“HOW TO” Guide

Align with quantum, universal or cosmic laws and principles of only giving and receiving compassion and unconditional love.  The laws and principles are true for all sentient one’s thoughts and intentions.  For all the various resonances and realities there are in “all that is.”  The quantum, universal or cosmic laws and principles are NEUTRAL statements explaining how to give and receive ONLY compassion.  Follow quantum law and wisdom, to raise any consciousness out of the low quarantined frequency and toxicity of 3D/lower 4D energy.

Principle of FREEWILL 

Quantum Principle of FREEWILL is found ONLY in the dark quarantined bandwidth and illusion of third and fourth dimension.  Each entity has the right to direct and pursue their life or reality, as long as they DO NOT VIOLATE the rights of others including the planet’s rights. 


Quantum or Universal Law of ALLOWING, says you have the RIGHT and RESPONSIBILITY to BE and DO whatever YOU choose, with the intent and resonance your creations/thoughts carry with them.

TRUTH carries a strong solid energy field that stands on its own regardless of the reality you have created, attracted, entrained with and are currently experiencing.  No one’s state of consciousness or influence changes what is true.  Truth enters your awareness through your own human senses and your soul’s DNA meridians, chakras and multidimensional psychic senses in your aura.  EVEN before the human brain decodes what the human body experiences, because the biology has a lower slower frequency than the truth or what one’s thoughts are.

To own what is true you need to be awake and aware, higher frequencies WAKE people up, making it easier to discern what is true and what their intention is.  Force and control is being contrasted with compassionate, kind thinking and action and being the objective observer.

Everyone has been wounded, abused and been taken advantage of.  All of humanity has been tricked and deceived by their darkness and each other’s darkness.  WHEN YOU STAY conscious you can trust you and your logic, your abilities and skills to recover from being tricked and gain wisdom from your experiences.  Survivors know they can stay in control of their biology and thought, engaging, enjoying, attracting and entraining with other light ones.  They will notice when a Dark One slips in again and they will walk away, to allow the dark its path.

Anger or self hate and demanding what can’t or won’t be given is frequently associated with muscle tension, twitching, back problems, heart problems, digestive disorders, kidney problems and adrenal dysfunction or shut down.  Temporomandibular disorders (TMDs) are a group of more than 30 conditions that cause pain and dysfunction in the jaw joint and muscles that control jaw movement.  People can have two TMJs; one on each side of the jaw.  

Dis-ease sends a message, “Something must change” IN YOUR thinking.  POSSIBLY, to stop demanding that others need to satisfy you or convince you of your value!  Your job is to fix and satisfy you, yourself.  Always ask for help and guidance from another or your higher self to know what is true.  Creating peace internally for you enables you to emanate peace.  Ideally, exploring and re-experiencing old wounds are used to know the cause and effect so you can gather the wisdom about the power and direction of our creations.  Knowing the immutable truth allows one to release the drama and repetitive knee jerk reactions about wounds received and delivered.

Upset, drama and fear is a WIN and strengthening for the old darkness of Dark One’s siphoning each other’s energy and thought patterns back and forth in the same feedback loop.  Denial and quid pro quo keep both sides and all entrained parties firmly locked in a low frequency embrace lacking compassion all around, accomplishing nothing that is compassionate, nice, kind or joyful for the individual or group.  

Proclaiming you are light and compassionate or were at one time, WHILE in a dissociated state, is avoiding what is true for you in the now moment.  Higher vibrations, 5D and beyond stay conscious and not in avoidance or denial.  Denial and suppression happens for groups and individuals.  These misdirections and lies get exposed immediately in higher frequencies.

Physical health symptoms may flare up in the healing process of transmuting and rebalancing.  Deal with your changes and transitions compassionately and as gracefully as you can.