Physical and QUANTUM DNA


Quantum biology is an emerging field of science, established in the 1920s, looking at the role subatomic particles of quantum mechanics plays in living cells. Quantum mechanics is an interdisciplinary field by nature, bringing together nuclear physicists, biochemists and molecular biologists.

In a research paper published by the journal Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, a team from Surrey’s Leverhulme Quantum Biology Doctoral Training Centre used state-of-the-art computer simulations and quantum methods to determine the role proton tunneling played in spontaneous mutations inside DNA.  Proton tunneling is the spontaneous disappearance of a proton from one location and the same proton’s re-appearance nearby.

Quantum biology is the field of study that investigates processes in living organisms that cannot be accurately described by the classical laws of physics. This means that quantum theory has to be applied to understand those processes. All matter is living matter and subject to the laws of physics.  Genes are micro-entities, so genes are ruled by quantum mechanics, the science of micro-world.  Heredity has the properties of superposition, uncertainty and entanglement that obey the principles of quantum mechanics.  Therefore, genes are quantum information in nature.

Human DNA, deoxyribonucleic acid, is our physical hereditary material, which  interacts with and connects the human to the infinite soul’s multidimensional DNA structure of quantum particles and energy.  The infinite soul is an aspect of a multiple having roughly 15 to 33 pieces on a continuum or spectrum of frequencies.  Similar to the concept that our body is made up of many parts each having their particular areas of functioning and resonance to make us one person.  Human’s soul aspect works with its human and/or a few other humans at the same time, in the “now” moment or their present time circle’s, cycles or feedback loops.

DNA grids are roughly divided into 12 parts, 4 groups of 3.  Each numbered layer of DNA carries particular types of focused energy and characteristics of interaction with each other.  Similar to the way chakras interact within the whole system.

In the first DNA group of 3, only a few are active for humans while the others lie dormant, waiting for your giving and receiving only compassion consciousness thought patterns to come on line or activate as the human “individually” aligns with quantum laws and principles again. Multidimensional DNA carries the memory of all the infinite soul’s experience’s, imprints, habits and movements into lower and higher resonances.

Two Billion or 2,000,000,000 years ago ancient bacteria, we call mitochondria, were engulfed by other cells and in exchange for the nutrients from the cell, the bacteria made energy for that cell in the form of ATP adenosine triphosphate.  If the cell dies or the mitochondria get out of the cell, our human immune system views them as bacteria and tries to kill them.  Mitochondria have their own DNA and there can be hundreds or thousand of mitochondria in one cell.  Scientifically we know mitochondria are the energy producing organelles found in almost all parts of the human body except red blood cells that don’t have mitochondria.  Human microbiome and mitochondrial DNA are gifted by mom to her fetus.

One Hundred Thousand or 100,000 years ago, like most mammals of Earth there were a wide variety of different kinds of humans.  At that time the Pleiadians, altered the genetic codes for the current human to be the core race, and stoped the development of the other branches of humans. 

NOT as a lesson or punishment.  

Our higher selves, that were and are Pleiadians for many of us, decided Earth humans were going to experiment with how the “human animal” would handle having freewill or choice, to be as nasty or nice as they liked as an INDIVIDUAL.  The Pleiadian DNA provided Humans with a healthy life-span and kind thought patterns.

During the time of Lemuria and Atlantis, reptilians from Draco and some dark Pleiadians installed thought patterns in humans DNA, that supported fear, hard work and glorified slavery.  This lowered the resonance of human’s consciousness, that meant the 4D soul aspect, to match the human’s resonance, modified itself to entrain with its human’s resonance of fear based feelings, beliefs of abuse, force and control glorifying greed and a lack of compassion.  Generally there is a 10-20 percentage point difference between the biology and soul’s compassion or light.

As mentioned in the bible, the “sons of God” who married the “daughters of men” in Genesis 6:4.  Reptilians were considered the “sons of God” at that time and now a minimum of 20% reptilian DNA and our limbic system, is found in all human’s DNA grid system.  

There were and are more than 22 different alien race’s, that donated their DNA to humans at various times.  They are generally an aspect of our soul called the higher self and may well be interacting with the human’s consciousness now, quarantined or not. 

To name a few; Arcturians, Pleiadians, Sirians, Bellatrician, Dracos, Octurians and/or Orions.  Currently many humans and their soul are dealing with their inability to release their fears, real or imagined, greed and their lack of compassion.  The Draco, currently called Illuminati’s agenda of severing the biology from the soul’s wisdom, support, guidance and compassion was pretty successful, by making the human think the soul and higher self are “the devil” or evil and something to be feared and not trusted.

Around the time of a physical birth on earth or any planet, the soul will carry the same resonance that the mass consciousness of the planet has.  From the time of Atlantis until around the 1940s the mass consciousness interwoven in an infant’s soul, if they had one, was around 40% compassion or light.  There has been an increase in the mass consciousness, as each human individually raises compassion for the self, which increases the mass consciousness. 

Group ONE of the 12 parts of our DNA, includes the physical DNA our scientists see now and will see later with more advanced equipment.  3D/4D aspects of our consciousness like our soul, higher self, guides and angelic entities, are all aspects of ourself separated out for us to better understand and interact with how each aspect operates, to consciously understand cause and effect, which ideally increases our ability  to gather and use wisdom instead of “stimulus response” getting triggered.

Currently pieces and parts of our DNA we don’t have the equipment to see yet, are being up graded.  Now when scientists see DNA with ragged edges, those are codes no longer used they are being deactivated along with implants we have had.  Genes are in process of rearranging themselves, some systems are moving in new directions in the 4D layer of our DNA and in the human genome of DNA.  Immune systems are being strengthening, life expectancy is increasing.  As a race humans are experiencing what the Pleiadians went through long ago and have moved on to seed and restructuring DNA on other planets.

The next or 2nd highest vibrating infinite soul aspect on the continuum of our multiple soul, would be our 5D/6D higher self, which is generally an extraterrestrial or what we call alien, frequently a Pleiadian, but there are many others, that generally carry 71-91% compassion or light and reside in the quantum field most of the time.  We notice and interact with their presence in our consciousness or knowingness when information or messages are dropped into our awareness.  Humans have many 4D/5D things and interactions that we consider 3D physical interaction, but in reality are 4D/5D.

Parallel lives is NOT another physical Human, living a parallel life.  It’s your consciousness that is experiencing activities actually happening in your energy field.  An aspect of your soul or higher self may be in a parallel reality, resonance doing what you are doing in the same timeline having different outcomes.  

Temple of Rejuvenation is NOT a building and never will be again, as it was  described in past texts, NOW it is intuitive and in the human’s personal control to activate their own DNA.  The temple represented the blueprint of our original DNA.  Group TWO is human and soul ON LINE, in sync with each other operating at 80% or more compassion and light in the quantum field.  Giving and receiving only compassion most of the time working together aligned with quantum laws and principles. 

Principle of PURE INTENT is compassion with nothing to gain or lose.  Anytime you have pure intent, the process is accomplished!  NO character, symbol, word of any language has power in and of itself.  Voicing combined with your knowledge, frequency and intent gets the awareness of quantum particles for you to receive benefit or attract what you seek and energy you move to create with.  Only what is appropriate is delivered to you inter dimensionally and at the time it is needed including new developments in the sciences.

Quantum spiritual things have very little 3D proof, faith and knowingness is used. 

Group THREE is the DNA frequencies of seven, eight and nine.

  Group FOUR is the DNA frequencies ten, eleven and twelve.