The Quantum Field of quantum particles is!

Universal, Cosmic, Quantum Principle of THOUGHT is that quantum particles organize themself to create a filmy image of ANY thoughts a consciousness has, with the resonance and clarity that the THINKER’S intention has or lacks.

The thinker’s point of perception, the intent and resonance that intent carries gets created, manifested by quantum particles as a filmy image of that entity, concept, event, person, place, thing or time period.  That is the now moment or present time.  When the consciousness changes focus the quantum particles disperse ready to create the next thought to interact with, explore and/or experience. 

MYTHICAL BEINGS are HUMAN creations carrying the vibration and intent of their human creator(s).  Those building onto the original creation alter it to suit their current intent, needs and wants.  Human’s project and support WHAT they want to see reflected back to themself.  Humans do that with their child, all females, all a certain colored people, their pet, a famous or infamous or political person.  Santa Clause, The Tooth Fairy, Elves, 3D/4D divine and semi-divine entities, devils dragons, gods and other imaginary creatures all created, maintained and evolved by human thoughts and intentions.

The Quantum Field of quantum particles is the PERPETUAL ENGINE of CREATION.  All perpetual systems come in pairs creating the double event of a weak and strong force surging back and forth to energize holograms, grid structures your breathing, thought patterns and the universe, all cycles, circles and feedback loops.

Quanta are self-directed and NEVER evaluate, blame, humiliate, punish, judge, shame or shun.  Quanta travel in subspace transferring information from one end of the universe to the other end, 10,000 times faster than light, without being diminished or altered.

Proof of the intangible is found in your sensations, actions and the type of energy your consciousness swims in.  Assigning names, personalities and jobs to the being’s or energy field’s around you is misleading and can be very limiting.  There is far more going on around you energetically than what you imagine.  Entities change composition as your thought and intent change to make you feel safe and trusting with them.

Angels are interdimensional beings that function as groups, not as individuals, without biology and the group is always compassionate.  Archangels organize and move energy as it’s needed in the Universe or quantum field.  There are many non-biological forms called entities that can’t be isolated or compartmentalize to a singular source there are no hard “walls” to consciousness and therefore the idea of assigning names and personalities to interdimensional beings is limiting and misleading.  Clairvoyants see the current entities that the human, has manifested, attracted in that moment to help and support that human.  That’s why Auric photography (energy photography) differs from day to day.  These entities are fluid taking any shape they like or you need to believe exists to guide and support you.

In 5D and beyond entities are one compassionate mind with many thinkers, feelings and senses entangled in the quantum field together.  There is close bonding, support, trust and clear constructive purpose.  Entities in the quantum field resonate at a frequency that humans need to interpret with their expanded physical senses, intuition and consciousness.  Higher frequencies are aligned with the quantum laws and principles of give and receive only compassion.  If and when an entity, consciousness chooses toxic thinking and intent lacking compassion, they are quarantined in a lower frequency of 3D/4D UNconsciousness.

Linear time OR the NOW moment.  Quarantined 3D/4D has linear time, the past that cannot be changed.  The present, which sets up the future.  This is a cause and effect reality designed to make people consciously aware and responsible for their thought and its intent.

Ascension is a one-time, profound shift in the infinite quantum particle energy or guide soup and changing of the guard is one system torn down and another higher frequency of thought and intent has been built within the same biology, conduit.