Feeling like a victim is a point of perception. 

What happens in life is generally neutral.  Fire, water or wind just are, they can be viewed, used and/or enjoyed constructively or destructively.  Your perception of what you experience is what makes the difference.  Are you being victimized or blessed by a warm fire?  When you stand in the rain and get wet are you being victimized, unable to get out of the rain, enjoying the cool drops, or possibly punishing your body?  

When one has been mean spirited, angry and vengeful for multiple incarnations, they carry a low resonance that matches other Dark Ones that they “hang with,” keep reincarnating with.  They have been attracted to, and entrained with each other so the group, electromagnetically has similar perception’s of the reality they share and interact with.  Their normal interactions would be the feedback loop of rotating the roles of being the predator, victim and/or confused innocent in denial, to and for each other.

This incarnation being “the victim” currently.

Previously, when one was “the entitled predator” because before that, they were the “confused innocent in denial” about the earlier time when they were the “the entitled predator” traumatizing the innocent.

Of course one can simultaneously be the predator to one individual, a victim of another and the confused innocent in denial to yourself.  Reaping what you have sowed or planted incarnation after incarnation.  

Quantum Principle of FREEWILL is found ONLY in the dark quarantined bandwidth and illusion of third and fourth dimension.  Each entity has the right to direct and pursue their life or reality, as long as they DO NOT VIOLATE the rights of others including the planet’s rights. 

Law of freewill is found ONLY in the illusion of 3D/4D dark consciousness because its quantum spin is too slow, low and toxic to remain in the quantum field of give and receive ONLY compassion, responsibility for the self and treating each other as equals.

To leave freewill and UNCONSCIOUSNESS and/or denial.

One needs to choose and own consciousness to change their thoughts and actions into the higher resonance of compassion for the self.  Perceiving the self as a victim renders one powerless to change or control the self.  One also needs to forgive the self for all abuses given and received, all players agreed to play in this feedback loop consciously in a previous lifetime. 

The question is WHAT will you choose to think and do now?

Feeding and holding thoughts like; “I am NOT, good enough, wealthy enough, strong enough, smart enough, nice enough to be of any value to me.”  Is your choice to remain in a victimized perception and a confused innocent, wondering WHO will rescue you.  Thinking “I am NOT, good enough” is a judgement, competition and/or blame and an excuse to stagnate and remain unconscious instead of starting to reframing your evaluation of you and focusing on your strengths and core goodness.

Consider yourself a “fixer upper” that has good bones, solid structure and multidimensional DNA that moves with the flow of cosmic compassion for you.  A “fixer upper” that is very workable and ready to embrace compassion instead of anger, upset, blame and vengeance.  You ARE your master craftsperson, healer and your creator.  Because that is the only way YOUR beliefs change, magic, wishful thinking or trying to force another to do it for you, are not realistically options.  They are only excuses and delaying tactics.

Are you a procrastinator or is the truth closer to you being STUBBORN and RIGID in spite of you have good reasons, to do something differently.  Being stubborn is generally the reaction of those who have been asked to GIVE TOO MUCH of the self in childhood, when they were too small, dependent and powerless to refuse demands placed on their body, emotions and psyche that were unreasonable and undoable for ANY child.

When an adult that WAS expected GIVE TOO MUCH of the self in childhood, gets triggered into past time by what they percieve as an unreasonable demand on their body, emotions or psyche.  Their life and death habitual reaction is to be rigid, stubborn, freeze and/or sacrifice themself.

To overcome personal stubbornness the adult would need to stay in present time and keep reminding themself that NOW no one can make them give too much and if someone asks for too much you can and should say NO!  “I need and want to love and nurture ME first so I can share my compassion and kindness with you.”

Guilt, self-punishment or flagellation is NEVER WISDOM, a motivator or even SPIRITUAL or enjoyable and serves NO constructive or spiritual purpose other than keeping your toxicity quarantined away from compassion.  In spite of what religions, handlers, the elite and other predators and users tell you.  It’s the old “bait and switch” deception they want you to fall for and tolerate.  Fear, guilt or quid pro quo are tools and illusion of manipulation used to keep you frozen and tethered to their and your self abusive agendas.

Sacrifice of the self to please another is one’s delusion that EVENTUALLY, many incarnations later, MAYBE the one you sacrificed to, MIGHT give you back SOME of what you sacrificed of yourself for them.  

You have set yourself up to be victimized!

The TRUTH is that setting up a quid pro quo without a written contract and the law, to protect you, is ONLY a pretty story a “confused innocent in denial” uses.  They are actually being manipulative and denying that to themself.  The delusion the sacrificer operates with is, “I need to be exploited to feel in control and safe.”

The one sacrificed for, is delighted with that arrangement because they will NEVER deliver their part of the quid pro quo and consider the “sacrificer” stupid and something to discard after sucking the life out of them.

The narcissist and the sacrificer are playing predator and victim games. Narcissistic personality disorder involves a pattern of self-centered, arrogant thinking and behavior, a lack of empathy and consideration for other people, and an excessive need for even fake admiration. 

If one wants to leave this feedback loop, they need to stay conscious, choose and decide which action plan to implement, to be compassionate with the self ALWAYS without judgement, blame, punishment, retribution or competition.

Your soul is generally your EQUAL partner, the edge they have, is more information than you have, because they can read the invisible realm information, your history stored in your multidimensional aura and read the percentage of compassion and/or light everyone, thing and event has.

Your higher self carries more compassion than you do and is able to entangle their quantum particles with you the human to break up density of thoughts and fears you have to increase your quanta spin and release what is stuck energetically in you.  These would be long held dense thought patterns for example, your feelings of contempt, anger or betrayal or being heavily damaged in childhood or having energetic implants. 

You can also run postulates, one at a time repeating the sentence over and over again to see what truth, image or intent pops into your awareness.  Running something until the emotional charge on it is released.

“I am not good enough to be loved and cared for by me.” 

“I am not good enough to put things in my body that nurture and support excellent health.”  

“I don’t want to master the steps and work it takes to be compassionate with me.”

Memories of cruelty and traditions handed down to the next generation are being forgotten and transmuted now.  Time lines and memories are collapsing.  Grief, crying, tears and sadness assist in the release of the old to transition us into new perceptions that rewire the human’s DNA/brain and our soul’s interdimensional DNA grid system.  Repressed and suppressed thought, emotion and feelings that were never allowed expression are coming into your awareness to ALLOW us to express how we felt then and to KNOW and accept what was true.  We physically experience these transitions in our communication areas, with a sore throat, laryngitis, sinus problems, thyroid issues, stiff neck muscles and/or difficulty swallowing.  

Always discern if your intuition or channeling is supportive and helpful?  If it isn’t, or it feels overwhelming consider what else might be happening.  When your guides voices seem negative or unkind BE AWARE!  Seek help or support, you are most likely interacting with Dark Ones that mean you no good!  Your negative self talk attracts negative energy for you to percieve externally, what you are dwelling in internally.  Again you ARE your creator and master craftsperson, consciously or unconsciously, always it’s your choice.