Entangling QUANTA

Quantum entanglement, is when one set of quantum particles, interact with, are connected to and respond to each other regardless of how close or far away they are from each other.  My strongly focused thought and intention on another individual’s consciousness across the globe can be felt and read or understood by them, their consciousness or higher self and the human if the human is conscious and receptive.  This is a way to communicate, without using physical communication devices.

Quanta travel in subspace transferring information, your thought and intention, from one end of the universe to the other end 10,000 times faster than light, without being diminished or altered.  Quanta are self-directed and NEVER evaluate, blame, humiliate, punish, judge, shame or shun.

“Like quanta” attract and entrain together.  Albert Einstein said, “Everything in Life is Vibration” Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality, law of attraction and entrainment.  The connection of quantum entanglement, means that a change in one particle immediately affects or alerts the other, regardless of how far apart they are.  Focus on another sentient being (everything is sentient) entangles your quanta, while your focus and intention is present in that now moment.

Raising your frequency, (quanta spin) by increasing your compassionate thinking is sharing your faster quanta spin, your energy field, to create more of what you want to experience and that will increase Gaia’s mass consciousness in the process.  Gaia’s compassionate operating system has new opportunities and heightened awareness for our personal and the planet’s growth and development.
OVERLAYING AURAS or OVER-LIGHTING is when a higher resonance or frequency (quanta spin) thought or intention is entangled for a bit of time.  This is done by or with another human, and/or any other consciousness (animal, plant, weather, rock) OR a consciousness from the invisible realm that entangles their quanta with yours.  They are offering an energy field of compassionate thought pattern(s), new information and/or different options to you or another by entangling their quantum particles to answer or address the thought or question you are currently focused on and dealing with.

Quantum entanglement is used to expand a person or a group’s awareness without the use of force by honoring the quantum law of allowing.  This process is immersion into the next higher resonance of knowledge and wisdom, while offering you the freewill to notice, use and choose, or not to use and ignore.  This happens as an individual, or as a group, planet or universe.  Gaia’s mass consciousness and those that are in a higher frequency of her aura are experiencing quantum entanglement with Her higher frequencies now.

Gaia, the motherboard and all others in this holograph are being immersed in faster spinning quanta now.  Some people notice, integrate and expand with the frequencies.  Dark Ones are exceedingly uncomfortable and increasingly unbalanced by higher frequencies, reacting with anger, upset and sometimes violence and even war.  They don’t want to surrender their short lived perks of suppressing, forcing or controlling the self and others.

The resonance of your thoughts and intent attract like resonances to create a version of what is inside of you, OUTSIDE of you, for you to better perceive the reality you have in you and are operating with.  

Yes, it’s all about you and your perceptions!

Humanities unpleasant events, interactions and feedback loops will always have a combination of positive and negative outcomes without resolution because they lack balance, consciousness and compassion.  Creating peace internally for you enables you to emanate peace, calm and balance externally.

Each frequency of reality has its own key principles, beliefs and behaviors that define it. Quantum law of attraction electromagnetically draws LIKE frequencies, resonances or vibrations of INFINITE soul essences together.

Quantum law of entrainment homogenizes customs, ideas, values and the consciousness’s together to increase harmony.  Harmony for Dark Ones or Light Ones.