Unprocessed PAIN

TRYING to avoid or deny one’s unprocessed traumas, pain and suffering can create strange compensating oddities of the personality like depression or apathy and in the other direction, avoidance creates DRAMA QUEENS in all the sexes, grandiosity and word salads, they are anxious and always “ON” distracting themself and their audience from any truth that might allow them to process, resolve and release the suffering and “compulsion to repeat” dysfunctional patterns of thought and behavior in this and previous lifetimes and incarnations.

We certainly do not want to compulsively repeat dysfunction!

Humans are hardwired to enjoy dramas, novelty and social interactions.  When the drama is stressful it makes the biology think something important is happening and is used by the human that has shut down their feelings/senses, thinking and logic to FEEL something outside of them, vicariously.  LONG ago, they shut down their communication with their higher resonances of compassion and their higher self.  Unprocessed pain is venting one’s free-floating anxiety, worry and fears one way or another instead of staying in present time and enjoying what is happening RIGHT NOW!

Are you willing to come up to present time and consciousness?

Autocratic leaders, parents and/or bullies ALSO make choices and/or decisions based on their own personal wounds, traumas and distorted beliefs.  They DO NOT invite others to suggest or factcheck their ideas, plans or actions.  They know exactly who they want to blame, punish and torment, frequently they will use the same methods used on them to blame, vent on, punished and torment in this and previous lifetimes and incarnations.

The tyrannical, bullies that become autocratic leaders in the world or their own religion or family, create distracting drama with their force, control, conflict, confusion, pain, suffering and acting in or out.  This is their personal “compulsion to repeat” cycle or feedback loop or coping mechanism they mobilized to manage their internal and external stresses from PAST time experiences that they have trapped themself in.  Distracting, blaming and punishing others for what they have created and continue to maintain.

Is that truth, or does their self deception make better distraction.

The TRUTH and wisdom, the BULLY REFUSES to OWN, is that in a previous incarnations or lifetimes, THEY put this feedback loop or cycle into play, by doing to others exactly what he eventually experienced and is now creating ONCE again and again and again.  The “compulsion to repeat” and keep repeating until it is brought into consciousness to be understood ans accepted as the past.

A slow learner means they eventually learn, RIGHT?

This drama gives the illusion, delusion and lie that something profound or productive has/is happening, but it isn’t.  This is only a stuck and stagnant cycle or feedback loop and “compulsion to repeat”. 

Bringing YOUR unprocessed pain into consciousness gives you the OPTION to explore and choose a constructive reaction, a NEW point of perception, an opportunity to transmute dense stuck thoughts and/or to compassionately forgive yourself instead of  creating a dramatic distraction of avoidance and denial. 

Humans have been trained to ACT OUT or IN, becoming self destructive when they feel ignored, not appreciated, abandoned, used or abused.  As an adult, the healthy compassionate option is for that adult to give to themself what they need and want.  Only a Dark One would offer to do that for you.

Concern about what others can do for you or to you, is deflecting and distraction.  Healthy, kind boundaries are how we preserve our life force and move comfortably through life with Dark Ones in it.  You having compassion for you, attracts and entrains Light Ones and compassionate energy, people and events to you.

Quantum Law of ATTRACTION electromagnetically pulls together quanta with “like resonances” similar thoughts, vibrations and intentions.  The sender gets back what they emanate, dwell on and project out.  What comes back to you CLEARLY reflects your perceptions, intent, frequency and reality.  No matter how many incarnations ago you put these aspects of you into play.

Denying culpability means not owning responsibility for your creations.

How can you change your creation if you don’t consciously own/control it?

Habit is the body knowing how to do it better than the conscious mind does.  Have you made your default reaction anger, blame, judgement and vengeance?  Every thought and habitual reaction you have creates a chemical and sensation in the body that reaffirm your continued stagnation or your compassion for you.  Change can only happen when you STAY conscious and SENSE how your thoughts feel in you.

Those giving equal weight to ALL possibilities or options, all the ifs, ands, or buts make each option interrupt and negate the other options.  This person is cementing their habit of doing nothing, remaining stagnant, being unconscious and avoiding any action, change or consciousness.

Any action taken can be evaluated and adjusted over and over again.

Universal or Quantum Principle of PROJECTION or EMANATION is your INTERNAL point of perception, YOUR personal STORY, thought, emotion and reality that you hold to be true for you is what you project out.  Your DNA scans your environment for resonances matching your beliefs.  Then your DNA changes its structure, to match what you chose to perceive.