken off Gaia and relocated to another lower 4D reality.
ILLUMINISTS or the Illuminati refer to the 13 multigenerational bloodline families on/in earth following orders from “The Ciakar God,” from Draco that ruled the Reptilian Illuminists here on earth.
The COMMITTEE of 300 were second in command that carried out the agendas of the 13 ruling families through private institutions and companies. That included creating and implementing or infiltrating all the various religions currently on earth to create unhesitating acquiescence to the dogma of the PRIESTS or Elder or leaders or 3D gods, which were the puppets of the second group in command, also referred to as the Ruling Elite, the Cabal or Dark Ones, all our Presidents and the European leaders and royalty.
During the time of Atlantis the Dark Alliance put the Anunnaki Reptilians in charge of the earth, 13 thousand years ago and they remained in power until 1995. Illuminists have remained in power and control of all the earth’s natural resources, financial systems, media, propaganda, religions, education, military and leaders in every field with the Ciakar their God that ruled covertly over all from Draco and the lower 4D/3D quarantined earth.
The following are the names of only a few Illuminist private institutions; The Council of Foreign relations, Mafia, and KKK leadership, CIA, American Central Intelligence Agency, NSA, National Security Agency, designed to be the liaison between the Grey aliens, and humans. NSA is a government unto themselves exempt from the United States laws. The Secret Service, Homeland Security, Federal Reserve, the International Monetary Fund, International Affairs, Internal Revenue Service and Interpol are Illuminist private institutions. This leadership level of the Illuminati control the world traffic in money, drugs, the medical community, guns, pornography and prostitution.
Ask your higher self if you are any part of the committee of 300.
Ask for the percentage of compassion/light you carry now.