Accepting you as you are.

That needs to be your baseline to build with.

The main TRUTHFUL data to operate with and understand well is what makes you function as you do.  The feedback loops you operate in each day.  The finite human biology has mastered its survival of cause and effect or it doesn’t exist any more.

We are now mastering how to sustain our body and mind during the current and continual shifts in direction and questioning what is true for us the individual and what is true in our environment.  SLOW down to maintain clarity and understanding about truths that are being exposed.  What you thought was the direction of events is undecided now because those that self deceive and consciously lie, the Dark Ones feel they have the upper hand.  That is forcing consciousness and both externally and internally choices and alliances and being questioned and realigned.

All this awareness about what is true means frequency changes or dimension jumping is rapidly happening.  The higher dimensions psychic, intuitive and visionary are very active and in many new ways.  We are being invited into the higher frequencies and to stop feeding our energy to the lower frequency of drama, vengeance and greed perpetuated by dark quarantined energy.

The intention and energy of “earth school” was to consciously understand cause and effect so your soul could gather the wisdom of faster spinning quantum.  The infinite soul needs to master giving and receiving only compassion to the self and then is able to gift that to each other so it can leave being quarantined with all the other matching resonances of the Dark lost Ones. 

Each time the infinite dark and lost soul, had incarnated, it adopted another physical form over and over again to continue being a conduit or portal on earth to sense the energy and intentions each soul delivers to itself and shares with others.  Incarnating back into the same group, extended family, country, religion, relationships, Generational Family Illuminists and the same dysfunctional generally painful feedback loops over and over again, carrying out the same Dark agendas and misdirections to and for the self and each other.  

Only Dark Ones believe there is only “them” and “us.”

Your consciousness as a soul joins a fetuses biology and child AGAIN, becoming the parent AGAIN, and / or the sibling, grandparent, aunt or uncle AGAIN to maintain the SAME feedback loops of thinking, intentions, retibution and actions that the soul had before and is recycling once again.  

Some choose death of the finite biology before it happens naturally, but the soul will continue to deal with the SAME issues that lack compassion for the self.  Maintain the same low resonating feedback loops, cycles and / or circles of victim as a child or adult, entitled predator as an adult and older sibling, and / or confused innocent in denial off and on that refuses responsibility for their actions, reactions and thoughts.  Re-living the same patterns over and over again generally with the same other souls to take revenge on them and you.  The same souls showing up around every third generation to individually, as a couple or a group to repeat the same feedback loops.

UNTIL one or more souls consciously gather and apply the wisdom to move into the higher frequency and awareness that we are one that wants to receive and give only compassion.  To maintain the unity of compassion with our thoughts, intentions and actions.

Quantum Principle of AUTHORITY and RESPONSIBILITY, says the one aware, worthy and capable of carrying out an action has the authority and responsibility to respond.

It’s our choice to accept the self and others just as they are or try to create change in ourself only.  Trying to change one not desiring change is a fool’s errand. QUANTUM Principle of HAPPINESS, says it is an INNER condition of the way you think and feel about WHO you are, what you do, how and what you create for you.

Fetus’s gray soul essence and their caretakers are ALL “mature infinite soul essences” that have attracted and entrained together carrying matching resonances and agreements with each other at the time of their physical birth on this or any other planet.  Mature infinite soul essences generally incarnate together in one of a variety of different roles available on each planet.  To interact with other souls on the earth plane or reality, the humans, animals, plants and minerals need a body, conduit, portal or container that senses ENERGY to direct its INTENT.

Victims get triggered over and over again BY THEIR demands that OTHERS need to change to please them or be responsible for them.  Intimate relationships bring out and re-stimulate DEEP childhood and past life wounds and suffering, supporting the MYTH that your needs should be filled by others.  How much easier is it to give you what you need instead of trying to trick or force another into thinking they can give you what you lack or need with their sacrifice or servitude of themselves, which takes you both, OFF your paths of compassionate responsibility for the self.

There is higher resonating compassionate energy everywhere that all can fall in sync with.  This resonate energy is available for all, the entire planet including the animal, plant and mineral kingdom.  Any language, mantra, prayer, or song you use to communicate with, has a specific TONAL attribute and sound vibration because it is all energy.  Combining tone with intent of human consciousness, is very powerful and all life, the plant, animal and mineral kingdom does respond.  The intent of a vocalization is a “carrier” for all tones carrying the correct message sung or spoken inter dimensionally.  The higher self gets it even when the human might not.  Details, word or notes are only to keep humans pleased and engaged with their creations.

You need a body to interact on the earth plane to act as a conduit, portal or container that senses ENERGY to DIRECT its INTENTION.