Allowing others to create and manage their reality, as you focus on what you are creating for you to experience, enables you to release all the “SHOULD’S” and “OUGHT TOO’S Dark Ones trained us to worry about and force on each other.  Allowing each their own creating means you can focus on being compassionate and responsible for YOU!  Judgement, blame, envy, guilt, fear, anger, rage and concern about what others “need” to do and be, creates your nitpicking of minutia and finding faults, however small and unimportant they are.  Nitpickers list every tiny thing they don’t like and are critical, even when the criticism is of no consequence or relevant to the larger issue. 

Disputes, conflicts and wars are dragged into this reality and time period from past incarnations, where issues had not been resolved compassionately.  Combatant’s have not gather the wisdom of compassion for the self yet.  Aligning with any side or engaging MEANS matching your frequency to their slow low frequency and feeding their cause your energy.

It is wise to ALLOW them their path, of taking forever to gather the wisdom without your energy and focus included with them.  Your interference or engagement, will entrain YOU, to THEIR insensitivity and adopting their cause of living in their ancient wounds incarnation after incarnation. 

It is NOT your job to fix him, her or it, can you allow?

Quantum or Universal Law of ALLOWING, says you have the RIGHT and RESPONSIBILITY to BE and DO whatever YOU choose, with the intent and resonance your creations carry with them.

Humanities unpleasant events and interactions will always have a combination of positive and negative outcomes.  What you consider unpleasant or negative is only one point of perception on the continuum or chain of “cause and effects” over thousands of incarnations, creations and experiences.  Stretching out for as long as you care to notice.  The butterfly effect, in the chaos theory, is the phenomenon where a minute localized change in a complex system of cause and effects that you care to focus on for a long or short period of time, can have large effects down the line, as the chain of cause and effects continues its cascading flow. 

It is hard to enjoy moments of joy when you insist on only focusing on your PAST wounds, pain and traumas and/or other’s insisting on suffering.  Experiencing the continuous flow of events in the now moment means choosing which ones you want to give MORE or LESS of your focus and energy to.  Know what you have NO control or ability to alter, so why engage, know in silence and allow all their path. 

Obsessing about why you couldn’t change another to please you is not a wise compassionate way to interact with the self or others.  Making you joyful and feel loved is always your job for you to continuously create for you.  No one else can do it for you.  Fully accept you only have the power and wisdom to percieve or change YOU in a new or different direction.  Your intent, focus and energy needs to be all about what you can change or fix or percieve differently in you!  You can only ACCEPT or give the amount of compassion and love from another that you have given to YOU FIRST!  

Ask your higher self for things to consider or dwell on now.

Quantum Principle of HARMONY and AGREEMENT says efforts to manipulate, trick, coerce, compromise or force harmony and agreement is having an agenda that disrupts areas of established harmony.

When children, people or countries are getting along well, allow that without your neediness for attention, conflict or chaos to disrupt their harmony so you can make another as miserable as you are.  Start small and trust that your momentum will build.  Accept who you are and where you are at.  Know that what you emanate WILL cycle back to you.  So choose carefully what you want to project out and feel inside you.  Curiosity and gratitude are catalysts for changes. 

Creating and experiencing joy, lights up the pleasure centers in the brain, body and opens the heart’s electromagnetic field permeating every cell, acting to synchronize the biology.  When you laugh your heart chakra pops open and your higher self can start helping you to do what is needed for you.  All the various art forms can help us make intuitive leaps increasing our joy and cognition, which decreases resistance, creating connection and better awareness of ourself and each other.

The choice to be anxious and fearful is a distraction humans use to avoid sensing and feeling how their thoughts and intentions feel in them.  Self injury or abuse, suicide, dissociation, any addiction, compulsively talking about nothing or lecturing or being the guru, delivering “word salads” being compulsively busy or obsessed with sexual activity are distractions and compulsions used to afford some relief from one’s confusion, isolation, chaos, feeling numb and powerless.

I Had a GOOD CHILDHOOD Programming installed by a dysfunctional family unit, clan or generational illuminists.  Are lies and self deceptions that are easily seen and exposed when the adult of “childhood abuse” is dysfunctional in society, fearful, anxious, insecure and has low self esteem.  Which is the opposite of a child that has actually experienced nurturing compassionate child rearing practices that create an autonomous joyful adult. 

STOP running negative thoughts over and over silently in your head or noisily aloud.  Do not allow any other human, vengeful god, demon, alternate personality or group decide for you.  To be compassionate, you must stay CONSCIOUS, curious and invested in you!

“Being victimized” is your point of perception and reality.  When you give your power away to any other, then YES, you have chosen to ALLOW another to victimize you.  To create and predict your future because they are managing your present.  Being unconscious or in denial about cause and effect will generally results in you not being in control of you to intrinsically enjoy yourself.  Your higher self can assist you in knowing the origin of your lack of compassion, the feedback loop you started and you are now experiencing how it feels.

Safety, trust and protection is a gift you NEED to give yourself.  You are your creator consciously or unconsciously.  Humanities family units, clans, institutions, religious and political beliefs have NOT been aligned with freewill or allowing.  Humans do not live as equals, most every system has a hierarchy, slavery, suppression and oppression that violates the laws of freewill and allowing.  Those thoughts and/or actions unbalance YOUR personal and group energy field when you go against the quantum or universal LAW of allowing and freewill.  When your reality is not in integrity nothing will work for you until you put it in integrity.