Higher frequency energy coming on the planet and through our biology repairs and disrupts destructive unbalanced energies in us and around us. Higher frequency energy offers more conscious information about our habits, people, events, food and other things that change our intentions as we move forward. Increased honesty and integrity helps maintain your consciousness into higher frequency energy.
You need a body to operate on the 3D earth plane to act as a conduit, portal or container that senses ENERGY for YOU to DIRECT its INTENTION. The blocks are always present for you to build what you would like. Freewill is all about what you will do with the energy you control, move and create with on earth. Freewill Law only exists for 3D / 4D quarantined conduits or portals. The higher frequencies are always give and receive compassion or they become toxic and heavy dropping into quarantine. Most on earth this time around have rejected compassion OVER and OVER AGAIN on this planet and many other planets a great many times.
Quantum or Universal Law of ALLOWING and Freewill, says you have the RIGHT and RESPONSIBILITY to BE and DO whatever YOU choose, with the intent and resonance your creations carry with them.
Conscious introspection is used to increase your awareness and understanding of your cause’s and effect’s that you have created to experience and re-experience over and over again. Are you gathering your wisdom yet? knowing the cause and effect is generally a strong nudge for you to increase your use of compassion, acceptance and forgiveness for you first and for others.
Continuously feeling wounded or angered from the insensitivity and cruelty from others, because you own what another says as truth! Understand the way Dark Ones operate and interact with each other. They are wounded and want everyone to be more wounded than they are. Wounded ones operate in feedback loops of drama, nastiness and upset with the self and each other as they play games of distraction. They choose NOT to be RESPONSIBLE for their thoughts and actions, accepting or forgiving the self and others.
Dark One’s believe that compassion, acceptance and forgiveness is a lie and a trick to set them up for more use and abuse. They live in fear, isolation and vengeance. Are self absorbed with their personal misery and suffering they attracted entrained with, simmer in and feed it their energy while seeking vengeance.
DARK ONES MEAN you no good, their awareness is limited to their suffering. You CHOOSE to entrain with them when you upset yourself about it and choose to join their suffering and maintaining their “tit for tat” games.
Our higher self or intuition wants to assist us in being the objective observer of the patterns we keep creating, deny or ignore over and over again of suffering, by giving us truthful, detailed memories and realizing how we have DEMANDED that other’s please and satisfy US and what we wanted or thought we needed from them. When they failed to deliver, what can’t really be given, we CHOSE to suffer. We chose to be powerless to give what we want to ourself.
Demanding another to percieve reality the way YOU see things or you want things to be, is against the law of allowing and makes YOU UPSET yourself by feeling you can’t GET no satisfaction, and are frustrated and angry. Stop being in denial! You know you need to gift yourself with what you need WITHOUT tricking, taking, stealing, demanding or forcing anything from another. When you upset yourself, get angry and frustrated about what you can’t squeeze out of another you feed them your DARK energy and your dark consciousness.
Is that what you want to do?
SOMEONE ELSE cannot make you be compassionate with you. It is your JOB to rescue you, fix things for you, stay balanced and be your own caretaker and nurturer of compassion for you. Victims get triggered over and over again BY THEIR demands that OTHERS need to change to please them.
Consider aligning with universal laws and principles.
Law of ALLOWING others their path without your demands.
Law of ATTRACTION which attractslike energy, intent and resonance to you.
Law of CONSCIOUSNESS, YOU must consciously make your choices because you ARE personally responsible for them.
When the individual or organization you are interacting with, knows the self deceptions and lies you want to hear and believe. They feed them to you when they need or want something from you. You choose to comply because you have low self esteem and do not value yourself enough to be a good caretaker and nurturer of you. Repeated FORGIVENESS by a victim for the same crimes over and over again is giving your predator consent to continue their mistreatment of you.
Feedback loops are to make you CONSCIOUS not feel punished!
Trauma and addiction bonds, are deep concern about the OTHER! Instead of the self, they contractually agree to deny and avoid responsibility for the self. Trauma bonds and addictions affect the brain chemistry’s levels of dopamine and oxytocin causing emotional or physical addiction or “cravings” for certain feelings, foods, drugs, experiences and people etc. Those in denial justify and rationalize their self destructive, irrational habits and may suffer PTSD, chronic illnesses, dissociation, sleep issues and/or mental fatigue to avoid compassion for the self.
Did you say that was you?
Ask your higher self for a youtube of your self deceptions one at a time.
Dark Ones negative thoughts and intentions have created feedback loops or karma so heavy and slow that they collected matter, solidifying light to create physicality and 3D reality.
The Quantum Field is the PERPETUAL ENGINE of CREATION. The Quantum Field of quantum particles is designed to manifest ALL thoughts! The thinker’s point of perception, its intent and resonance gets created by the quantum particles as a filmy image of that concept, event, person, place, thing or time period in the now moment. When the consciousness changes focus the quantum particles disperse ready to create the next thought to interact with, explore and / or experience.
All perpetual systems come in pairs creating the double event of a weak and strong force surging back and forth to energize holograms, grid structures your breathing, thought patterns and the universe, all cycles, circles and feedback loops.
Quanta are self-directed and NEVER evaluate, blame, humiliate, punish, judge, shame or shun. Quanta travel in subspace transferring information from one end of the universe to the other end, 10,000 times faster than light, without being diminished or altered.