Continual disruptions will happen for those with the intention of disempowering another(s). Disempowering each other, individuals, countries or groups will continue to experience disruptions. Time to stand in your truths, speak up and take action, hold boundaries and say NO. No more limiting or suppressing your compassionate self expression. Long healing cycles are slowly in process now, remember to be patient with the process in our personal lives and in the current restructuring chaos in the world. Disruptions will continue for some years.
Realize and consciously NOTICE those that falsely claim to want to gift you with the best for you. They are setting you up as Dark Ones do when seeking the greedy best for themself and have no problem telling lies, stealing, using and abusing anyone.
After you percieve what is really going on.
After your anger, despair or upset starts to calm, set very strong boundaries and say “No” to Dark Ones and their abusive agendas. Repeated FORGIVENESS by a victim for the same crime is giving the predator(s) consent to continue the mistreatment. Predators create and predict their victim’s future when the victim ALLOWS their predator to manage their present.
Your self-care is taking responsibility for you and standing in your truth to render the bully, “lost one” powerless. The talents and abilities you have and developed but have fallen into disuse are coming effortlessly forward now to be put back into use to give and receive compassionate thought and actions.
Proof of the intangible (not visible yet) is found in your sensations, actions and the type of energy your consciousness swims in and attracts to itself. Assigning names, personalities and jobs to the being’s or energy field’s around you or a part of you is misleading and can be very limiting and for Dark Ones pretty scary. There is far more going on around you energetically than what you even suspect. Entities change their composition as your thought and intent change.
Elevated frequencies feel safe and you trust working with them again when your intentions are compassionate. In 5D and beyond ALL are one, ALL are compassionate thinking and intending with many thinkers. There is close bonding, support, guidance trust and constructive clear purpose, psychic, intuitive and visionary awareness. Entities in the quantum field resonate at a frequency that humans need to interpret with their expanded physical senses, intuition and consciousness. Higher frequencies are aligned with the quantum laws and principles of give and receive only compassion.
WHY GAIA has been dark for so long.
Our stream of consciousness (our infinite soul) was present and reacting to the reptilians invasion of the planets in our solar system. The reptilian’s consciousness at that time was quarantined to the lower fourth dimension and then the third dimension.
AS our consciousness engaged and entrained in kind, to the fear the reptilian’s violence, force and control, we consciously chose to move into the same frequency of energy they had, we entrained with them, their quarantined lower 4D / 3D frequency.
To maintain or return to our higher frequencies we would need to NOT engage and entrain with fear, force, violence and the illusion that the infinite stream of our consciousness we remain a part of, can die. Only a biology dies.
If and when an entity’s consciousness chooses toxic thinking and intent lacking compassion and desire to disempower others, they quarantine themself into the lower slower frequency of 3D / 4D UNconsciousness. Having linear time to tutor the consciousness about cause and effect reality designed to make people aware and responsible for their thought, intent and outcomes.
Angels are interdimensional beings that function as compassionate groups, not as individuals. Archangels organize and move energy as it’s needed in the Universe or quantum field. There are many non-biological forms called entities that can’t be isolated or compartmentalize to a singular source there are no hard “walls” to consciousness and therefore the idea of assigning names and personalities to interdimensional beings is limiting and misleading. Clairvoyants see the current entities that the human, has manifested, attracted in that moment to help and support that human. That’s why Auric photography (energy photography) differs from day to day. These entities are fluid taking any shape they like or you need to believe exists to guide and support you.
Ascension is a one-time, profound shift in the infinite quantum particle energy or guide soup and changing of the guard is the 3D / 4D system abandoned to the higher dimensions or frequencies of the psychic, intuitive and visionary that are very active in many new ways for us. These thoughts and intentions happen within the same biology or conduit.
MYTHICAL BEINGS are HUMAN creations carrying the vibration and intent of their human creator(s). Those building onto the original creation alter it to suit their current intent, needs and wants. Human’s project and support WHAT they want to see reflected back to themself. Humans WILL do that with their child, pets, others, famous or infamous or political persons. Santa Clause, The Tooth Fairy, Elves, 3D/4D divine and semi-divine entities, devils dragons, gods and other imaginary creatures are all created, maintained and evolved by human thoughts and intentions.
BLENDING your intangible parts
Adopting and maintaining a compassionate point of perception, changes your past NOT in 3D history books, but your infinite signature frequency. Understand that being interdimensional and infinite, your soul blends and reshapes your changes and experiences continuously. The universe is found inside us, the outside is the illusions we created to experience and increase our awareness of our many different aspects inside us. We are the one creating and responsible for the realities we choose to stagnate in or choose to change.
Researchers from HeartMath Institute found that five minutes of anger weakens and suppresses the immune system for six hours. Ahh, but five minutes of sensing compassion and care can strengthen your immune system for up to six hours.
NIGHTMARES are trips into even lower resonating parts of your astral plane where you may be experiencing your fears of being trapped in your own punishment, guilt, shame or cycles of competition YOU put into motion, deny and have maintained in lieu of being accepting and compassionate and responsible for you.
When one separates out and REJECTS aspects of their personality they do not approve of and then proceed to deny ownership of “the monster’s” they created that taunt them. Instead of owning the truth they decide they are being victimized in order to feel entitled to continue BEING nasty and entitled. A self created vicious cycle.
Talk to your darker thoughts, monsters and persecutor’s, get their backstory.
Learn the TRUTH about why you created them. Ask your higher self, if you have a truthful perception. Ask your monsters how they feel about you now. Do they trust you enough NOW to integrate back into your core personality? Or do they want to abandon you like you abandoned them. Your feedback loop of rejection originated with your rejecting them first. What you try to suppress or deny never leaves until you own the truth consciously and transmute your perceptions of whom started what and who did what first. You are your creator.