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A setup is the way things are organized or structured.

Earth humans are finite and were setup to work in concert with their infinite soul, to explore and experiment with how the “human animal” would handle having freewill or choice, to be as nasty or nice as they liked as an INDIVIDUAL.  To research and explore in greater depth the working of cause and effect. 

  ABORTION was never meant to be a biological or moral issue.  

Spiritually for the soul, there is no judgement or blame ever. 

No horrible karmic payback.  There IS energy and actions created around an abortion that affects everyone around the event.  The types of thoughts and actions around an abortion is what can be spiritually significant.  What are the parent’s intent and frequency?  Are they being compassionate with themself so they can be an example of compassion for another?  What long term unresolved issues lacking compassion are being brought in from previous incarnations of the soul to be reconsidered and perceived differently?

To gather the wisdom of cause and effects.

The higher selves of all those involved in a setup or lesson have agreed to it BEFORE it is implemented.  Sometimes physical fetuses come and go and/or are terminated to wake up compassion and awareness in the human.  The soul essence will enter or work with another biology immediately, often with the next pregnancy.  Or in a very close family group. 

The spiritual truth, is far different from our cultural dramas and the males with their 3D dark religion’s trying to GUILT and force females to bend to their irrational thoughts and desire of control and illusional power and strength.  

No wisdom gathering here!

In higher frequencies there are no accidents and NOTHING is random.  The human biological cultural decisions made, all do have cause and effects that are SPIRITUAL setups or teaching modules.

Universal or quantum Principle of CAUSE and EFFECT or RECIPROCAL ACTION, nothing happens by chance or outside of the quantum field’s laws and principles.  The fact that you cannot identify a cause or effect is IRRELEVANT.   For every thought, intent or action there is a RESONANCE, consequence reaction you created for you.

There are two kinds of time that coexist together, for humanity, the illusion of 3D/4D linear time to teach cause and effect.  And present time, only the now moment.

When we don’t gather the wisdom we keep repeating the same feedback loop.

Feedback loops are to make you CONSCIOUS not punished!

When you think and do the same behavior you get the same result.  Each time you repeat that thought and energy you enhance it, which is why a past life frequently leads to a current life with even greater resolve.  Making it harder to leave a feedback loop lacking compassion.

AUTISTIC children are born with differences in their DNA that is magnetically and cellularly enhanced being geared more to higher frequencies than found in the fourth dimension.  They try to communicate and live beyond the illusion of linear time.  Instead of one to one comparisons and judgmental thoughts without fact checking like, “all religious people are good” or “all abortions are bad” they consider a more complex or nuanced discernment or layers of meaning and the larger overall concepts.  Higher functioning autistic people find it exhausting to need to make sense of our narrow petty concerns of blame, judgement, unconsciousness and limitations.  

When the autistic stare off into space, as cats and dogs do, they are seeing and participating in higher frequencies, or trying to.  They are attuned to mostly the energy of dolphins and whales which the autistic communicate with, establishing at times, a one-on-one relation to a particular animal.
When any human experiences even slight frequency changes or transmutations, many other alterations of their basic senses and DNA structure change.  They may experience anxiety, dizziness, problems focusing, ringing in the ears or possibly light shows.  Moving from 4D and beyond, affects all of the biology greatly.

We are born with strong imprints or setups from our past incarnations.

Unless you actively seek to know, understand and work with your imprints and setups. your life will follow these “habits” patterns and feedback loops that are well established in you.  Before you arrived physically you selected your parents, race, country, and even your biological attributes and predispositions.  Your “past life experiences” are there at the cellular level.  These well established patterns do not change until you consciously use your freewill to change them.  Rewrite the past and/or eliminate your biological predispositions. 

Donating your eggs, may be an agreement you made and your spiritual passion to bring others onto the planet that might not otherwise have that chance.  It’s not a biology question it’s spiritual.  There is no punishment, or karmic imbalance.  It is the completion of your contract.  Many rules we are told are “God’s rules” are merely rules of Humans, to create with force and control.

When you chose a handicapping condition, did you incarnate with it at a time it is being cured?  No one is sent here to suffer, possibly you created a way for you to discover what you could do with a handicap. It’s up to you to learn more about yourself than just healing wounds.  Your cellular structure is never stuck! 

You ARE powerless to change another’s biological imbalance/cellular structure. We each decide what spiritual challenges to bring to our life to master.  First, allow and accept what IS.  Then use your empowerment without fear or worry.