Without your biology or form, you are your infinite consciousness, your thoughts. 

Each thought, each human has, becomes a filmy image created by quantum particles found in their emotional and mental body of their aura.  The thought has color, shape and movement.  Your emotional attachment to the thought determines its SIZE, color and the duration of the image.  When you withdraw your focus and energy from your thought, it dissolves or dissipates.

Clear thoughts create well-defined images that expand becoming brighter when its creator concentrates on it and/or repeats the same thought over and over again.  The image floats around the upper part of the body generally in front of the face and carries the creator’s signature frequency, intent and agenda.  Images are real enough in the 4D frequency and beyond that they can be moved about or rearranged or adjusted by someone other than their creator.  The image can be interacted with.  Your higher self can see these images, read their intent and/or interact with them.

Compassionate ENERGY Specialists or councilors might help consolidate a sloppy image or add clarity to pieces of images or offer a new insight with the higher self’s agreement, “law of allowing”.  Another consciousness can lay a higher frequency thought, over a lower frequency thought or idea, which a person might notice and accept or not notice. 

  Colors of images vary from brilliant clear hues reflecting compassionate thought patterns to dark muddy colors like dirty yellow green mucus, reflecting confusion and/or denial.  A yellow gold indicates intellectual problem solving thought patterns, BUT when it carries an agenda or negative or greedy intent, it has a dark dull tint.  Intellectual thought and intent is yellow.  Silver and white are mental effort or noodling.

Clear blue or violet has spiritual intent and sensation.  Muddy blue or violet would be spiritual poverty and misdirection.  Anger and images of aggression are a dirty red color.  Glowing rose color is a wish to HEAL.  Habitual thoughts become powerful, well-formed forces be they dark or light.  When its creator lacks focus and clarity of thought, the image produced is imperfect, sloppy and is a hard to understand image for its creator and any observer. 

The MENTAL BODY or MIND not the brain, extends beyond the emotional body about 3 to 8 inches from the biology.  Our brain is used only by the current biology or form it is in.  The biology or form, knows, processes, files and categorizes information AFTER it happens in this lifetime.  

The MIND, is what the infinite soul operates with and carries all the data from all of its incarnations and experiences, which is WHY it can know things BRFORE they happen, because it reads the most likely probability and does not exist in linear time, it exists in the now moment or present time.

The SPIRITUAL BODY’S electromagnetic energy flow moves the length of the biology extending above and below or perpendicular to the earth, extending out about one half to one foot from the biology. The spiritual body is clouds of rose-colored compassion, more beautiful than those of the emotional body.

INTER-DIMENSIONAL PARASITES SUCK your energy to sustain themselves, just as all Dark Ones do when you have a matching low resonance.  Inter-dimensional parasites make us exhausted and are tied or entrained with dark thought patterns of self hate, abuse, shame and anger.  When you get stressed, upset, physically sick or play with Dark Ones, their parasite’s vibration will match your resonance giving them access to you and your energy field.

Inter-dimensional or psychic parasites reside on/in our subtle energy bodies and can be measured with kinesiological tests.  Our human anti-parasite medicines will kill them.  BUT you can always attract and entrain with them to rejoin you when you do not raise your frequency.

Since Gaia’s operating system and support patterns are mostly light now, we opened TWO portals for the Inter-dimensional parasites.  They still have freewill as all Dark Ones do on Gaia for some more years.  The Inter-dimensional parasites and demons need to consciously choose what they want to do or who they may want to continue serving!  

One portal for the parasites and demons that choose to join the Dark Ones already residing at the new 4D location and fighting WWIII.  

One portal for the parasites and demons that choose to move into greater light and awareness of how to think for themself and be compassionately creative and joyful with the self and others.

Embrace what makes you unique.  

People who love themselves in a healthy way know that they are flawed and make mistakes, but they are seekers and energy movers.  They accept and care about themselves and seek ways to evolve their giving and receiving compassion.  Focus on your acceptance with compassion for you, will help you dissipate your fear, anxiety, anger and wounds.

Release dwelling on the things you can’t change.  Or figure out away to put a positive spin on them.  Identify and work with your strengths, creativity and potentials.  You are in process of unfolding your interdimensional DNA.  Stop expecting or desiring others to direct and create what ONLY you have the right and responsibility to create for you.  Lacking self-acceptance and compassion limits your capacity for happiness, joy, psychological and emotional well-being.  

Everything, that humans consider past, present and future, can be focused on and manifested with a filmy image in present time.  That is why it is said that everything happens concurrently, simultaneously in the now moment.  Your focus determines what you are aware of and choose to observe and/or interact with and/or manifest in the now moment.

Law of CONSCIOUSNESS, YOU consciously decide your focus and intent.  Your focus and intent manifest your perceptions and reality.

Law of ATTRACTION you attract MORE of what you focus on and intend.

Your focus, intent and frequency brings the particular reality and MATCHING resonance into your consciousness for you to observe and/or interact with.  When your focus stays there you entrain with it.

Law of ENTRAINMENT says TWO or more resonances MUST combine to form one frequency and intent.

Your THOUGHT is a THING putting the above laws and your perception of your reality in motion, because you are a creator.

What humans call parallel and alternate realities because we think linearly and think that a human is separate, is an illusion we created to explain WHEN we sense the other parts of our “soul conglomerate” doing what those parts are doing.  It’s not another human, living and having a parallel life or reality.  Rather, it’s you, as part of an infinite soul essence, having awareness of what another part of your soul is doing.  You are not singular, the other parts of your consciousness/energy are living a parallel existance concurrently WITH you.  Our soul essence is an INFINITE multiple with 15 to 33 separate parts experiencing or doing 15 to 33 different things in various resonances.

Higher resonances carry grace, the TRUTH, no secrets and compassion especially for the individual first and for the collective or mass consciousness.  The active power of hope and an increasing resonance on Gaia, is being felt physically and mentally.  The clarity, peace, love, and joy are being sensed and amplified.  Humans are literally vibrating energy that is increasing their resonance, our cells are made of atoms, quantum particles and electromagnetic energy which is in constant motion and flow with the individual and mass consciousness 

Quantum or Universal LAW of RESONANCE or VIBRATION says they are predictable, measurable, can be calculated and understood.  Each resonance has different event sites with particular themes or purposes and unique sensations, colors, sounds, tastes and smells.  You interact in real time with any resonance your thought patterns match, attract and entrain with.

When higher frequencies from your own soul conglomerate enter your biology they increase the quanta spin in your chakras and meridians, which assist in throwing off the lower frequencies of fear, discomfort and disease in the biology, changing your emotions, thoughts, actions and perceptions of your reality.  

Fear and the structure of things that are created with fear for the last aeons, are being transmuted for us to reclaim our compassion.  Media shares what it thinks we are afraid of to trigger and hopefully maintain our suffering and pain.  It is wise to notice and know BUT no need to dwell in.  And engaging entrains your focus.

Humming is one of the simplest and profound sounds we make.  If you have a voice and can speak, you can hum.  Research has shown humming to be much more than self-soothing sound: it affects us on a physical level, reducing stress, inducing calmness, and enhancing sleep, lowering heart rate, blood pressure and producing powerful neuron-chemicals such as oxytocin, the “love” hormone melatonin, higher consciousness, increases lymphatic circulation, releases endorphins, creates new neural pathways in the brain and boosts blood platelet production and improved sinus health.