We can’t change the past, but we can change how we think and feel about it.  Which in turn might just change your state of mind and sense of balance now.

Staying conscious and being invested in checking what was true is, is always  key to ANY change.  Lies, pretty stories or self deceptions do not change what is true. 

Linear time and physicality are designed to guide our soul to understand “cause and effect.”  NOT to punish, but to bring the soul into the CONSCIOUS wisdom of giving and receiving ONLY compassion to the self first.

Universal or quantum Principle of CAUSE and EFFECT or RECIPROCAL ACTION is, nothing happens by chance or outside of the quantum field’s laws and principles.  The fact that you cannot identify a cause or effect is IRRELEVANT.   For EVERY thought, INTENT or action there is a reciprocal reaction you created for your infinite SOUL and you.

Energy is structured in PAIRS to maintain its BALANCE and MOTION.

Your soul’s thought, intent and action puts a feedback loop into play structured in pairs of giving and receiving.  Being judgmental, blaming or negative uttering out-loud or only in your thoughts means YOU will RECEIVE that judgement, blame, negative intent  in kind.  What you sent out WILL return to the infinite soul in any and all incarnations that feedback loop continues to be feed by that energy.

RECIPROCAL means given, felt, or done in return.  Creating a feedback loop or cycle.  Binding two parties/energies and intent equally to an agreement, mutual action, obligation or relationship.  Laws of attraction and entrainment can last a few moments or lifetime after lifetime for your infinite soul to understand and use the quantum Principle of CAUSE and EFFECT or RECIPROCAL ACTION.

The year 2013 and beyond marks the start of our fifth try for the infinite soul to choose to individually move BACK into compassion.  No longer engaging and/or feeding Dark feedback loops WITHOUT blame, judgement, punishment or vengeance. 

The grid system here on Earth is being upgraded causing electrical instability, disruptions and diversions from what you have always done, your personal patterns of thought and behaviors.  Making it easier for you to experiment with more awareness, creativity and compassion.

Individuals, tribes, countries, political parties and religions can and do collect, celebrate, immortalize and feed the PAST wounds and injustice’s the infinite soul created and maintained in multiple incarnations.  Making it a life style shared with and maintained by other wound and injustice collectors.  The interest has NOT been in healing and evolving, it’s been remembering and revenging.  The snake eating its tail.

Consciously understanding, accepting and forgiving you first for illusions and lies you fell for, mistakes you make and have made, hardships, depression, disease, anger, you experienced and shared.  Owning what you were responsible for gives you the power to view and think about it differently.  Blaming anyother means you give your power and control TO “the other”.  Rendering you the powerless victim unable to transmute your own thoughts and feelings into higher frequencies of compassion.

When your thoughts are compassionate it is easier to commune with your galactic higher self, whose job it is to assist you in transmuting your density and fear.  Your thoughts of blame and judgement hold YOU powerless.

Bathing your consciousness in sorrow, regret, injustice collecting or fear, are rather LOW resonances of powerlessness and hopelessness.  To move forward and increase your resonance, forgive and accept you as you are.  Then you are in a strong position to move forward with compassion and change. 

Universal or Quantum principle of COMPENSATION and the law of attraction both say that we receive “like energy” to the energy we emanate and share.  We attract and are attracted to realities, people, diseases, challenge’s, animals, planets and activities that vibrate to our current signature frequency.

Avoid playing, engaging with DARK ONES, they mean you NO GOOD!  Dark has no compassion for the self, how can they give what they do not own or understand? When you dissociate, deny, distract yourself from what is true or claim confusion you leave your electromagnetic energy field OPEN and accessible to any Dark One wishing to siphon your energy/life force and give you their dark energy and thought patterns lacking compassion and logic most of the time.  Planting disinformation and fear for you to dwell in and experience.

The operating system and feedback loop of the planet now, is to attract and entrain with compassion.  Forgiveness is largely based on understanding and acceptance of what is true.  Go through the process of saying yes it happened, I acknowledge it and own I created it, so now I have the choice and power to transmute and release MY emotional often irrational reaction to it.  I have assimilated the wisdom of cause and effect and now I can let my wounds, judgement and blame go.  Forgiveness frees the self of sadness and any lingering anger, vengeance or hatred we have been dragging around for weeks or millions of incarnation’s.