JOINING Another Consciousness

There are many words for this activity of interacting or communing with other consciousness’s.  Channelling, selfsourcing, in sync with your higher self, entangling or melding quantum particles, over-lighting, entraining or matching that frequency, as you, interact with it and/or IT RESIDE’S in your energy field exchanging quantum particles, thoughts and intent with you.  While you are entrained with other’s on the quantum level, you are AWARE of each other’s thought patterns and intention.

Quantum Principle of REALITY or ACTUALITY is any measurable thing, like an idea, object, event or entity that can be seen, heard OR felt is real and has mass.  BUT, it does not need to exist in material form, to be considered real.

Human consciousness, CREATES with quantum particles OR ALLOWS another to create for them or sway their thinking.  Human consciousness, is the programmer, “the portal” experiencing the reality they continuously create, sense and act on, based on their beliefs, intent and consciousness or lack of it.  

Unconscious fearful, ones choosing to doubt, worry and feel less than generally allow OTHERS to create for them.  Only by STAYING conscious, compassionate and responsible for you, can you STOP allowing another to create your reality.

If you think you are unlovable and worthless that is your real truth.

If you think a supreme consciousness manipulates you, then it does.

If you think you need to “serve a bully or tyrant” that is your real truth.

When you reside in the lower frequencies of quarantined 3D/4D reality.  If you believe, “THEY” are NOT a part of “US” or we and they need to die or suffer or be used and abused that is your real relative truth, perception consciously or unconsciously.

Your personal thoughts, vibration and intent, are transmitted into your nervous system and blood chemistry, which shapes your cell activities, perception of reality and the biology’s reaction and experiences.  Always we have the option to create new neuron pathways, by changing our thoughts and beliefs.   This takes constant self-monitoring of your thoughts and emotional responses to maintain compassion and kindness for you to transform/transmute you from within.

ADDICTIONS are heavy “dependence on anything” to avoid being consciously present and responsible for you.  Addiction and compulsions are used to avoid what you created for you, lifetime after lifetime.

Addicted ones, and their enabler’s have agreed to not deal with what is true for either of them.  Instead both sides engage in a feedback loop of drama and distraction of wounding and victimizing each other.  Ultimately creating more and different kinds of suffering and wounds for the self and others that engage with them.

The tricky part of communing with other consciousnesses in the invisible realm is knowing what thoughts YOU brought to the quantum entanglement and what the other consciousness brought and intends.  When you are not sure, you might think you are having self doubt or a “crisis of faith” that the other individual is actually having.  Take the time to figure out who originated a particular thought and intent.

Ask your higher self for its input. 

Ask, “Is that my thought, feeling, confusion or pain” or does it belong to the other?  Consider using kinesiology to check answers when in doubt.  Sometimes you just need to surrender to not knowing and/or just accepting other options like: you might be getting rewired or your are sensing a mass consciousness on the planet, to allow that energy run through you, NOT to own it, observe in silence.

Quantum or Universal Principle of SILENCE is to BE aware and fully present, know and allow with silence and nonresistance, especially in your thoughts and feelings. 

BARRIERS, training or your dissociation can prevent and/or bounce you OUT of staying conscious long enough to factcheck or consider new options and ideas.  When you habitually, UNCONSCIOUSLY respond to misdirections, pretty stories and/or lies  AND you are exposed to new truthful information that conflicts with YOUR old painfully installed lies or disinformation you immediately deny, block out and forget new options. You DEFAULT to your misdirections, pretty stories and/or lies until you make the conscious choice to dispute and evaluate your programming.  When others insist you join their fury, upsets conflicts and wars explain that you are transmuting your anger into constructive solutions.  Just observe in silence and keep your electromagnetic energy field closed to those still enjoying that type of thinking and activity, reflecting their self hate, lack of wisdom and kindness.