ALLOW Other’s

Permit, accept and allow others their judgement, blame, envy, fear, competition, anger or vengeance without you feeding them YOUR energy, by focusing on them or trying to change them.  Allow them their fear to distract themself from finding the peace and calm of going inside themself to find and create their own peace and calm in the current moment.  Trying to fix, control or force any other person has always been a fool’s errand.  A fruitless undertaking and / or mission.  Relying on our politicians or any significant individual in life, to have any sense of morality and integrity is clearly, a fool’s errand.

Aligning or engagement with any side of a conflict or war or argument means you are matching your frequency to that dispute, conflict or war and feeding it your energy which FEEDS and maintains its existance.


It is NOT your job to fix him, her, them or it!

Disputes, conflicts and wars have been dragged into this reality by our soul’s low vibrating consciousness, incarnation after incarnation for millennia that have not come to any resolution, sustained peace or compassion.  Taking and destroying what is their’s and then they take and destroy your’s.  Maintaining an unbalanced nasty consciousness of vengeance in the quarantined toxic 3D/4D resonance.  

It is wise to ALLOW those choosing fear based emotions to play out their choice  to live, feed and exist in their ancient wounds, incarnation after incarnation never seeing the cause and effect of their feedback loops.  That is why they are toxic and isolated

Quantum or Universal Law of ALLOWING, says you have the RIGHT and RESPONSIBILITY to BE and DO whatever YOU choose, with the intent and resonance your creations carry with them.

To leave a toxic feedback loop, accept YOUR JOB of forgiving and accepting you as is, without guilt, neediness, regret, blame, judgement, punishment, shame, retribution or anyother dark agenda of force or control to manipulate the consciousness of your infinite soul.  Low frequency feelings and judgement and emotion nurture no one electromagnetically and invite Dark Ones into your energy field to feed on your energy, manipulate and support you in maintain your cycles of use and abuse and the never ending distractions of “tit for tat” the infliction of an injury or insult in return for one that one has suffered.

We exist in many versions of reality, they all have a resonance or an oscillation of their own quantum spin.  The lowest slowest frequency realities reside at the bottom of the overlays, that would be 3D / 4D toxic quarantined frequencies because they are mean spirited “tit for tat” and greedy thoughts and intentions servicing the biology.  The biology’s fear based emotions are easily triggered to zip your consciousness into past time, self sabotaging habits or programs, you rerun over and over again.  

When you stay conscious you can choose again.

You can even choose  compassion for you.

Contempt is actually a defense mechanism to hold the individual together and able to function while experiencing their own TERROR and ANGER simultaneously.  They are furious and panicky about never being rescued or saved from the ongoing abuses and wounds they suffered over a great many lifetimes and they fail to notice or take into account those they have abused, neglected and created collateral damage for.

Their logic of entitlement is:

“If nobody cares about me, it doesn’t matter what I do to them, they deserve it.” Contemptuous people are in denial about the abusive reciprocal feedback cycle THEY put into play and have maintained through multiple incarnation’s on earth.  If abuse is your reality in this lifetime you can KNOW you emanated the same frequency and abuses, abandonment and indifference in this and previous realities.

Universal or quantum Principle of CAUSE and EFFECT or RECIPROCAL ACTION, nothing happens by chance or outside of the quantum field’s laws and principles.  The fact that you cannot identify a cause or effect is IRRELEVANT.   For every thought, intent or action there is a resonance, consequence, reaction you created for you consciously or not so consciously.

Sometimes one’s confusion, anger and blame can become so consuming your  higher self can entangle its quanta with the human’s entrained gray soul, to speed up the soul and human’s quanta enough to break up the density and release the remaining STUCK energy of contempt the human had chose to release.

What you consider unpleasant or negative is only one point of perception on the continuum or chain of “cause and effects” over thousands of incarnations, creations and experiences.  Stretching out for as long as you care to notice.  The butterfly effect, in the chaos theory, is the phenomenon where a minute localized change in a complex system of cause and effects that you care to focus on for a long or short period of time, can have large effects down the line, as the chain of cause and effects continues its cascading flow.  Your soul is infinite.  Biology is finite.

Obsessing about why you couldn’t change another to please you is not a wise compassionate way to interact with the self or others.  Making you joyful and feel loved is always your job for you to continuously create for you.  No one else can do it for you.  Fully accept you only have the power and wisdom to percieve or change YOU in a new or different direction.  Your intent, focus and energy needs to be all about what you can change or fix or percieve differently in you!  You can only ACCEPT or give the amount of compassion and love from another that you have given to YOU FIRST!  

Embrace what makes you unique.  People that accept and have compassion for the self know they are flawed and make mistakes, but they are seekers and energy movers.  They accept and care about themselves and seek ways to evolve their giving and receiving compassion, which helps dissipate fear, anxiety, anger and wounds.

Spacecraft and human sentient life forms are piloted with their THOUGHTS, sensations, pictures and intent.  The pilot and passengers also harmonize and homogenize their thought and intent with the ship, as per the law of attraction and entrainment.  Just as Gaia and Her higher resonating human’s consciousness are in sync together currently, giving and receiving only compassion.  They SHRINK or EXPAND as needed to match the vibration and intent of the reality they exist in and are experiencing in the now moment all together. 

Spacecraft, portals, planets and people can put up shields, boundaries around themselves, to close their electromagnetic field or aura, to avoid being penetrated by anything or anyone carrying a lower resonance than they carry.  In higher frequencies different areas of a ship, planet, biology, microbiome, relationship or house will morph and change to meet the current thoughts, intent and needs. 

Living is organic.  Sentient means able to feel and sense.

Computers are able to store and process data, just as human biology, planets, orbs and spacecrafts do, which are all, various sized organic sentient computers that respond to “the thinker’s” thought, frequency and state of consciousness.

Quantum particles respond to the thinker’s thought, intent and resonance or frequency to manifest that image, clean and strong, sloppy, chaotic and hard to interpret and everything in-between.  That is also what your microbiome does, listens to your self talk that is nurturing or not so nurturing thought and self talk you give it, physically, mentally and emotionally.

Any spacecraft you see around earth will look like you expect it to look, reading and matching your thoughts and beliefs to encourage your trust and sense of safety with them.  Dark One’s “stimulus response reaction” is generally fear and the need to run, fight, destroy and/or take advantage of, if possible.  

The individuals inside the craft will appear in a form that you find acceptable or believable to you, warriors, monsters or friendly dude’s and dudes’s or those in higher frequencies have integrated the characteristics and skills of both sexes.

Sentient life forms, in the light bandwidth or quantum field are created with the creator’s consciousness or imagination.  Entities that inhabit starships, homes, planets or biology know that they are NOT a separate consciousness from their ship, planet, home or biology.  All entities know they are not really separated from each other.  The same way a human and their companion pet’s consciousness is not really separated, they read or know the thoughts and feelings of each other as they focus on them.  Sending mental images, words and/or sensations back and forth.

It took 30% of the mass consciousness to reach the tipping point on earth to move into the higher frequency of compassion. November 8-9, 2003 the Harmonic Concordance, when our 5D/6D higher selves were asked, “Do you give permission for your multidimensional and physical DNA to be changed?  YES!  Male and female energy was high enough to start melding back together as the one unit they once were.  November 11, 2011, Gaia’s operation system was moved from freewill energy stored in 4D crystals, inside Gaia, ONTO the Crystalline grid around Gaia.

“The dark gray fear grid” that surrounded Gaia, attracting and entraining Dark One’s choices and actions, has been and is in process of being transmuted.  2012 and beyond ALL consciousness grids were raised enough to LEAVE the freewill resonance of humanity and move into the frequency of give and receive ONLY compassion.

Patience, those still choosing “freewill force” are in process of being removed.

There is no one to blame or praise for where you are except you.  

GUILT and SHAME, sensations are built on your fear that you are not worthy of acceptance and compassion.  Because of the lies and misdirections we all spread and followed, mistakes we all made, hardships, disappointments and sadness we have all created and endured, which is why we existed in a quarantined reality for more incarnation than we can count.  If we continue to feed our cycles of guilt and shame nothing changes for you.  

LEAVE suffering it has no spiritual value.  

Guilt, shame and blame onto the self and others has no spiritual value.  

FUN and the JOY of conscious creating elevate your perceptions and frequency!  

Each infinite soul in this reality, incarnated with a very long history of interacting with all the other souls it interacted with MANY times before.  Your main group will carry similar vibrations, intents, ideas, values, customs, secrets, lies, denials, distractions and consciousness.  Is your group of souls in transition?

Those feeding on drama, eating junk food and toxins, drugging or sexing are liable and responsible for their choice of distractions used to numb them from being aware and responsible for themself.  Understanding that what they are experiencing is a feedback loop they put into play.  Your template of a stable compassionate presence presents another option.  Ask your higher self for needed information, clarification. and energetic support.