TIMING of the IR

The invisible realm operates with the probabilities of a thing happening or not happening and the closer you get to the event the more accurate the probability will be.  The IR doesn’t operate with linear time, so exactly when a probability will happen is iffy.  Humanity operates with two kinds of time that exist together, but linear time of past, present and future is an illusion artificially created and slowed down for Dark Ones to understand in greater depth CAUSE and EFFECT.  For every thought, intent or action there is a resonance or frequency, consequence or reaction your thought and/or action creates for you consciously or not so consciously.  Each resonance or frequency has very particular characteristics of interactions, themes or purposes, with unique customs, intentions, ideas, values, sensations, colors, sounds, tastes and smells.

  “Now time” or “present time” is a CIRCLE, a feedback loop or a cycle that the infinite soul created for itself.  AND the infinite soul and/or human ALWAYS has the ability and permission to change their feedback loops anytime they wish. 

Quantum Principle of PERPETUAL TRANSMUTATION is all sentient beings can change their resonance, intent or state of consciousness continuously.

How long the infinite soul and/or human takes to travel over the same spot, circle, feedback loop, thought and/or behavior to complete one circle, cycle or feedback loop depends entirely on them.  Revisiting the same thing over and over creates a fairly small strong cycle.  For example eating toxic food or drink and experiencing what it does in the biology and thoughts over and over again is a small reinforcing cycle or circle.  Yearly celebration’s of what you destroyed or created is a yearly cycle.  Some circles, cycles or feedback loops take a lifetime.  The earth has a yearly path, circle or cycle that is predictably completes each year.

When you traverse the same path again and again, go over the same ground in the same way, the energies you originally laid down get entrenched, stronger and rather familiar.  Metaphorically, this is why past incarnations of our soul often lead to a current life with more resolve and knowingness.

The invisible realm delivers messages and information about what is appropriate in the now moment, as it is needed, and/or about what has already been “thought of” or a new template laid out by a human on the planet.  This is the planet of free choice or will for a few more years.

Time is relative to what you perceive around you.

As the density of our cellular structure decreases with closer alignment to quantum law we can “lock in” a location of time, a period of times or event site for as long as we stay focused on it.

Things, quantum particle constructions in the fourth dimension or 4D can be tested to prove they exist, with magnetics and gravity because of the strong physics relationship between their density of mass, time frame of our reality, and the location of the mass.

Many times information or energies from the IR are potentials for future things, like “taking the next step” will be laid out.  Which probably does NOT mean, the very human, right NOW!  Humans move too soon, and when things don’t work out they feel defeated or wrong.  Humans need to wait for ALL the other aspects of their co-creation to catch up to them.  “Listen” ALLOW and honor the other parts and pieces of your co-creation to come on line, instead of unconsciously pushing forward and perceiving the self as a failure.

Have the courage and the good sense, to ALLOW and surrender micromanaging, forcing or controling especially the minutia of your project.  Have the courage to dismiss the details of your expectations and wait for something better or improved to be offered.  Your higher self has more information and is a library of more options than you could even conceive of.  Higher frequencies and your soul do not operate with linear time only humans do.  They act when there is the highest probability that all of the piece’s of the project, are ready to function optimally.  

When you receive messages, you are simply receiving confirmation of your own intuitive thoughts about agreements you have made previously.  This is a signal to GET READY, to start pulling information and things together to accomplish your mission.

Now you need to WAIT for all the other pieces to be ready.

Negativity, dissociating, unconsciousness or being buttered all over the universe will attract a predator to victimize you, because you lowered your resonance enough to  match their’s.  Your own EXPECTATION and/or synchronicity of being victimized is custom-built for the appropriate predator.  You’ve ordered what you focused on, in present time creating a strong bias for your future experience and synchronicities.

When working with your higher self or the invisible realm keep asking questions to increase your information about the direction to take each step of the way.  They always have more statistics and data than you have about you and everyone else and everything else involved.

An example, Working with a group of adults or children ask your higher self how much light their mass consciousness is.  Or how much compassion the individual and/or the group operates with.  When the group or individual is in the 60-70% of compassion, discern which direction they are moving in?  Into compassion or lacking compassion, devolving into victim, predator and confused innocent cycles, trauma and abuse circles, cycles, feedback loops OR compassionate creating circles?

When the group or individual is less than 60% light, ask what action has the highest probability of a positive outcome with them.  

How should you proceed or just allow them their path without you? 

If the group is 70% light and going lighter what action has the highest probability of a positive outcome.  

Quantum LAW of RESONANCE, vibration or frequency, is each resonance has different event sites with particular themes or purposes that have unique customs, intentions, ideas, values, sensations, colors, sounds, tastes and smells.  Vibrations or frequencies are predictable, measurable and can be calculated and understood.  You interact in real time with any resonance your thought patterns electromagnetically match, attract and entrain with.

The speed of the quantum spin a particle has is dictated by the percentage of light/compassion the human thought and intent hold.  Quantum particles create a filmy image of any thoughts a consciousness has, with the resonance and clarity that the THINKER HAS and operates with. 

The quantum field has no time or space and is in a continuous flow of give and receive ONLY compassion.  When the THOUGHT is NOT compassionate the quantum spin of the quantum particles slows and collects matter, dropping the consciousness OUT of the quantum field into the quarantined toxic dark bandwidth of 3D/lower 4D resonance reflecting back to you, the vibration YOUR thoughts and perceptions hold most of the time.