Vibrational MATCHING

The human’s creative process is based on their thought and emotion remaining in a steady vibrational match of entertainment.  When FEAR enters the human thought or emotion, confidence and the…

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Awareness is the precursor to gathering wisdom. We can parrot what we say we heard and learned, but are our actions reflecting  what we say?  Our actions interact with our…

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FEAR or Compassion

Emotion has an essence, odor, scent, frequency.  That is how animals and plants determine if another is safe or not.  Yes, plants “smell” and have chemical reactions.  The Illuminist cabal…

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Deprogramming a generational Illuminist has been a slow tedious process of working with one alternate personality at time or convincing a therapist the client does  actually have alternate personalities and…



Trauma based programming comes directly from the Orion's and Draco’s child rearing practices used in generational Illuminist families on ALL their children, and any other children they get their hands…

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FANTASY Programming

LYMAN FRANK BAUM, 1856 -1919 was an American author best known for his books about child fantasy.  Baum himself when asked whether his stories had hidden meanings?  He replied that…

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OurInfinite souls have continuously created hundreds of thousands of genetic blends throughout the Galaxy with the physical bodies found on each planet. Astral body’s are fourth dimensional so they can…

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