Patience!  It Is COMPLEX

November 8-9, 2003 the Harmonic Concordance, our 5D/6D higher self gave permission for our multidimensional and physical DNA to be moved into our next highest resonance.  Male and female energy frequency on Gaia was high enough to start melding the energies back together as one complete resonance. 

November 11, 2011, Gaia’s quarantined 3D/4D FREEWILL operating system since the fall of Atlantis energy was stored in 4D crystals, inside of Gaia energetically.  Human Dark One’s freewill choices had become to create fear and control of each other.  This created, attracted and entrained a dark gray energetic fear grid around Gaia supporting choices lacking compassion.  

Energetically when in 2003 the mass consciousness of humanity was at 50/50 percentage of dark to light up from the average of 40% light since Atlantis, our 5D/6D higher selves adjusted the frequency of the grid to support give and receive compassion and over time transmuting the gray grid INTO a Crystalline grid of compassion around Gaia’s planet and the consciousness of her humans.

November 2024 third week in and for the next six weeks after, our 5D/6D higher selves will be compressing as much of the dense, stagnant, lacking compassion energy as they can in their human avatar, to then transmute it into the next highest frequency for each individual soul, and its human that will accept and allow that.  Which in turn will increase the mass consciousness of Gaia and her compassion.

The human biology has never gone through anything this compressed and compact before and it will stress the human nervous system and physical body.  Ideally as much of the individuals emotional traumas, fear and negativity of the soul’s history of toxicity from all its 3D/4D incarnations as the human and soul are willing to release will be transmute from its multidimensional and human DNA. 

During the last 6 weeks of 2024 our higher self will have a chance to restore the prime resonance to our organs if our biology frequency and consciousness is high enough to accept that.

Changes are hard to comprehend and accept with grace when they are complex, unknown and arrive rapidly.  

Shifts in the types of thoughts being supported and expanded now will be compassionate ones instead of Dark Ones endless types of fear and oppression of the self and each other.  This challenges our long held beliefs and the choices and skills we developed to survive with the dominate energy being fear, anger, vengeance, sexists, racists “might makes right” and chaos.  Predictably Dark Ones operating in lower vibrations are “acting out and in” their fears by protesting and resistance to “their dark night of the soul” and their ill gotten gains.  Actual physical movement geographically will be happening now for personal, work related reasons and climate change.

Our gut literally instructs the brain on how to think, feel, act, and operate.  Signals from neurotransmitters and hormones travel in both directions.  Roughly 90% of these signals are sent UP from the gut to the brain, not the other way around.  The healthy person has an abundance of 2 specific bacteria thriving in their GUTS that are rare and not commonly found in the average person’s gut microbiome, bacteria  L. rhamnosus and L. paracasei that support the Blood Brain Barrier.  Our BBB protects the brain and central nervous system.  A strong BBB can fight lectins, environmental toxins and the  age-accelerating free radicals.  From Dr. Gundry.

Earth is upgrading, testing humanities willingness and skill to be compassionate and use new compassionate OPPORTUNITIES and thought patterns.  Testing your choices, what are you willing to try, accept, and use or throw a tantrum about.  Deciding what you will and won’t commit to, saying yes too quickly or sticking to your ethics and integrity?  Begging another or supreme being to be responsible for you?

PATIENCE, calm, rational compassionate thought processes aligned with quantum law is needed to consciously choose and maintain your movement into compassion for you.  It is safe to expose and express your feelings and musings, share your reflections and deep serious thoughts.  Question, factcheck and do your research.  Risk being open, honest and vulnerable to others, which often creates a sense of acceptance, trust, creativity and joy.  People generally connect closer to those that own their weaknesses and share their vulnerabilities. 

Embracing the ever-changing nature of existence allows us to move forward with resilience and grace.  Rather than succumb to fear, regret or resistance.  Now is the time to choose, express and own the you that you are, and are becoming.  Life is an ever-changing journey that we travel, deny or distract ourself from.

Ask your higher self for things you need to consider or dwell on now.

Currently on the planet there are considerable amounts of shedding and the transmuting of dense stuck fearful energy broken up and transmuted for us individually and as groups.  We amplify the shedding by SENSING our heart and GUT reactions, validating and supporting our intuition.  Heart and intuitive knowing is also emanating from within Gaia.  

Universal, Cosmic, Quantum Principle of PERPETUAL TRANSMUTATION is all sentient beings can change their resonance, intent or state of consciousness continuously.

Regardless of the origin of a thought, feeling, emotion, dysfunction, knowledge, intention or healing.  Your conscious quantum energy can entangle, entrain or meld with anyother quanta, to “hang together” move it in another direction, reinforce or redirect it.  Elevated frequencies always do this with agreements of consent and compassion.

Transmutation is conscious movement into higher frequencies of compassion.  You ALONE hold the power to change your low resonating thought patterns, intention and HABITS of negativity, sadness, anger, blame, shame, depression, competition, righteous indignation and/or judgment into thought patterns of compassion for you.

Law of Conservation of Energy.  The first law of thermodynamics, also known as Law of Conservation of Energy, states that energy cannot be created or destroyed; energy can only be transferred or changed from one form into another. 

When feeling stressed by technology or overwhelmed by living, moving into nature or water may assist in breaking up and resetting your balance and focus into compassion for you and using your intuition more.  Full-bodied laughter or tears are wonderful ways to refocus yourself and your senses, JOY is even better.

SUICIDE is frequently an inability to see other viable solutions for what is a spiritual dilemma of the INFINITE soul essence.  Spiritual and moral dilemmas remain in the aura’s multidimensional DNA waiting to be addressed and the wisdom gathered. 

  Spiritual reasons for leaving one’s biology may be that your soul has completed the mission it entered a body to accomplish.  Some souls commit suicide to honor their truths.  Sometimes infants and children die in an effort to create compassion in another.  Some die to end a dark cycle of codependency or trauma.  Some children and adult bodies are soulless, leaving the biology in greater vulnerability to disease or accidents or mental illness and hopelessness or manipulation by Dark One(s).  Light Ones may refurbish the body and enter it for a constructive purpose. 

Loss of a form or biology is a 3D physical issue only.  The infinite soul lacking the wisdom about cause and effect will remain in its density and lack of compassion.